This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

15705.415 Days

As of when this posts at 2014-09-16 06:54 UTC (11:54 PM on the 15th Pacific, 2:54 AM on the 16th Eastern) I will be exactly 43 years old. As usual, this takes into account leap days, the fact a year is a fractional number of days, etc.

So, “go me” for living another year, right?

Alex through the Years

Alex’s school had a little event for his birthday today. They do it for all the kids. They do a thing where they put down a candle to represent the sun, then cards with the months around the sun. Then the birthday kid walks around the sun while all the kids all sing a song about the days and months in the year. Each time the birthday kid gets to the month their birthday is in, they stop and the parents show a picture from that age and potentially say a little bit about that age. Afterwords, there is a snack with the birthday kid’s favorite fruit. It was a fun little time.

And it made me find a picture of Alex from each September since he was born. Which was also fun. Here are the six pictures I picked for Alex:

Alex shown off for all

2009-09-25 19:09 UTC – Approximately Age 0 – The first picture I have of Alex with his eyes wide open and paying attention.


2010-09-12 21:04 UTC – Approximately Age 1 – Alex in his birthday hat on his first birthday


2011-09-11 17:20 UTC – Approximately Age 2 – Alex and Amy in the driveway of our new house as we are moving in right as Alex turns two


2012-09-03 02:06 UTC – Approximately Age 3 – Alex at a nearby park with a lake and a beach


2013-09-13 01:56 UTC – Approximately Age 4 – Alex as he opens presents


2014-09-11 21:53 UTC – Approximately Age 5 – Alex plays in a pit of flying balloons

Alex is FIVE!

At the moment this is posting… 21:42 UTC (2:42 PM Pacific, 5:42 PM Eastern) Alex is exactly five years old when you take into account the fact a year isn’t an even number of days, leap years, and all that sort of thing. So…


As usual for Alex milestones, a little bit ago I recorded a quick interview with Alex to get his thoughts on turning five. We did it outside this time, so apologies in advance for the bits with wind noise and where it is harder to hear him. But hey, it was a change of pace from the indoor ones. And bonus Roscoe!

OK, now, I know only a few close relatives probably bothered watching that, but that is OK, that is who it is for mainly.

So, I last posted one of these when Alex turned 4.5, and of course there was one when he turned 4. What is different since then?

  • Alex still isn’t so sure about being older, and still plans on pretending to be a year younger than he really is (see interview above). But he is less worried about this than a year ago. He REALLY didn’t want to turn four.
  • He has significantly broadened his taste in in video games, both on the iPad and on the computer. Trainz variants and Portal are probably still at the top of the stack, but he plays LOTS of different things now. Some that are actually kid’s games, others which are clearly aimed at a much older demographic, but Alex doesn’t mind and just figures out the game anyway. He only really gets stuck when you have to READ instructions. Then he asks me to help read it. Then he listens VERY carefully, then remembers and applies it, and usually doesn’t need me to read whatever it was again. He just moves on and plays the game.
  • The trend I called out six months ago for broadening taste in TV shows is also continuing. It generally is still one or two shows at a time though. He’ll watch and watch and watch and memorize to the point he can recite the lines along with the characters. Then finally, after he has completely absorbed every available episode of a show, he’ll find a new show to do that with. Although he sometimes does revisit old favorites. One of the new ones that happened in the last six months is Transformers. He watched Transformers Prime, and it was OK for a bit, but then there was Transformers Rescuebots, which he loved and was the primary focus for about a month. Maybe two.
  • Speaking of which, his play with physical toys is broadening too. Trains are of course still the number one favorite. But cars are increasingly in favor to a degree they haven’t been in a couple of years. Matchbox and Hotwheels cars and the playlets associated with them. And, during the Rescuebot craze, both trains and cars began to regularly transform and would sometimes walk and talk like robots. The occasional stuffed animal gets attention. And he has on more than a few occasions been playing with and building things with Lego. And of course, during the warm months, he returned to the old favorite… the hose. There are all kinds of fun things you can do with hoses.
  • He still likes his new school. At least we don’t have the sort of complaints and begging to stay home like we did at the previous school. Now, he’d still rather be at home, but he rarely protests going once it is clear that is what is going to happen, and he will sometimes share and talk about things he is doing or has learned at school. This is MUCH better than the last place. Montessori is working well for Alex. We hope to keep him in Montessori programs as long as we can. Since they are very flexible and adaptable to the child’s own pace, as long as we do that, we won’t worry too much about the fact that Alex misses the age cutoff to be in a higher grade by 12 days. (Even though he is academically ahead, socially he is still not where his teachers would like, so not having to worry about that sort of thing is good.)
  • When we walk the dog these days, more times than not (as in the interview above) Alex is actually walking the dog himself, holding the leash and doing the guiding. I usually only take over when there is another dog nearby, if we are walking near heavier traffic than usual, or once Alex gets tired and doesn’t want to any more. Alex and Roscoe really are best buddies. They have their occasional disputes, but there is clearly a strong bond there.
  • Alex still is very reluctant to ride his bike. I usually have to bribe him, and then only get a few minutes out of him. He doesn’t have the confidence yet. Lately though, when I ask about riding bikes though, what he wants is for ME to ride my bike while he chases me on foot. OK, I guess that is another way to get exercise.
  • Alex is putting himself to sleep when he gets tired! Notice I didn’t say “to bed”. Sleeping in his own bed in his own room is very rare. But, when he gets tired, he will either tell one of us he is ready to go up to our bed, with us, and cuddle up to go to sleep, or he will just gather pillows, blankets, etc wherever he happens to be and curl up and go to sleep. Now, this is often still later than maybe it should be, but bedtimes aren’t really a thing in our house for anybody. The day is over when we are tired and want to sleep.
  • After school he will sometimes lobby for a trip to “MikelDonalds” for either a Happy Meal or a McFlurry. Denny’s is another OK restaurant as far as he is concerned. Anywhere else, and he’d usually rather stay home.
  • He is constantly working on his negotiating skills. Whenever we want to do something that he doesn’t want to do, or just not the thing that he wants to do, he will present counter offers, trying to get us to move toward his position. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But he is trying to work in his angle all the time.
  • On our iDevices, he will now bring me the device, already to the point where he has picked a new game he wants to buy and it is asking for my password. “Buy this daddy.” But he has tried to move beyond this. From a Facebook post Amy based recounting something she witnessed: ‘”Daddy,” Alex says hiding the Samuel‘s iPad, “I won’t buy any levels, but will you tell me your password to buy stuff so I can remember it forever??? I promise I won’t buy any levels, but please will you tell me your password? Deal?”‘ That did not work. He has an allowance on his own iPad though, so the plan is to make the password on that one into one he actually knows and can use whenever. It just only has a certain amount per month allowed, so he can’t go beyond that. :-)
  • He can dress himself! That is not to say that he DOES dress himself usually. But he can when he wants to. If he is lobbying to do something outside that he really wants to do for instance, and we are telling him that despite what he thinks, he needs to actually be fully clothed to do that, he will sometimes run off to his room and come back downstairs a few minutes later. Fully dressed. Sometimes with shoes on too. Now, sometimes the pants or shirt are on backwards, but hey, whatever, that’s cool. Of course, when he DOESN’T want to go out, there is none of this, and it is a fight to get him dressed, and it is a huge game to make it take as long as possible. But hey, that’s just how it goes.
  • He still sometimes pretends to be a dog, but not as much as he used to.
  • He is getting pretty good at writing his name and drawing people. And trains.
  • He almost knows his address. Not quite. But close. He does know the street. But he keeps insisting the house number is the passcode on his iPad. It isn’t.
  • When we go on walks, he collects leaves for Mommy, sticks for Amy, and rocks for me.

OK, the top of my head is empty, although I am sure there are plenty of other things that could be mentioned.

In any case, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!

Alex is Four and a HALF

A bit over 13 hours ago, at 06:48 UTC (11:48 PM on the 13th Pacific, 2:48 AM on the 14th Eastern) Alex was exactly four and a half years old. No cake or presents happened, but congratulations none-the-less. I was planning to have this post go up at exactly that moment, but Alex “helped” me put together the traditional milestone interview, so that took a lot longer than expected and I couldn’t actually finish things up until today… without Alex over my shoulder and on my lap and on my head.

Speaking of the interview… it is 9 minutes long, I of course don’t really expect anybody but a few close relatives to watch, but hey, it is there. Alex was a lot less cooperative and a lot less expressive than he was in his interview when he was turning four. Last time he talked awhile about not wanting to turn four, not liking soccer, and some of the things he did enjoy. This time he mostly just refused to speak at all, climbed around, and got upset that we had to go to dinner instead of playing trains. Oh, and he thought it was very amusing to just answer questions by saying “Poo!”. When helping me edit the video later, he completely cracked himself up with that. It was hilarious… But there are a few interesting bits none the less. Watch it!

This is probably the last time I will mark a half-birthday like this. After age five, once a year is probably good enough. But here are a few things that have happened over the six months since the last one of these updates:

  • Alex still doesn’t like the notion of getting bigger. He wants to stay small. As a result, there are a number of things that we know quite well he can do for himself that he has been resisting and trying to make us do for him. Unless we aren’t there, in which case he just does them himself quite happily. There have been many examples, but one is putting on his shoes. But just in the past couple weeks, he has started to flip on that one. A couple days ago he actually INSISTED on doing his own shoes when we were about to do something, even though I was offering to help.
  • He’ll still occasionally ask to play Portal, but his obsession faded… cause he had basically been through all the levels on both Portal and Portal 2 many times. Many of them he could do himself without help. In fact, after watching Amy and I (finally) start playing the multi-player Portal game, he decided that he wanted to play and be my partner instead of Amy. A few minutes later he was on Amy’s laptop in the dining room, and I was on my computer in my office, and we were playing multi-player together. We went through several levels successfully before we ran out of time. And he was getting no help at all from Amy or Brandy, and was being a full participant with me, not just following my instructions, but exploring and giving suggestions on how to solve the puzzles, etc.
  • Instead, he has really been branching out on his iPad games. Six months ago he was concentrating heavily on one or two train related games that he was obsessed with and would spend hours on. (We do not subscribe to the folks who peddle paranoia about limiting screen time…) Now he flips between dozens of different games of many different types. Sure, train games are still a favorite, including the adult-targeted train simulator program he spent most of his time on before, but he has been spending lots of time with so called “educational” games targeted at pre-K and Kindergarten level kids. Counting, letters, basic arithmetic, basic phonics and reading, etc. For the most part he is learning and exploring these games without a lot of assistance. He just figures them out.
  • As with games, he has been branching out on his TV and movie watching. The old train related shows are still favorites, but he’s been watching a wider variety of things. When we watch Jeopardy! as a family, he says “trains!” after every clue. Someday he will be right! I put on Ghostbusters after Harold Ramis died, and much to his own surprise Alex liked it. He’s also been into Mickey Mouse and Leap Frog stuff lately. But watching TV, movies, and for that matter YouTube is a less frequent activity than it once was.
  • I mentioned six months ago that Alex was unhappy with school again after having finally gotten to a point where he liked it. This was because he had been left behind with the younger kids when he should have been pushed forward to pre-K. Six months ago, I mentioned that we had just gotten that fixed. Nope. For all kinds of details about the whole mess that happened, listen to the November 12th Curmudgeon’s Corner. The part about Alex’s school issues starts about 12 minutes into the show. Long story short, Alex got screwed badly by his old school, and they were not forthcoming with us about the issues. The “final straw” hit in November and we switched him to a new school.
  • The new school is Montessori based. When we finished at the new school in November Alex was absolutely hating school, fighting and crying every day about not wanting to go, and he would never tell us anything about things he did at school, when asked it was just “nothing”. Alex still won’t ADMIT that he likes school, but almost immediately the difference was night and day. The new school is close enough to walk in good weather, so when time and weather allows, we often walk to school, or he rides in a wagon. Alex really likes that. And he usually doesn’t fight going to school and enters happily. And he brings all kinds of work home from school, and tells us about what he is doing and learning. He generally seems to like school and is making up for the last few months that were lost at the old school.
  • He still is collecting more and more trains. He still plays with them every day. It is his favorite activity. Building layouts. Acting out stories with the trains on the layouts. Assembling trains of various sorts… all one color, all freight, all passenger, all one brand… If there is a choice of something train related vs something not train related, the trains usually win. But not always, other types of vehicles, cars, planes, etc are runners up… and every once in a long while something else, like a stuffed animal, gets extensive attention. And a couple weeks ago Alex found a jar full of ear plugs (bought by me so I could stand going to the occasional concert with the rest of the family that actually likes loud music)… and well… Alex decided the ear plugs were his babies, and started giving them baths and such. I may have to buy a new set the next time a concert happens. :-)
  • In December, when I suggested that perhaps a ghost had knocked over one of his trains, Alex said: “Daddy, don’t be silly, there are no ghosts on this Earth!”. But then, somehow, since then, whenever somehow there is a toilet that has not been flushed and I ask Alex about it, he says the ghost is the one using the bathroom without flushing. Hmmmm…
  • One Saturday night when I was heading to bed, Alex came to me and said, “Daddy, do NOT set your alarm. I will cock a doodle do for you in the morning.” I told him, Ok, I wouldn’t set my alarm. In the morning, about 7:15 AM, right about sunrise, I woke first to the sound of a light shuffle from the hallway, then the bedroom door opening, then loudly “COCK A DOODLE DOO!!!!” When I didn’t immediately respond, every 10 seconds or so the call would repeat, each time a little closer, until on the fourth or fifth time it was right by my head. I then told Alex “But I wasn’t quite ready to wake up yet.” So he crawled in bed next to me and pulled the covers up over himself and cuddled up and went back to sleep. About 20-30 minutes later he got up and cock a doodled again, and this time insisted that I had to get up and play with him. :-)
  • One time while I was at work late, Brandy texted me that Alex said: “Daddy’s not here, Doggy. So you don’t get a walk today” as he was happily overfeeding the dog. (Alex and I are usually the dog walkers, but Alex doesn’t go without me.)
  • Shortly after he turned four, with my birthday approaching, Alex asked if on my birthday I would be 12. I said no, 42. He asked if that meant my head would touch the ceiling. I said I didn’t think so.
  • An few bits from him one day while trying to get out of going to school: “You are not being smart, so you will not be a star. You are not winning. You need to listen!” “Not school day! Me took that day away! Now you not be able to get that day again!” “You are not listening so you are being stupid! Only me am going to be a star!”

That’s enough for this time, although as usual there could be so much more if I think about it. He is getting so big and independent at this point. Amazing how fast things happen.

Of course, at the same time, Amy is now in college and is actually employed part time at this point. Don’t know how that happened either!

They just keep growing up!

We Have A Writer!


He has been writing his letters on the iPhone and iPad for over a year, but this is the first fully legible I have seen on paper… with the possible exception of the occasional A, L, e and X. :-)

The new school is working out REALLY well for him. He is so much happier, and doing all sorts of new things!

Last Day at his Old School


Friday was Alex’s last day at his old school. Those who listened to the November 12th Curmudgeon’s Corner know why we are changing schools. We had some issues with the school, but the problems were basically management problems, and Alex’s actual teachers were very fond of him, and he was very fond of them. When I asked him the other day if he would miss his teachers, he said “No. They will miss ME.” Despite that, when we were about to leave for the last time, he pulled me down close to him, and whispered, “Can my teachers come with me to my new school?”. Awww….

Today his teachers said he was telling them all about his new school (which he has visited twice now) and how it is close enough he can walk to school. (Although not by himself quite yet…) He has been telling them a lot about it apparently. He’s talked about it more to them than he has to us for sure! They also said he was more active and played harder today than he had for awhile. The last few days when we have been counting down how many days he had left at the old school, his resistance to going to school dropped each day. He had been so upset about school the last few months, it just started to melt away once we told him he was switching to a new school.

His teachers also mentioned at least one parent had said they were really sad when they heard Alex was leaving because their kid really liked Alex. We did leave a note with contact info for parents of kids Alex played with a lot. We’ll see if any of them contact us. The teachers seemed honestly sad to see him go to. They made him the goodbye thing above. In addition to the words, if you look closely you can see it had pencil drawings of some of his favorite things that he talked to them about a lot. His dog Roscoe, trains, and of course a Companion Cube from Portal.

The last few months had been tough for him there, and most of the time they didn’t have him in the right place, so we had to make a change. But it was still a sad last day. More for the adults than for the kids, but hey, that’s how it goes I guess.

Alex starts his new adventure at his new school on Monday. He won’t admit it, because he says he doesn’t like any school. But he’s actually been acting like he is a little excited about it. We’ll see how it works out soon enough of course. :-)

Amy is Eighteen!!!!


I screwed up and didn’t set up a post to go automatically at 14:07 UTC today (7:07 AM Pacific, 10:07 AM Eastern) when she was EXACTLY 18 years old… but in any case…

Today’s is Amy’s 18th birthday!!!! One of those “significant” birthdays. Happy birthday Amy!

Welcome to adulthood. :-)

(In the picture above, taken on September 7th, she is in the process of wrangling the soccer team she coached over the summer into position for the official group photo.)

15340.172 Days

As of when this posts at 01:06 UTC on September 16th (6:06 PM on the 15th Pacific, 9:06 PM on the 15th Eastern) I will be exactly 42 years old. As usual, this takes into account leap days, the fact a year is a fractional number of days, etc.

Another year gone by. They seem to pass so quickly these days.

But hey, it is the answer to the question and all. So it should be a good year, right?

Alex is FOUR!

As of the time this posts, at 15:54 UTC (8:54 AM Pacific, 11:54 AM Eastern), Alex will be exactly 4 years old when you take into account the fractional length of a year, leap days, and all of that exciting stuff.

So four. Big year!

First of all, if you haven’t hit play on the video above yet, please do. Ever since he was tiny, I’ve “interviewed” Alex right before big milestones. Although he came close when he was three, this is the first time the conversation is kinda actually interview-like. So hear about what turning four is like, and what is going on in his life, straight from Alex himself. :-)

After that, read on for my own notes about changes since the last update when he turned three and a half. This is of course mostly for myself and close family. I don’t expect anybody else to actually read this. :-)

  • Alex does NOT want to turn four or have another birthday. For the last several weeks when we have talked about his birthday coming, he has actually been a bit upset and apprehensive. He mentioned this in the video above, but he very much would like to stay little. He doesn’t want to get big. He likes being little and is worried about turning four. We try to tell him about the good parts of getting bigger, but he does not believe us. And frankly, there is something to be said for being three. I can understand his concern. I wouldn’t mind being 41 a bit longer myself. (And probably wouldn’t mind getting to be three for a bit again either…)
  • Although he’d seen it and watched it a bit going back to when he was really little, over the past few months Alex has gotten really excited about Portal and Portal 2. At first, it was all about watching me or Amy play, and he would ask us to play frequently, and want to watch us for hours. Then slowly, he started taking the controls for himself. At this point he can finish the first few levels of both games by himself, and play significant chunks of later sections as well, only getting stymied by puzzles where the solution involves a decent number of steps that have to be done sequentially, or ones where solving the level requires not just figuring out where things go, but also exactly timing your actions. Even then, I’m pretty sure he knows what needs to happen, he just doesn’t have quite the coordination yet to pull it off. ON some levels, he has clearly memorized what he has seen me or Amy do. On other though, it is clear he is experimenting and figuring it out. He has tried to teach Mommy and Grandma Ruth how to play Portal as well, with limited success.
  • Alex is doing simple math, of the single digit addition and subtraction types. This is both in spontaneous fashion… “This toy needs six batteries, I can only find four.” “Don’t worry Daddy, I will find you two more!” and in more written out ways like playing iPad games that actually ask “6-4=?” and supplying the right answer. Counting he still usually gets a bit muddled in the teens, but is very very close. And I think he understands once things get more regular again above 20. And he proficiently and correctly uses zero as well.
  • Alex has memorized so many words, he sometimes can make you think he is reading, but mostly it is knowing and remembering what things say. He is however starting to (with prompting) sound out and figure out some shorter words. He is clearly interested in the process, regularly asking other family members to read not only books, but signs and other things in the environment. And in computer word games, he is successfully completing some words (when presented with a missing letter) and connecting rhyming words and such though. He makes more mistakes and is more frustrated than with the math games though, so he plays the word ones less often. He also understands texting, having asked his mom on a few occasions to text me things he is saying to get a message to me. He can’t spell much more than his name at the moment, but he clearly understands the concept of writing conveying messages.
  • He reads maps! He mentions in the video above several games. One that became on of his favorites over the last six months was Trainz Driver. This is a train driving game (NOT aimed for kids his age). He loved it and spent hours and hours and hours on it, learning every in and out of the game that didn’t require reading. One of the key features of the game is that it has a “map view” of the worlds the drains drive in. Alex very quickly became proficient in flipping back and forth between the map view and the various other views to orient himself, analyze the path the tracks took, upcoming junctions that had to be switched, etc. But he also generalize this almost immediately, pointing out the “map view” at the mall or in other places and correctly orienting himself using those tools. (Not to mention figuring out that with Google Earth or Apple’s Maps program or the equivalent, he could see the map of where his house was, and zoom in and out and figure out where things were.)
  • In the last few weeks, he has moved from Trainz Driver to the more complicated Trainz Simulator, and the full Mac version of Trainz as well. He isn’t so much into completing the detailed little missions, as just exploring the worlds and driving the trains around, but when you read to him what the missions are supposed to be, he pays close attention and wants to do that too. He just can’t do it himself, because you have to read the instructions to know what you are supposed to do. (He also mentioned he likes Trainz Trouble, by the same company, which is an entirely different kind of game.)
  • Also as mentioned in the interview, he hates soccer. We signed him up for a 3-4 year old soccer thing at the local Y this summer, and Amy volunteered to be his team’s coach. But Alex outright refuses to participate. We can bribe him with frozen yogurt or the promise of a new toy into maybe running on the field for a few seconds to a minute, and maybe kicking the ball once or twice, but he does everything he can think of to avoid actually being on the field and playing. (Like getting on all fours and pretending he is a dog, or deciding he needs to explore the woods nearby, or just lying down and refusing to move, etc.) He hasn’t given it an honest shot yet really, but he doesn’t like the notion of being out there and playing with all those other kids. He’d much rather just do more solitary play, or play only with people he already knows really well.
  • He continues to harass the dog (Roscoe) on a regular basis. Roscoe puts up with it remarkably well, only occasionally and under extreme duress expressing his displeasure, and even then almost never anything more than a warning bark or growl… followed by running away. But when Alex can remember to be more gentle, Roscoe will cuddle with him, lick him, and otherwise express lots of affection. Those two love each other deeply, despite the fact Alex can sometimes be a bit overbearing with it. Almost all the times I walk Roscoe, Alex comes along. Sometimes with a second leash attached so he can also be “walking” Roscoe. And every once and a while, Alex holds the only leash, and generally does the task well.
  • Alex hates school again. He now fights going almost every day, and is often in tears as we leave him. Just when he was starting to get really comfortable with school and was seemingly getting to actually enjoy it quite a bit, his entire class graduated from pre-school to pre-K… except him. He missed the age cut off by just a few weeks. At the same time a favorite teacher left to start a new non-toddler based career. Suddenly surrounded by a group of kids who were all younger than him, rather than the group he was used to that was all older than him, he started to regress a bit. The teacher that was with him the most told us that he was bored and was not getting anything out of the activities any more, and was being less social again. All his friends had left! Anyway, after a summer worth of back and forth with people, any day now he should be rejoining his old class (which is now pre-K), which hopefully will help. But enough time has passed, it will also be yet another change and adjustment, so that will likely throw him for a loop too.
  • On the “spooky things that kids say” front… one time in the car he started talking about how before he lived with us, he was in “the red darkness”. Um… OK. But before jumping to any conclusions about him remembering the time before he was born… he also talked about how there were trains in the red darkness. But every once in awhile, including quite recently, he will mention off handedly events and places that go back as far as when he was 12 or 13 months old… so who knows. Pretty sure there were no trains in there though.
  • Less far in the past, just last month he started relating to me details of an event that was about a year and a half previously… at that point instead of just going to free swim sessions at the Y, we had been taking him to actual swim lessons. A teacher who had been really gentle and patient with him left, and he had a new teacher. On her first session with us (maybe second, I forget) she took Alex from me, and dunked him under the water. He was clearly very very terrified and upset by this. He was instantly and immediately done and would NOT get in the water with her again. This led to us changing classes immediately, and at the end of the session ending the lessons entirely, switching over to the Y. At the time it happened, Alex could talk of course, but not well enough to express his feelings in detail. A year and a half is a long long time to an almost-four-year-old, but some memories are clearly burned in… Just a few weeks ago, on the way to soccer, we had this dialog as we were driving to soccer practice:
    Sam: To get to soccer, we pass by swim, then it will be on the left.
    Alex: We passed by old swim too! Old swim had teacher.
    Sam: Yes, old swim did have a teacher. Do you want to have a teacher for swim again some day?
    Alex: No. No teacher!
    Sam: You like it better when you just play with me and Grandma Ruth?
    Alex: Yes! Teacher at old swim was mean. Teacher pushed me under water and scared me. Me very scared. My eyes weren’t good enough.
    Sam: Yeah, that did happen. That’s why we stopped going there. You remember that?
    Alex: Teacher was MEAN. Teacher took me and made me go under water. I no want go under water. No teacher!
    Sam: But do you remember the teacher before that? You liked that teacher. She was nice.
    Alex: (Silence, then changed topic.)
  • Speaking of swimming. Alex, myself and Grandma Ruth go almost every week and swim for about an hour. Alex has made great strides in the last few months. At one point he suddenly realized that in the shallow ends of the pool he could REACH THE BOTTOM with his feet and keep his head out of the water. This was a GREAT discovery, as all of a sudden he could get around without being anchored to an adult. A couple weeks later, he finally tried holding on to a pool noodle, and realized that with it under his arms, he could kick and navigate himself pretty much anywhere he wanted in the pool. This was INCREDIBLY EXCITING! The last few times we have gone swimming, he grabs that noodle and just kicks happily all over the place. He is working on his efficiency and maneuverability and such now. But oh what a difference it makes to be able to go your own way and not just be at the mercy of Grandma or Daddy!
  • There is a lot less of normal TV shows and movies. He’ll still watch them occasionally, but is MUCH more likely to want to watch stuff on YouTUbe if he is going to watch stuff. These days it is Portal videos more often than not, although occasionally still train videos or other things.
  • Speaking of trains, trains are still everywhere. He still loves his trains. He plays with them all the time, and builds quite elaborate layouts, and plays out various stories.
  • Planes are starting to get a lot more attention as well though. He will excitedly point them out whenever he sees them in the sky. We will fly my flight simulator with me. He has a couple toy planes he flies all over the house and plays out various scenarios with. The older one is a 747 toy I brought back with me from the last international flight I took a while back. The second is a toy Space Shuttle his grandmother got him just last month. He is starting to get into the whole idea of the space shuttle too, wanting to fly the shuttle on the simulators.
  • Speaking of which, on a whim last month, I got one of those $20 remote control helicopters. He loved flying that thing around for a couple weeks. At first it was mostly hitting the ceiling at high speed, but after awhile he got the hang of it and was actually controlling it pretty well. Of course, at that point it became less interesting, so we’ve had fewer helicopter sessions since then, and he usually wants me to fly it, to interact with the plane he is flying by swooshing it around with his hand.
  • Just as I sometimes call myself Abulsme, as a nickname I have had for years, over the last six months, Alex has sometimes gone into a pretend mode where he uses a fake scary voice and calls himself “I-Zim-In”. I have no idea where that came from, but he has used that particular name consistently to go with that fake scary voice for quite some time now.
  • Sometime, a long time ago, we must have been driving at night and gone into a tunnel, and I must have said this or something, but now, whenever we go in a tunnel… or even under bigger bridges, Alex says “Tunnel! Tunnel!! OH NO!!! TOO MANY LIGHTS!!!!” That had to have originally come from me. But he started doing it ALL the time.
  • In a few hours he will be getting a bike for his birthday. Shhh!!! Don’t tell him!
  • A couple of times we have gone to real train stations or train yards to just watch the trains. He does love those trains, and can just watch forever!
  • He correctly points out and identifies the logos of four or five brands of cars. And he uses the word “logo” when talking about it.
  • He has capitalization preferences. He is adamant that his name needs to be “ALeX”. Just like that. No other combination is acceptable. “ALEX” he might be able to live with, but would rather not. “Alex” is definitely not OK. He made me change it in the video of his interview when he saw me editing it. “ALeX” is how it should be as far as he is concerned. “Lower case E please!”

As usual, there is tons more, and I could keep thinking of things for a long time, but this post is already “super-long” as Alex would say.

Amy is done with High School! Yay!


Congratulations Amy!

Upward and onward from here!