This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Not a creature was stirring, not even a dog

In another hour or so, chaos will reign, but for now… the house is still quiet.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Bye Bye Forever… Until Next Week

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* Ivan Complains about Flying / Book: The Final Days
* Christmas Trees / Russia’s Rouble Mess
* Jeb Bush / Election 2016
* Sydney / Peshawar
* Sony Hack

Recorded 2014-12-17

Length this week – 2:00:06 – Longest ever! We broke 2 hours!

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Tree Acquired

Alex makes goofy poses as we prepare to take the tree home. We also got a tiny little tree for our “train room”.

Christmas Day 2013

I actually wasn’t going to, but I was asked by email for some pictures of actual Christmas events (rather than just the tree in the early morning). So here come a few…

Alex contemplating the tree.


The kids with Grandma Ruth. (Amy would like to point out that despite appearances in this picture, she IS wearing pants.)


Alex with the favorite new toy of the day.

And that’s about it for pictures that came out decent. We actually didn’t take a lot of pictures this time.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Popping into my Head

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Alex talk about:

  • Holidays
  • Political Tenets
  • Thoughts on 2013 / Trains and Portal

Recorded on 27 Dec 2013

Length this week – 1:23:37

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All Ready for Christmas Morning


Everything is ready. Sunrise is in just over an hour, although it will be a while longer before everyone is awake and ready to go. Alex will probably wake me up within two hours. Brandy may (or may not) get another hour after that. Amy will probably get another four before we wake her up. In just over five hours, Grandma Ruth is scheduled to arrive and we will start presents in earnest.

We weren’t ready before Alex fell asleep last night, so the usual tradition of everybody getting one present on Christmas Eve didn’t happen. Perhaps everybody will get one as each person wakes up. Or not. We’ll see how good Alex is at waiting once he is awake. We will distract him with food. :-)

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it in one way or another! And happy Wednesday to everyone else. :-)

Santa Train 2013

As we did last year, we booked tickets for Alex and the family to the Santa Express run by the Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad.

So we all hopped into the car on Monday afternoon and headed out to foothills of Mount Rainier…


Alex and Amy were ready to go…


This was going to be our engine…


And this was the train…


Then we watched the engine couple up to the train… or “buckle up” as Alex and I sometimes say…

As we got on, I noticed there was a second engine at the other end of the train, so right after we got on I headed to that end to get a quick picture…


G’ma Ruth and Alex got settled in at a table.


Amy put on her practiced sullen face.


I ate my popcorn.

(Picture taken by my mom)

Soon the train started, and Alex watched out the window intently while perched on my lap.

(Picture taken by my mom)

Only a few minutes later though, the conductor told us it was our turn for Santa…


And unlike last time, when I unfortunately his stop on the video right before Alex started to talk to Santa, this time I actually did get the whole thing on video…

Unfortunately, unlike last time, it was much noisier, and it was impossible to hear what Alex said to Santa. (Although, Santa said that Alex said “trains”, which of course would be what he would say.) Also of course, it wasn’t his first time with Santa, and it wasn’t nearly as cute. So I am still very sad about stopping the video early last year.

But we quickly moved on.

Through dirty windows we saw some scenery…


Last year, we had power outages and never got to the “destination” of the trip. This time we got to the end, which was a little train museum. We got out to look at some of the stuff…

(Picture taken by my mom)

We saw the engine that had pulled the train last year.


And a diesel engine with caboose.


And another old steam engine.

(Picture taken by Brandy)

We could have hopped inside that engine, but Alex just wanted to look through the window.


There were some old tanker cars too.


And a repair shed.


At that point, we went back into the train…

(Picture taken by my mom)

Right around then, we realized we had lost Brandy! We had no idea where she had gone. One minute she was with us, then the next she was not. We’d hoped she would be waiting for us at our seats, but she was not. For what seemed like hours, but was really only a few minutes, we sat there and wondered where in the world Brandy had gotten to.

As we sat in our seats Alex said, “I think Mommy will be lost FOREVER.”

But, of course, a few minutes before the train was due to head back, Brandy showed up at our seats.

As the train started heading back toward the station, like last time, Alex and I (and Grandma Ruth too this time) went to find one of the spaces at the ends of the cars where there was a waist high door with an open area above so that you could look out without dirty old glass in the way of the view.

Of course, by this time it was dark…

(Picture taken by my mom)

We could see the stuff right by the side of the tracks because of the lights from the train, and it was exciting when we passed level crossings. But of course I wasn’t going to be able to get any good pictures of that with very low light and everything going by quickly.

But Alex and I stayed, with me holding him up so he could see out, for the whole ride back to the station.

(Picture taken by my mom)

And then it was over. We headed back to the car for the two hour drive home, with only a quick break for dinner at an Indian restaurant on the way.

It was a fun time, although very different than last time. Will it become a tradition? Talk to us again next year. :-)

Alex and his Tree


We always do these things a bit later than many people, but this morning while Amy slept in, Alex, Brandy and I headed out to get a tree. Alex remembered the place we got our tree last year, and that we got it at night. He said we should go the same place… If it was open.

So we went to that same place. Selection was sorta slim. We told Alex he could pick the tree. He wandered around and looked at a bunch of trees, and was not very impressed. Until we got to one corner. And then he saw it. He knew immediately this was the tree he wanted. It was the SMALLEST tree they had left. But it was his. He had picked his tree. :-)

Next up… This year’s Santa Train. We are going the same place we went last year.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Just Sprayed All Over the Place

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Ivan’s Day / Sam’s Night
  • Bitcoins Again
  • Christmas Shopping
  • Delivery Drones / Automated Everything

Recorded on 3 Dec 2013

Length this week – 1:15:33

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Alex Finds His Tree


Recorded right after Alex woke up Christmas morning.