This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Multiply Your Gifts

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan is back from Moscow and joins Sam to talk about his impressions of Russia. They also hit most of the last week of Trump administration craziness, they talk about Franken, Franks, Conyers, and Moore as part of the latest round of sexual harassment fallout, and they round it out with a little discussion of Bitcoin, CryptoKitties, iPhone X, and even Sam’s somewhat different Christmas tree.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-12-08
Length this week – 1:30:53

  • (0:00:15-0:29:27) But First
    • Thomas rap
    • Agenda
    • Bitcoin
    • iPhone X
    • Sam’s screen
    • Sam’s tree
  • (0:30:42-0:47:32) Ivan in Russia
    • Impressions of Moscow
    • Russian views on Putin
    • Sanctions
    • Russian views on the USA
    • Pee Tape
  • (0:48:18-1:21:58) Trump Stuff
    • Trump admitting obstruction?
    • Can the President obstruct justice?
    • Can the President be indicted?
    • Constitutional edge cases
    • SCOTUS on Travel Ban
    • Manafort’s OpEd
    • Ollie North is back!
    • Jerusalem
    • Other Stuff
  • (1:23:42-1:30:27) Politicians Who Harass
    • Franken
    • Franks
    • Conyers
    • Moore


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Trick or Treating!

Heading out to Trick or Treat. He was reluctant at first, saying he wanted to stay home. But then he got brave and off we went. He was Thomas though. Clifford didn’t make the cut after all.

You can see the laser light thing I set up in the background too.

The first house Alex went to. He went up and rang the doorbell and collected the candy all on his own. He would say “trick or treat” between houses, but was always really quiet when he was actually at a house. He would nod his head when they asked if he was Thomas though.

This Year’s First Costume

This was actually LAST year’s costume. Last year Alex absolutely refused to wear it. He made ME wear it. So we went around trick or treating with Daddy in the Thomas the Tank Engine costume, and Alex mostly in arms. This year, Brandy spent hours showing Alex costumes online, with him systematically rejecting every one. Until he saw one of Clifford the Big Red Dog. He was excited about that one. He wanted that one. It was ordered. It arrived. He spent the last week talking about his Clifford costume and trying it on a few times.

This morning though, when told that kids were wearing costumes to school today, he decided he did not want to be Clifford. He wanted his costume from last year. He wanted Thomas. So he went to school as Thomas. He did agree however that he still wanted to be Clifford for Trick or Treating tonight.

At school when I dropped him off almost all the kids were in costume. One little girl came over and told me her costume was Minnie Mouse. I then asked her what she thought Alex was. She said Alex was a choo choo train, and Alex just beamed and smiled. Since Alex was the new arrival a few seconds later we were surrounded by a half dozen three year olds all checking out Alex’s costume. Alex showed it off and looked very proud. :-)

We’ll see if when it is actually time for trick or treating in an hour or two if he still wants to switch to the Clifford costume.

Mom Visit Sunday

Train Ride Continued (Photo from Amy)

Amy can’t stop taking portraits of Alex (Photo from Amy)

One more looking out the window of the train (Photo from Amy)

Grama Ruth helping Alex off the train

Walking with Grama Ruth

Dad takes a last look at Thomas (since Alex wasn’t interested)

Cause it was time to play trains!!

And then to head back to the car

Come on Grama Ruth!

Then 21 hours later… time for the zoo! With Penguins! (Photo from Mom)

But more on that in the pictures for Monday (Photo from Amy)

Mom Visit Saturday

Amy in Bunny Suit (Photo from Amy)

Alex making cookies

Sam and Alex, playing Trains (Photo from Mom)

Alex and Mom on the play house thing

Alex climbing the slide with Grama Ruth watching

Once more down the slide

Me and Alex on the way to the surprise (Photo by Amy)

The surprise is trains! (Photo by Mom)

What is the surprise Alex? (Photo from Mom)

The surprise is Thomas! (Photo from Mom)

Amy got a Diesel 10 tattoo (Photo from Amy)

Watching model trains (Photo from Amy)

Getting ready to board the Thomas train (Photo from Amy)

Are we really sure we want to do this? (Photo from Amy)

Deciding to be brave (Photo from Amy)

On the train! (Photo from Amy)

Why do you keep pointing the camera at me? (Photo from Amy)

Looking out the window (Photo from Amy)

There is a lot to see! (Photo from Amy)

Deep in thought

Still concentrating (Photo from Amy)

Wide eyed (Photo from Amy)

The photographer

A fun day! (Photo from Amy)

But lots to think about… (Photo from Amy)

Are we done yet? (Photo from Amy)

Grama Ruth gets to see too

Getting tired…

But then, a view!

A view? (Photo from Amy)

Seriously… are we done yet? (Photo from Amy)

Cause I’m kinda done… (Photo from Amy)