This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



September 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Questions That Make No Sense

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan submit to the slow holiday week and meander over a few different topics. Of course we talk about Election 2016, including an argument about just what you can and can’t get out of the polls at this stage. In addition, we touch on wireless networking again, Scalia on affirmative action, the encryption debate, Sam reports on the 1980’s Star Wars Droids cartoon series, and more!

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-12-24

Length this week – 1:14:34

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:04:52) Intro
    • Got Nothing
    • We Forgot
    • Happy Holidays
    • Agenda
  • (0:05:56-0:53:44) Lightning Round One
    • Ivan’s Wireless
    • Driving Big Brother
    • This weeks Trumpisms
    • Traditional Republicans Despondent
    • Establishment still Paralyzed
    • Clinton vs Trump in the General?
    • Reasons for poll divergences?
    • Are the polls bullshit?
  • (0:54:22-1:14:15) Lightning Round Two
    • TV Show: Star Wars: Droids (1985-1986)
    • Juniper Firewall Backdoor
    • Politicians on Encryption
    • Democratic Stasis

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Only by the light of his phone

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan concentrate on the Paris attacks and the worldwide reaction to them. This is a big enough topic that we spend most of the show on it rather than having several smaller topics. We hit on why Paris resonates more with Americans than terrorist attacks elsewhere, the Syrian connection or lack there of, the anti-refugee backlash, where things go from here, and more. Before that starts we do spend a few minutes on Sam’s power outage and Ivan’s driving habits… but really, this is a one topic show this time.

Click to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-11-20

Length this week – 1:06:46

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:12:56) But First
    • Sam in the dark
    • Insurance Driver Tracking
    • Agenda
    • Generators
    • Food Going Bad
    • Showers
  • (0:13:40-0:36:44) Paris Attacks
    • Seeing Lights
    • Why does Paris resonate?
    • Syrian non-Connection
    • anti-Refugee reaction
    • Reflection on Republicans
    • Obama Reaction
  • (0:37:22-1:06:26) More Paris Reactions
    • Bombing ISIS
    • Eliminating the Grey Zone
    • Calling it Radical Islamic Terrorism
    • Xenophobia + Islamophobia = Good Politics?
    • Comparing Risks
    • What next?
    • If it happens here
    • non-Encryption connection
    • Parallels to Gun Debate
    • Presidential Candidates on Paris/ISIS/Refugees