This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Done Testing For Now

Thanks for your patience. I was testing some post by email stuff. I had tried this before in September and been pretty unhappy with the results. Today I was taking the time to work out some of the kinks.

Done testing for the moment. Unless I decide to test something else, which happens sometimes.

AbulBlog Revisited

So, I finally got around to doing something I’ve been meaning to do for literally years… migrate my blog off the venerable pMachine, a blogging platform that was nice enough for what it was back in July 2003 when I first switched the front page of my site from a static page to a blog format… but which stopped development a number of years back and has not moved forward. It was way overdue for me to move. I picked WordPress for the new engine. I’d actually decided that years ago, but had just never gotten around to it. In addition to just setting aside the time, I had slowed myself down by wanting to migrate all the old content. There are ways to do it of course, but since pMachine is so old and was never THAT popular, there was no one click method, rather it would consist of following some 50 step process I found online, and even then not everything would be perfect, posts would have new URLs, etc.

So at some point I decided to not worry about that and just archive the old blog and start fresh with a new one. All of the old blog is still there, still at the old URLs, and still actually active if anybody wants to post new comments there or whatever. I’m done posting there though, and everything new will be on the new platform, which is of course now at

Over the course of Sunday and all the evenings since, I think I’ve managed to roughly reproduce the parts of the old site I wanted to retain while adding a variety of new things which are now possible with a nice modern blogging tool. Poke around a bit and you’ll find a few things different than before, and hopefully more interesting, but if not, whatever. I like it. :-)

Fun stuff, although I must say I’ve been a bit short on sleep as I slogged through getting various things to work just the way I wanted them to. I’m sure I’ve missed some things and I’ll still be tweaking and fixing things for weeks to come… if any of you readers see something broken, please let me know… I know there are at least a few things… but as of a few minutes ago it was finally at the point I was ready to switch over.

This is the first official non-test post on the new blog. Woo Woo. Exciting, huh?

Yeah, yeah, I know, this is all boring meta stuff. I’ll shut up now and normal blogging will resume next time I have something actual to blog about.

In the mean time though, I have actually retained all the test posts and such that I did while setting things up, because I find many of them amusing. I encourage you all to poke through them and be entertained. You could of course find them all by navigating on the site, but for convenience, here are all the test posts and such that were made while I was working on getting things set up:

Sun 2 Aug 2009:

Mon 3 Aug 2009:

Tue 4 Aug 2009:

Wed 5 Aug 2009:

And that brings us up to now. Yay!