This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Expo Markers

As of a few minutes ago, Alex has figured out how to write on a white board with a marker. And how to write on walls. But we won’t talk about that. But he is now drawing! Woo!

Alex Turns Eleven (Months)

Less than two hours from now, at 11:58 UTC (4:58 AM Pacific, 7:58 AM Eastern), Alex will officially turn 11 months old. Almost a year. Gulp! He is such a big boy!

I’ve been bad, I haven’t even posted the highlights video for his 10th month (although it has now been edited and will be on YouTube soon and posted here shortly thereafter), let alone gotten anything ready for the eleventh month which is about to end. Oh well, I’ll catch up eventually maybe. And after we hit a year, I’ll do those less frequently than every month anyway.

I’ve also not lately done just a general update on what Alex is doing and such, so here goes:

  • As I posted a little over a week ago, Alex is now walking. We went from a few tentative steps without holding on to anything to toddling all over in the space of a few days. This means we have a toddler now instead of a baby, and he is of course using his increased mobility to the fullest, and is getting into everything he possibly can.
  • He’s also doing the climbing thing, up onto things, down off things, out of laps, up and down stairs. All with no problem and no fear. (Even when there should be fear of course, so we watch carefully.)
  • His vocabulary is growing slowly but surely. I am now “Daa Eee”. There is of course “MaMa” going on too. And I am pretty sure there is “Aay Eee” for Amy, but Amy doesn’t recognize it as such yet. And of course “dog”, still his favorite word by far. And “look”, constantly used while pointing at things he wants to see more of. And “book”. We have “clock” as well, but he associates that with the Tix Clock I have in my office instead of a normal clock. Oops. There is also now “up”. And “ball”. Those are the most common. I think a few others have made appearances off and on. (For instance, a handful of times he identified a couple of other animals in one of his games… a duck and and a goat… but that just happened a couple of times and didn’t repeat much.) Oh, and then there are the things for which there are words, just not the right words. “Guck” is the fish in his bedroom, but also all fish. And of course, “ning” has meant milk since long before his first English word (that would be dog I think) started being used.
  • He has learned deception, trying to trick us to look the other way or otherwise be distracted before he snatches glasses off our faces.
  • He loves the Jeopardy theme song and plays close attention whenever it comes on.
  • When certain songs come on he starts to bounce and dance.
  • He likes watching Big Bird on TV. Also other muppets and the occasional cartoon. Humans, not so much.
  • He pushes his own mini shopping cart when we go out shopping.
  • He will climb up onto my lap and put his head down on my chest when he is ready to go to sleep.
  • He loves pushing buttons and has tried multiple times to send faxes on our printer. If we actually had the printer hooked up to a phone line, he would have succeeded. We get the confirmation pages saying tit tried to send a fax but failed. He has however made a variety of copies using the copy feature.
  • He gets super happy and excited when I get home from work, jumping up and down and squealing and getting himself to where I am as fast as he can manage.
  • When he finds things that we have taken away from him in the past, he picks them up, then yells at us to get our attention and hands them to us.
  • He feeds the dog all the time. Roscoe and Alex are quickly becoming best friends. Lately, he has been going up to the dog, giving him a big hug, then resting his head on Roscoe’s side.
  • In general he is a happy healthy little boy, doing all the things you would expect at this age. And having a blast doing them. He has so much fun!

Anyway, eleven months now. One more month until his first birthday. Wow. And there is that whole thing where somehow it simultaneously feels like it was just yesterday that we brought him home as a tiny baby and that he has been here forever and how could there possibly ever have been a world without him. I guess that is how these things go.

Alex Turning Ten (Months)

In just a little while… not that many minutes away now… specifically July 14th at 01:29 UTC… which is July 13th at 6:29 PM Pacific or July 13th at 9:29 PM Eastern… Alex will be a whole 10 months old. Two digits on the months now. And coming up on one year pretty darn fast!

There will, of course, be a video of highlights from the last month. But probably no earlier than this weekend and perhaps later. We’ll see how things go. But I will do better than I did on the Month Nine Video. Promise. I hope. :-)

Highlights of Alex Month Nine

This is way way late. I should have posted this a month ago. It covers Alex’s ninth month, which goes from May 14th to June 13th. I’ll be posting about Alex turning 10 months old in not very long at all. But hey, what can I say, I had a lot of other things going on and just didn’t get to it.

Also, knowing that really I am doing these videos for ME, and not for anybody else, I didn’t even attempt this time to get it to be particularly short. I realize for folks out there who might care, posting 20 second or 30 second clips when there was something fun to show would get more people to watch, but whatever. Nobody except maybe his Grandmothers (maybe) will watch more than 2 or 3 minutes worth of this stuff (max!). I know this!

But I like doing them monthly rather than as one offs, and at that point there is a bunch of stuff, and picking the best two minutes or whatnot would just leave me missing stuff I cut out. So whatever. Almost 10 minutes this month. For the one or two of you who might watch past the first few seconds, enjoy! :-)

And maybe I’ll get month ten done before his first birthday. We shall see!

Oh, and for those who need it… Direct Link to YouTube.

Amy’s Last Day of Ninth Grade

Alex Turning Nine (Months)

Well, here we go again, as time just relentlessly moves forward. In less than 10 minutes, at 15:00 UTC today (8:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Eastern), Alex will officially be nine whole months old. Sometime “soon” I’ll post the video highlights of month nine, but in the meantime, I’m just acknowledging the milestone. Congratulations Alex!

Gleeful Steps

So, I was going to post today how right after my post on Recent New Alex Tricks I realized I’d forgotten two… he’s started initiating peekaboo games using napkins or blankets or whatever is around and, very important, he has learned to stick his finger up his nose.

But, those were somewhat overshadowed about an hour ago.

I hadn’t mentioned it here yet, but my mother was visiting over the holiday weekend, and she helped him get confident pulling himself up on a toy rolling lion thing and then using the lion as support to “walk” as he pushed it along. He would also do the same with his high chair. Today he decided to see if he could do without the lion.

So it is just after dinner. Brandy is holding Alex on the table (yes, yes, we know) and he is bouncing happily. He tries to crawl across the table to Brandy’s laptop, but she won’t let him. So he bounces some more. At one point, he looks toward the laptop, scrunches up his face and makes a determined sounding yell and his whole body tenses up. A few seconds later he lunges forward out of Brandy’s arms toward the laptop… and finds himself standing. Just for a second. Then he sort of hops forward and takes a couple of barely controlled steps before Brandy catches him and pulls him back in.

He is now hopping up and down screeching with joy. Over the next ten minutes or so he does it over and over again. Bounce bounce bounce bounce in mommy’s arms… jump forward… stand for a few seconds… one or two steps then fall backwards into Mommy’s arms or sit down… Yelling and jumping and smiling excitedly the whole time. And of course all on the dining room table.

Eventually he was done and retreated to his mom. Afterwards he was happy to crawl around a bit before his bath rather than try for more steps. This is still an experiment, not an actual mode of locomotion. He continued to be very excited through his bath. Then it was time for a little snack, and then to crash. It was a very exciting evening.

For all of us.

First Standing

At 19:32 UTC today, a little under 90 minutes ago, Alex did the pulling himself up from sitting to standing with no external human intervention for the first time. Yay Alex!

Turning Two

Keeping in mind that as far as I am concerned a month is 30.4368499 days… at 13:37 UTC today… (That’s 5:37 AM Pacific, 8:37 AM Eastern)… just over 30 minutes from now as I write this… Alex will be exactly 2 months old. He’s really getting up there! It even looks to be likely that he will sleep through this milestone. :-)