This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter).
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This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about Election 2016 of course. But first some bits about Mike the headless chicken, the comments on Sam’s Election Graphs site, stamp prices, Hey Siri, and a movie Sam watched. When they do get to the election they cover Trump’s shutout in Colorado, Trump’s general malpractice in delegate wrangling, the odds of a contested convention, the accusations of cheating in both parties, and much more!
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Recorded 2016-04-14
Length this week – 1:20:15
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Show Details:
- (0:00:41-0:22:29) But First
- Ivan in his Car
- Mike the Headless Chicken
- Election Graphs Comments
- Stamp Prices
- Facebook Bots
- Hey Siri
- Movie: Mississippi Burning (1988)
- (0:23:08-1:00:14) Election 2016
- Trump shutout in Colorado
- Delegate wrangling malpractice
- Contested Convention Scenarios
- Ryan saying no… Again
- Odds of Trump getting majority
- Trump Trends
- Cruz wooing delegates
- (1:00:53-1:19:55) Election 2016 Continued
- Cheating? Stealing? Unfair? Rigged?
- Sanders “contesting” the convention
- Sanders attempts to woo superdelegates
- Edit wars on Wikipedia Superdelegate list
- Denial from Trump and Sanders people
- What Sanders and Trump didn’t do
- When is New York again?
- Thoughtful Trump people wanted
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan hit all the things you would expect about Election 2016, the attacks in Brussels and the announcements at the latest Apple event. They also talk a bit about fitness, #ManInTree, Waze, Obama in Cuba and more! Even a bit about events in the Nixon administration!
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Recorded 2016-03-24
Length this week – 1:51:13
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Show Details:
- (0:00:00-0:02:52) Alex Prelude
- (0:03:05-0:14:21) But First
- Health
- Fitness
- Man In Tree
- (0:15:01-0:56:58) Election 2016
- Delegate Math
- Types of Contested Conventions
- Upcoming States
- California
- Virgin Islands
- Delegate Selection Processes
- Trump’s Lost Illinois Delegates
- Clinton vs Trump
- (0:58:02-1:06:19) Brussels
- Belgian Citizens
- Radicalization
- History of Terrorism
- Responses
- (1:07:36-1:19:56) Brussels Part II
- Overreactions
- Suicide Bombings
- IS Strategy
- Cruz and Trump on Brussels
- When it happens in the US
- (1:20:35-1:33:43) Apple Stuff
- No surprises
- Android codenames
- OS X codenames
- FBI vs Apple update
- (1:34:22-1:50:53) Lightning Round
- TV Series: Minority Report (2015)
- Obama in Cuba
- Obama in Argentina
- Nixon Administration on Drug War
- Rob Ford
This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan start with a rant about Daylight Saving Time, then they talk about third parties, Brazil, Syria, Seaworld and the Supreme Court before diving into Election 2016 and all the craziness there. Oh, and Sam’s 6 year old son Alex keeps interrupting this week, so there is that fun too!
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Recorded 2016-03-18
Length this week – 1:46:20
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:07:54) But first
- (0:08:59-0:28:25) But second
- New Snack? / Broken hand?
- Why alone?
- Feedback / Third Parties
- (0:29:04-0:46:01) Mini Lightning Round
- Cutting the cheese
- Brazil Scandal
- Russians withdraw from Syria
- Seaworld Orcas
- (0:47:05-0:59:32) SCOTUS
- Certifiable Moderate
- Wall Breaking Down Already
- No hearings, unless Hillary
- Troll moves, crying
- (1:00:47-1:46:00) Election 2016
- Cheese in the Microphone
- March 15th results
- Uncommitted Delegates
- Rubio’s Delegates
- Delegate Corruption
- Trump encouraging riots?
- Convention Shenanigans
- Alex Clearing the shelves
- Carson and Christie
- Clinton still winning
- Obama vs Trump
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Ivan and Sam start off talking about things OTHER than Election 2016. The upcoming small iPhone announcement, corporate reorgs, Kanye and The Pirate Bay, feedback on the show, and more! But of course then it is election time. They cover the Super Tuesday results in both parties, the Republican delegate math, the possibilities of a Republican schism, and everything else surrounding the race that they can think of.
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Recorded 2016-03-03
Length this week – 1:59:20
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:10:30) But First
- Agenda
- Small iPhone
- Mexico City
- Reorgs
- (0:11:50-0:42:03) Lightning Round
- Carillian prelude
- Apple wins a round
- Malaysian Plane
- Kanye and Pirate Bay
- Nearby House Fire
- North Korea
- Syria
- Feedback
- Sam’s Vote?
- (0:43:08-1:28:41) Election 2016 Part 1
- Democratic Super Tuesday Results
- Sanders lost, get over it
- Carson out
- Christie and Trump
- Rubio attacking Trump
- Trump’s Business Success
- Effect of Rubio’s Attacks?
- Trump Delegate Math
- Forcing a contested convention?
- Delegate Shenanagans
- Odds of President Trump?
- Trump’s Policy Details
- The Mexican Wall
- Trump and Duke/KKK
- (1:29:44-1:59:01) Election 2016 Part 2
- Never Trump Republicans
- Will the Republicans Split?
- Is Clinton more conservative than Trump?
- Trump’s Supporter’s Motivations
- Immigrant Debate
- Romney Attacks
- Trump’s Free Media
- Buying votes not working
- The Next Contests
This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about chickens! Just kidding. Of course they talk about Election 2016. New Hampshire. Sanders beating Clinton. Trump walking all over the other Republicans. The log jam at second place on the Republican side. What this means for the delegate race and the next couple of states on both sides. Everything you would expect! Then they wrap it up with a lightning round for some thoughts on the Zika virus, changes on Twitter, the Oregon standoff, and more!
Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-02-11
Length this week – 1:39:01
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:16:41) Intro
- Pi Again
- Agenda
- Ivan’s Rough Day
- Sam’s Upcoming Trip
- (0:17:26-0:55:16) Election 2016: Republicans
- New Hampshire Results
- Upcoming contests
- Rubio’s debate crash
- Kasichmentum?
- Who drops out and when?
- Gaming out South Carolina
- anti-Trumps running out of time
- Trump moving to center?
- Trump/Sanders Swing Voters
- Fighting each other instead of Trump
- Carson in South Carolina!
- (0:56:25-1:19:52) Election 2016: Democrats
- No Surprise
- Delegate Story
- South Carolina and Nevada
- What is the path for Sanders?
- Clinton indictment?
- Sanders/Clinton demographics
- Independents
- Sam’s Choices
- Santorum iSideWith
- (1:20:41-1:38:40) Lightning Round
- Book: Prince Caspian
- Zika Virus
- Twitter Changes
- Ivan iSideWith
- Oregon Standoff
We made it past Iowa! We have Iowa results! We have brand new speculation about New Hampshire and beyond! Yes, of course, the bulk of this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast is Sam and Ivan discussing where the presidential race sits in this week between Iowa and New Hampshire. We go over all of the results so far, then discuss how candidates, the media and the public are reacting to those results, and what that means for the rest of the contest. Plus, for the first time in a little while, we do a lightning round as well, covering bluetooth audio issues, Iran, the Flint water crisis, tech earnings results, and more!
Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-02-04
Length this week – 2:12:09
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:05:11) Intro
- Pi O’Clock Again
- Agenda
- Talking Politics
- (0:06:00-0:29:42) Republicans in Iowa
- Headlines
- Delegate Totals
- Spin
- Polling Wrong?
- People Dropping Out
- Carson/Cruz blow up
- Speeches
- (0:30:45-0:43:55) Democrats in Iowa
- Close Race
- Not a Surprise
- Delegate Totals
- Spin
- Demographic Split
- (0:44:33-1:24:33) Republicans in New Hampshire and beyond
- Delegate Rules
- Delegate Hypothetical
- Will we get good New Hampshire polls?
- Contest Calendar
- Trump reacts to losing
- How will New Hampshire react to Iowa?
- Divided anti-Trump vote
- Trump Strategy
- Bush done?
- Big last minute moves?
- Gilmore
- post-New Hampshire
- Predictions
- (1:25:53-1:42:08) Democrats in New Hampshire and beyond
- Sanders will win New Hampshire
- post-New Hampshire
- Delegate Allocation
- How will Clinton react to losing?
- No Clinton Backup
- Clinton emails
- Clinton collapse scenarios
- (1:43:24-2:11:49) Lightning Round
- Car Bluetooth Audio
- Movie: Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000)
- Iran Deal Implementation
- Flint Water Crisis
- Oregon Militia Standoff Ended
- Apple Earnings
- Alphabet Market Cap
- Feedback on Performance Reviews
- Feedback on Sam’s Writing
- Growing Show
Iowa is coming. Did everyone know the Iowa Caucuses are coming very soon? This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan discuss the state of the presidential race in the lead up to the Iowa Caucuses. On the Republican side, they discuss attacks on Trump finally starting, while the rest of the candidates attack each other, as well as details of delegate allocation in Iowa, and some talk about Trump supporters commenting on Sam’s election site. On the Democratic side, it is delegate allocations again, and just how hard a path it would be for Sanders to catch up and win given Clinton’s superdelegate lead and other factors. Oh yeah, and at the start, Sam complains a bit about company annual reviews.
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Recorded 2016-01-29
Length this week – 1:13:26
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:10:22) But First
- (0:11:42-0:54:20) Election 2016 – Republicans
- Finally Iowa
- Attacking Trump
- Last Week Shifts
- Circular Firing Squad
- Conservatism vs Trumpism
- Trump skipping debate
- Trump shooting people
- Trump commenters on Election Graphs
- Republican Delegates in Iowa
- Trump Insults
- Iowa predictions
- (0:55:04-1:13:06) Election 2016 – Democrats
- Clinton will win in the end
- Democratic Delegates in Iowa
- Delegate Tracker
- Clinton’s big superdelegate lead
- What Sanders needs to “really” win
- Feedback – Palin Poetry
- Wrap Up