This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2025

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Hit the Green Button!!

Ivan and Sam travel to the same room in the same city to do this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast, joined this week by their college buddy Chad. Along with some stories of college hijinks, the main topics were the aftermath of the first Republican debates, a discussion on Clinton’s weakening position and if it is enough for Biden to jump in, and the continuing impact of Clinton’s email issues. In the lightning round we cover a houseplant that tells you when it is thirsty, the toxic sludge spill, problems with the Olympics, Google Alphabet, and a lot more!

Recorded 2015-08-13

Length this week – 1:27:35

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Show Details:

  • Intro
    • Hidden Pizza
    • Hampshire Fire
  • Election 2016 – Republicans
    • Debate Coverage Feedback
    • Fiorina Debate Performance
    • Post-Debate Polling
    • Narrowing Field
    • Has Trump Peaked?
    • Establishment Tricks
    • Clinton Master Plan?
  • Election 2016 – Democrats
    • Dean Scream
    • Sanders Surge
    • Will Biden run?
    • Clinton Email
  • Lightning Round
    • Movie: Empire Strikes Back
    • China Currency Devaluation
    • Sam’s Houseplant
    • Answering Machine Messages
    • EPA Toxic Sludge Spill
    • Testing Risks
    • Olympics
    • Jon Stewart
    • Jimmy Carter
    • Google Alphabet

Third Debate

I got stuck in twitter jail about 20 minutes before the end of the debate, and was frustrated by being blocked from more live commentary. Sigh. Oh well.

So a quick bottom line here.

The first half was pretty even, but for the second half Obama won every exchange and got stronger and stronger as the night progressed. Meanwhile, Romney didn’t respond to attacks. He just let them stick and looked upset.

I think on balance Obama won, and by the end was winning pretty strongly, but it wasn’t a blowout like Romney had in the first debate.

In the end though, I’m not sure it will make a huge difference.

Thing is though, Romney needed it to make a difference. The race is very close right now, but Obama is still slightly ahead. Romney needed a big win tonight. Big enough to move polls in his direction. I don’t think he got it. This will either be neutral, or be a positive for Obama.

Perhaps I’m wrong. I was wrong when I said Romney had peaked at the beginning of September, what with not having anticipated a wholesale Obama melt down at the first debate. So we’ll just have to wait and see how things move as we start getting post-debate state polls.

The first general election polls close 14 days, 19 hours and 55 minutes from now.

That will go by really fast…

Oh, final note. I like how unlike the other two debates both candidates and their families hung out on the stage and mingled and talked to other for several minutes after the debate. Romney introducing Obama to his grandkids and such was just cute.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: It’s a Big Barrel

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • First Presidential Debate
  • Debate Aftermath
  • Smartphones

Recorded on 7 Oct 2012

Length this week – 1:01:53

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Obama Crushed at First Debate

I apparently hit my daily tweet limit about 60 minutes into the 90 minute debate, so I’ll do things the old fashioned way and consolidate my thoughts in a blog post. I obviously watched a lot of the twitter reaction live, but I paused the Tivo so I could write this before listening to a lot of the talking heads on the networks and in the spin rooms.

Bottom line here is that Romney knocked this one out of the park. This was a brand new Romney that has not been visible at any time in the last year of campaigning. He was strong. He was confident. He completely controlled the conversation. He looked relaxed and comfortable. He looked at home. Dare I say it, he looked “Presidential”.

Meanwhile Obama looked uncomfortable and nervous. He played right into Romney’s narrative by actually apologizing at least once. He backed down when Romney kept telling him not to say a particular thing, with a meek resigned “OK”. He looked flustered. He looked distracted. He rambled. He did not defend well against attacks. He sat there and took it, and looked sheepish. He looked outmatched on the stage. He was not coming off well from the very first minutes, and after we were a couple of questions in, he knew it too, and it got worse as the evening progressed.

The fact checkers are going to go to town on this debate. As always, there will be a lot of inaccuracies and untruths, and probably some outright lies. There quite possibly will be a lot more of those from Romney’s side. We’ll see. But it won’t matter. As I tweeted during the debate, “A confident lie can come across better than a hesitant truth. Unfortunately.” What people will remember here is how Romney was in charge, and Obama looked harried and beaten.

Meanwhile, finally, finally, finally, we see Romney pivot to the center. This was a brand new Romney. As I also tweeted, “The Etch a Sketch finally arrives.” This was not the Romney who was pandering to all the right wing wackos. Suddenly we once again have the centrist moderate who could actually get elected in Massachusetts. He defended Romneycare! He didn’t run away from it as he has so many times in the past. He talked about bipartisanship and about working with Democrats. He tried to claim the mantle of defender of the middle class, and repudiate notions of him being an advocate for the rich.

Now, I actually suspect some of this is more like the “real” Romney, as compared to where he had to go to win the nomination. But this Romney has been missing for a long time. Suddenly, this Romney is back. And this is the Romney that could actually have a shot against Obama. The other Romney didn’t stand a chance.

And Romney scores a much needed change in the narrative. There have been comments going around for the past two weeks that whatever Romney needs, the MEDIA needs a change in the narrative to make things exciting again. The only thing the whole of the media (and yeah, probably me too) are uncontroversially and in 100% agreement on their bias about, is the bias toward the dramatic and the interesting rather than the boring and predictable. Walking to a clear Obama win is boring. A Romney comeback and surge is exciting. But a seed is still needed to go there. This debate will provide that seed.

For at least a few days, and quite likely straight through to the next Presidential debate in 13 days absent another big flub from Romney, or a major news event, the chatter will be all about Romney changing the momentum and about if Obama can find a way to get his mojo back for the second debate. Suddenly, for the first time this whole election cycle, Obama will look like he is on the defensive.

This was a very bad night for Obama.

Now, will it make any difference at all in the polls? In my Electoral College Analysis?

Maybe. My gut though is that the Political Scientists are pretty much right though, and with the exception of something much more dramatic than what we saw tonight, debates in the end don’t matter very much. The vast majority of the electorate has already made up their mind. There are really very few in the center who are truly undecided. And of those only a small portion will make up their minds based on a debate performance. Having said that, the nature of the spin cycle will move the polls some. Maybe just a few points. But some.

Now, in order to actually win, Romney needs a big move toward him. Not a little one. But even a relatively small move will start moving some states where Obama is ahead by more than 5% back into the zone where they are close. And it might pull a few states that are just leaning Obama over the line to where they are leaning Romney. That will improve Romney’s position in my model, but won’t actually put him ahead. Not for a small move anyway. Not for just a 2% or 3% shift. He would need a bigger move than that.

I don’t think this debate can give him that. But if this “new Romney” keeps showing up, and keeps hitting it out of the park, and this uncertain, tired looking Obama keeps showing up, then that will just build on top of whatever small gain Romney gets directly from this debate.

And then we could have a real race again.

On Curmudgeon’s Corner Ivan and I had said many times that Romney may not be able to do anything specifically to win this race, but Obama can certainly lose it if he screws up. Obama screwed up tonight. And on top of that Romney was on fire. If they had both been at their best it would have been a draw. But Romney ran the table tonight, and Obama looked like he wanted to go home.

This may just be the opening Romney needs. It may not be enough. It *probably* won’t be enough. My guess is that at best it will put Romney back where he was right after the Republican convention… which was still losing, just not by as much. Climbing past that point to win over states where Obama is currently ahead by huge margins is not going to be easy. I think Romney will hit a wall at about the same places he has peaked before.

But, but, it gives him a much needed opening.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: If Suddenly I Start Screaming

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Stones! / Cars!
  • Call for Romney Supporters / EC Update / Debate Preview / Coattails?
  • Apple Maps
  • Reading on Paper
  • Driverless Cars

Recorded on 30 Sep 2012

Length this week – 55:51

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