This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2025

Another Fun Test

Roscoe on the way to the vet last week.

Just Testing Something

Having fun at Seafair last weekend.

Final Test for Al and Kelly

A final test for tonight, this time for something both my friend Al and my friend Kelly have asked for recently. If this goes well, I am done for the night. Sorry for all the noise!


Yet Another Test

Maybe this test won’t flop.



Final Test Tonight

Giving up for tonight. Hopefully what I have now should work for Facebook but not Twitter if tonight’s pattern holds. And it doesn’t hit LinkedIn like did. But was messing up the links (via Superfeedr) so whatever. It is late. I may revisit this again someday when I have more time. For now, it is what it is.

Bleh, Another Test - Or Two

Yeah, yeah, yeah, test me!

Sorry, More Testing

I think I’m close to done for now though. Sorry bout these.

Another Test

That last way of doing things worked for Facebook but not Twitter. Looks like lots of people are having a similar issue with Twitterfeed recently. Trying something else. Bleh.

Annoying Testing

It seems like the stuff I had been using to feed my blog to Twitter and my Facebook status has been acting up and sending links to stuff other than just the plain old link to my blog post, often making those links useless. It also missed at least one post, perhaps more. So I’m trying to switch things back to Twitterfeed to see if that works better, even if it takes longer to propagate since it only checks for new posts every 30 minutes instead of the almost immediate of We’ll see. This post is primarily just to see if it is working. If not, there may be more tests before long. Bleh. If it works though, no more tests, I’ll just post normally again.

Oh, and I still have the Facebook import into “notes” going too. The delay between me posting and it showing up varies wildly from a few hours to over a week, which is annoying, but more people seem to comment on those that anything else, so I’ll leave it.

Grr on Test Images

This is some testing of stuff.