This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



September 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Yet Another Interruption

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam talks about:
* Cohosts / Liking Things
* SCOTUS on Obamacare
* SCOTUS on Gay Marriage
* The Right to be Wrong
* Super Mega Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-07-03

Length this week – 1:52:36

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Massive Corruption is Always Fun

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sick Kid
* FIFA Scandal
* Election 2016
* Patriot Act Extension
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-05-28

Length this week – 1:27:42

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: More Detail than Expected

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner with Sam and IvГЎn:
* [0:00:10-0:04:49] Intro
* [0:05:58-0:17:04] Iran Deal
* [0:18:09-0:37:26] Rand Paul
* [0:38:16-0:50:19] Police Shootings
* [0:51:35-1:08:48] Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-04-09

Length this week – 1:09:09

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Edit 2015-04-11 17:53 UTC to add Facebook button and adjust some formatting and wording

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Episode 400!!!!

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* [00:00:09-00:13:12] 400 Episodes / Swearing
* [00:14:10-00:28:02] Israeli Elections
* [00:28:46-00:42:37] Federal Budget
* [00:43:46-01:00:07] Over the Top TV / Apple Stores
* [01:01:10-01:35:07] Lightning Round / Swearing Supercut

Recorded 2015-03-20

Length this week – 1:35:27

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Something that we eat?

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* [0:00:10-0:05:12] Intro
* [0:05:51-0:23:18] GOP letter to Iran
* [0:23:57-0:46:21] Apple “Spring Forward” Event
* [0:46:38-1:04:53] Clinton Emails Again
* [1:05:56-1:41:53] Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-03-12

Length this week – 1:42:13

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Can’t Dispense Ice

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* Ivan’s Refrigerator
* Clinton Emails
* Netanyahu Speech
* Nemtsov and Russia
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-03-06

Length this week – 1:26:04

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: All Kinds of Noises

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* Bill O’Reilly vs Brian Williams
* Questioning Patriotism and Religion
* Iran and Israel
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-02-26

Length this week – 1:14:36

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Someone Sitting Up There

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* SNL40 / Theaters / Feedback
* Radical Islam / Obama Words
* Equation / Gemalto / Lenovo
* Apple Car / Car Play / Jonny Ive
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-02-20

Length this week – 1:29:48

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Only a Facade

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* Ukraine
* Antivaxxers
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-02-06

Length this week – 1:11:55

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