This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



December 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Bubbles of Exasperation

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan’s three main topics are the USA’s alliances and the strains Trump is putting on them, the upcoming North Korean summit, and a hodgepodge of legal related stuff like last week’s SCOTUS cases, the Obamacare lawsuit, the new Manafort charges, and the Trump legal team’s letter to Mueller. Before all that though, they mark an anniversary, discuss Ivan’s recent trip to China, talk about the destruction of Sam’s son’s iPad, and more!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-06-09
Length this week – 1:59:30

  • (0:01:45-0:37:04) But First
    • Agenda
    • Anniversary
    • Ivan in China
    • Ivan book: Understanding Air France 447 (2013)
    • Alex iPad destruction
    • Macron handshake
  • (0:37:43-1:01:30) Alliances
    • Anthony Bourdain suicide
    • G7 Summit
    • What is Trump’s plan?
    • Are Canada and the EU really screwing the US?
    • Fed up allies, happy Putin
    • Rules are for suckers
  • (1:02:15-1:19:19) North Korea
    • All about the attitude
    • Giving things for free?
    • Path to opening?
    • Predictions
    • Parkland again
  • (1:21:01-1:59:09) Legal Stuff
    • Gay wedding cake case
    • Abortion case
    • Obamacare lawsuit
    • New Manafort charges
    • Trump letter to Mueller


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Squeaky Chair

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan deviate from politics for a little while to talk some tech! Namely, Juicero, cord cutting, and Apple’s pro strategy. Of course after that they get back to the news and politics of the week… That would be Trump’s 100 day milestone, Trump’s tax plan, the budget deadline and Obama making money on speeches on the domestic side. Internationally they discuss tariffs on Canada, “The Wall”, and NAFTA. Along the way there are also some corrections, a milestone for this podcast, and Trump’s Big Red Button.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-04-28
Length this week – 1:52:35

  • 0:01:13-0:14:28 But First
    • Agenda
    • Corrections
    • Milestone
  • 0:15:08-0:55:28 Tech
    • Juciero
    • Cord Cutting Update
    • Apple Pro Strategy
  • 0:56:36-1:33:39 Domestic
    • 100 Days of Trump
    • Tax Plan
    • Budget Deadline
    • Obama Speeches
  • 1:34:55-1:52:14 International
    • Canadian Tariffs
    • The Wall
    • NAFTA
    • North Korea
    • Electoral Maps
    • Big Red Button


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Pics from Aug 2014

987 pictures from August. First pass narrowed it to 75. Culling it down to 31 for this post. The last few killed were hard choices as usual.


2014-08-01 00:50 UTC – We start out the month with Amy in a cat hat.


2014-08-02 03:06 UTC – Alex is getting better and better at walking Roscoe.


2014-08-02 19:39 UTC – Roscoe always likes to rest after his walks.


2014-08-04 04:25 UTC – We sometimes put Alex in a cage.


2014-08-04 04:33 UTC – Alex playing with a wooden car by the light of a night light.


2014-08-09 21:31 UTC – Alex will follow his sister to the ends of the earth… or to a science demonstration for kids at my company picnic.


2014-08-09 22:00 UTC – Alex chasing a ball at the company picnic. And yes, the “picnic” was inside. No grass or trees to be seen.


2014-08-09 22:10 UTC – Once Alex was tired of the picnic, we walked a bit in the city. Well, I walked. Alex rode. He is about 45 pounds now, so this usually doesn’t last too long.


2014-08-09 22:40 UTC – When we were done exploring, we hung out in Pioneer Square for awhile until Mommy could swing around with the car and pick us up.


2014-08-09 22:55 UTC – This seagull kept watching us.


2014-08-10 16:51 UTC – One Sunday I accompanied my mom to a church where she was doing the fill in minister thing for the day.


2014-08-10 18:28 UTC – Here she is doing the meet and greet thing after the service.


2014-08-10 19:30 UTC – After the service, time for a day trip to Canada! Observe the grandeur and majesty of the border crossing!


2014-08-10 20:24 UTC – We found a small tourist town to have lunch in.


2014-08-10 20:32 UTC – My mom was wearing this owl. It kept staring at me.


2014-08-10 21:13 UTC – We saw some pretty views along a river.


2014-08-10 21:24 UTC – We saw some train stuff.


2014-08-10 23:18 UTC – Then we went to a park across the channel from the Vancouver airport. (Click to enbiggen the panorama.)


2014-08-10 23:22 UTC – We watched some big planes take off.


2014-08-10 23:28 UTC – And a bunch of little ones too. These were taking off from the channel of course.


2014-08-11 03:09 UTC – Then after dinner, we headed back to the US. Much shoddier and more run down border crossing this time.


2014-08-13 01:46 UTC – Back at home, all summer long, Alex almost never missed a day playing with the hose. He would water the lawn, all the plants and bushes, the cars, himself, and anybody crazy enough to get within range.


2014-08-22 03:50 UTC – Later in the month I took Brandy to a concert.


2014-08-24 18:24 UTC – At school Alex is starting to learn geography.


2014-08-30 01:44 UTC (photo by Brandy) – Then we went to a fair. We went on this slide. Amy went first while Alex and I waited at the top.


2014-08-30 01:44 UTC (photo by Brandy) – Then Alex changed his mind and didn’t want to go. But it was too late. So I held his hand. I was not supposed to do that. Because I essentially ended up dragging him down. And since I was holding onto his hand, he spun onto his side. This was scary and unpleasant. There were tears. But he forgave me a few minutes later.


2014-08-30 02:01 UTC – Amy and Alex went fishing. Eventually Alex caught one of the fish and won a toy car.


2014-08-30 03:14 UTC – After dark, there were lots of lit up spinning things to watch.


2014-08-30 03:26 UTC – Amy won a donut, but let Alex wear it.


2014-08-30 03:53 UTC – Alex had said for months that he did not want a haircut until he could put his hair in his mouth. Now he can, but he has changed his mind. He still does not want a haircut.


2014-08-30 04:50 UTC – At a certain point, Alex was done and just bolted to head back to the car on his own. He was headed the wrong way of course. I caught him and we walked back to the car together. Amy and Brandy joined us awhile later. :-)