This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2025

We Choose The Moon

For those who aren’t already watching/listening We Choose The Moon is replaying the live audio (delayed 40 years) from Apollo 11. As I type it is 1 hour and 13 minutes until they begin the lunar decent, and 3 hours and 45 minutes until the landing. Worth a listen.

Doctor 11 – Seriously, a Bow Tie?

First Photo of Next Doctor’s Costume
(Doctor Who Official News Site, 20 Jul 2009)

His new costume comprises black boots, dark trousers, a smart shirt and bow tie with a light brown jacket completing the ensemble. It says adventure. It says laid back cool. It says Time Lord chic and we’re loving it!

Uh huh.

Nice Deposit

I did a deposit to my bank recently. I forget the exact amount, but I was surprised when I got in the mail a note saying that the amount on my deposit slip did not match the amount of the actual deposit, but they noticed the error and fixed it. Too bad, because apparently they had me trying to make a deposit of over $9 million dollars. I wish I had made a deposit like that. I really would appreciate that.

However, the explanation is of course more simple. Whoever processed the deposit put my account number into the deposit amount. Oops. (I know it wasn’t me, as I use a standard form for any deposit I make with the account number pre-filled.) Anyway, oops.

They could have just given me the $9 Million. I would not have complained.

Baby Squirrel

I know posting has been light lately, so here is a heartwarming video of a baby squirrel.

(via Neatorama)

Snuggie Showdown

Ultimate Battle: The Snuggie vs. Slanket vs. Freedom Blanket vs. Blankoat
(Jason Chen, Gizmodo, 30 Mar 2009)

The Slanket, the Snuggie, the Freedom Blanket or the supremely expensive and extravagant Blankoat? This is the most important question of the millennium. You’re about to know the answer.

Those who haven’t seen the Snuggie ad or one of its many parodies and aren’t aware of the blanket-with-sleeves phenomenon get no sympathy from us. Unless, you’ve just awoken from an eight-month coma, in which case: Welcome back! To recap, the Snuggie is the most famous and widely marketed of the many blanket-with-sleeves. The Freedom Blanket originated the idea, the Slanket followed up, and recently, the Blankoat decided to take it into a ridiculous dimension.

But which is the best for you? We tried each of them the way they were meant to be worn: on the sofa, lying down, with one fist buried in a bag of Doritos and the other cradling a bottle of beer. We gained thirty-five pounds, but it was so worth it.

And for those of you who think that the whole blanket-with-sleeves product could just as easily be accomplished with a robe worn backwards? We tested that too.

Of course you’ll have to click through to read the results of the test… :-)

Blue Whale

OK, I give up, your damn marketing campaign worked. I’ve seen this damn blurb in the feeds of it seems like dozens of the blogs I have in Google Reader. Or maybe it was dozens of times in the same blogs. I don’t know. In any case, it seems like I’ve been seeing it over and over and over again.

Blue whales are the planet’s largest creatures, yet we hardly ever see them. Their calls travel thousands of miles, but we can barely hear them. Now, National Geographic embarks on a mission to witness what nobody ever has in these waters; blue whales eating and giving birth.
Click to Learn More

Fine. I just set my Tivo to record it. You win. This is probably the first internet ad campaign I’ve clicked on in many years, and not only that, I’m going to watch your damn TV show. You win. You can stop now. Or do I have to see this another 500 times before Sunday?

Stewart on CNBC

I’m sure most of you have seen this by now, It has been linked to from pretty much everywhere, but I’m running a bit behind on my feeds right now, so for those of you who haven’t…

Hey Ma, Look What I Found!

Dr Who Dalek found in pond
(Daily Telegraph, 4 Mar 2008)

Sales executive Marc Oakland was pushing a rake around the bed of the shallow pool when he found the object with its distinctive eye stalk.

The 42-year-old said: “I’d just shifted a tree branch with my foot when I noticed something dark and round slowly coming up to the surface.

“I got the shock of my life when a Dalek head bobbed up right in front of me.”

(via Outpost Gallifrey)


Um… I really don’t know what to think of this.

Interactive Jacuzzi Girl

(via The Daily Dish)

For the record, I picked “Peel Her a Potato”, “Rub Her Face With a Mop” and then “Slap Her with a Fish”.

The Other Mistake

The other mistake that lots of people are mentioning on TV and on the Internet is the bit in the inaugural address where Obama said “Forty four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.” Of course, while Obama is the 44th President, only 43 people have taken the oath, because Grover Cleveland was both number 22 and number 24 due to serving non-consecutive terms.

And I thought Obama was going to be a stickler for details! Disappointed twice already!