This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Curmudgeon’s Corner: No Ifs Ands Or Buts

This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam and Ivan start out with an old fashioned lightning round covering the Olympics, Gawker, EpiPens and more. Then of course they settle in to talk about this week’s developments in the race for the Presidency. Looking for your weekly fix of Clinton and Trump craziness? We have it for you here as always. Oh, and Sam complains about cars on the beach and annual reviews.

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-08-25

Length this week – 1:32:06

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:10:04) But First
    • Exhausted Ivan
    • Agenda
    • Sam Beach Trip
    • Work Reviews
  • (0:12:03-0:34:05) Lightning Round!
    • No disasters at the Olympics
    • Time Delayed Olympics
    • Gawker Shutdown
    • Louisiana Flooding
    • EpiPen Pricing
    • NSA Hacked
    • Proxima Centuri B
  • (0:35:14-0:56:44) Clinton Stuff
    • Clinton Email Again
    • Clinton Foundation Again
    • Clinton Health
  • (0:57:23-1:31:46) Trump Stuff
    • Trump on Immigration
    • Phil is Thirsty
    • Trump pivoting?
    • Trump’s appeal to African-Americans
    • Trump supporter racial anxiety
    • Trump sticking to the script
    • FAU Florida Poll
    • Fake Polls


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music!

Lets Plant 2

I now present Alex’s new mega episode from his channel He is very proud of this. It is different than his usual gaming videos. There is no video game. Instead, he and Amy present some educational material about plants. Sorta.

Lets Plant 2

Alex and Amy go to the store to buy plants, then head home and re-pot them. In between the commentary on plants, you’ll hear them bickering and talking about all sorts of other things as well. For instance, Alex wanted to make this two episodes, Amy wanted only one. Amy won that one. Alex was right. Off camera, Amy also wanted to cut a lot to make it shorter. Alex was having none of that. Enjoy! – Recorded 2016-04-14

Alex did a lot of the editing on the video (what there was of it) himself, adding scene transitions and choosing how to do the credits at the end, and making choices about how much to leave in and what to drop. He decided he wanted to include almost all of the footage we had, only a few seconds total were left out. And a few seconds of footage are actually included twice! So this is his longest video yet, over an hour. And while I may have cut some out of it if I was doing the editing all by myself to bring it under an hour, I admit to being amused by the sibling banter that winds its way through the entire episode.

Enjoy! And subscribe to his channel! This is the 74th episode. We have 70 more “in the can” that have been recorded but not yet posted. I am trying to post several each week, but am having issues keeping up with the rate he records them! In addition to the gaming videos, he has been making some more of these non-gaming videos occasionally as well about various topics. :-)

PS: Lets Plant 1 was an earlier video giving an overview of different sorts of trees that appear in the games he plays.

PSS: I specifically had Alex choose some of the built in “use it anywhere” music loops from Garage Band for the credits to be safe on copyright sorts of issues, but YouTube still identified it as copyrighted music (although with the wrong title, so I suspect it may be an incorrect identification) and so ads were inserted by the the supposed copyright holder. Annoying. Better than blocking the video, but still annoying. You can just close the ads, but still…

Update 2016-06-24 13:56 UTC: Had to upload a new version of this because a day and a half after publishing it Alex pointed out there was a place in the middle with an audio gap that escaped my notice despite watching it over and over again. I was able to fix it, and a corrected version is now posted and embedded above.

Update 2016-06-26 07:09 UTC: It looks like the new version, with the exact same closing credits music, didn’t trigger the copyright warning this time. Good. Because it wasn’t the song it said it was anyway. Sigh.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Hit the Green Button!!

Ivan and Sam travel to the same room in the same city to do this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast, joined this week by their college buddy Chad. Along with some stories of college hijinks, the main topics were the aftermath of the first Republican debates, a discussion on Clinton’s weakening position and if it is enough for Biden to jump in, and the continuing impact of Clinton’s email issues. In the lightning round we cover a houseplant that tells you when it is thirsty, the toxic sludge spill, problems with the Olympics, Google Alphabet, and a lot more!

Recorded 2015-08-13

Length this week – 1:27:35

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Show Details:

  • Intro
    • Hidden Pizza
    • Hampshire Fire
  • Election 2016 – Republicans
    • Debate Coverage Feedback
    • Fiorina Debate Performance
    • Post-Debate Polling
    • Narrowing Field
    • Has Trump Peaked?
    • Establishment Tricks
    • Clinton Master Plan?
  • Election 2016 – Democrats
    • Dean Scream
    • Sanders Surge
    • Will Biden run?
    • Clinton Email
  • Lightning Round
    • Movie: Empire Strikes Back
    • China Currency Devaluation
    • Sam’s Houseplant
    • Answering Machine Messages
    • EPA Toxic Sludge Spill
    • Testing Risks
    • Olympics
    • Jon Stewart
    • Jimmy Carter
    • Google Alphabet