This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Local Bellevue WA Elections Again (Part III)

Well, I’m home. Time to crank out the rest of these.

City of Bellevue Council Position No. 7

Three candidates. Once again, son’t we have primaries to make it only two? Bleh. Lets see… Mike Creighton: Is he related to the guy on the Ports ballot? Retired Insurance Salesman. Served on the School Board and City Council, and was Mayor for awhile. He is the incumbent, having been appointed to fill a vacant position. Robertson: Has been on various planning commissions, including relating to light rail. Low tax advocate. Finley: Small business owner. For neighborhoods and stuff. Blank website. (At least in Safari.) Looking through stuff, I think I’m leaning toward Robertson. So I will vote for JENNIFER ROBERTSON.

Bellevue School District No. 405 Director District No. 3

One candidate. Chris Marks. Sorry Chris, out of my objection to candidates with no opposition I will be writing myself in. So I vote for SAMUEL MINTER.

Bellevue School District No. 405 Director District No. 5

Two candidates. Mann: For parent, teacher and community involvement in school decisions. Local standards and a lot of happy fluffy stuff. All about accountability and accessibility. Mills: Has been on school board for eight years. Says the schools are really good, but there is still work to be done. His website was done by students, but isn’t as good as the one done by that other candidate’s kid. Anyway, Mills didn’t have much to say about what he would actually do, what his principals were or whatnot. Mann was pretty vague, but I liked the things she did say. I will vote for PATTI MANN.

Public Hospital District No. 1 Commissioner District No. 2

I don’t even know what this office is. But there is only one candidate, Carolyn V. Parnell. She may be great. But she shouldn’t be unopposed. I will write myself in. My vote goes to SAMUEL MINTER.

Public Hospital District No. 1 Commissioner District No. 4

First of all, this appears to be about the administration of a hospital and other facilities in Renton. Don’t know why these are elected positions, even if it is the regional public hospital. It just seems strange. OK, two candidates. Miller: Incumbent. He’s a VP at a bank. Degree in business. Bunch of endorsements. Heide: He is a Doctor. Founded a Stroke Center. Running on a change platform to clean up problems he sees. I think on balance I like what I see ftom Heide. I will vote for AARON HEIDE.

OK. That is it. Time to fold it all up, shove it in the envelope, and since it is too late to mail it, head to the collection center at a local mall and drop it off in the big mailbox looking thing.

Local Bellevue WA Elections Again (Part II)

OK. Lunch break time. I am allowing myself 45 minutes, and am doing this instead of eating lunch today. Bleh. Of course, they put out excess Halloween candy in the hallway, so I am not hurting for junk calories with no actual nutrition value. Woo! Anyway…

Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 1

One candidate. John Creighton. Leaving aside the Farscape reference (yes, I know it is spelled differently) the unopposed thing gets me again, and I write myself in. I vote for SAMUEL MINTER.

Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 3

Two candidates. Holland: Truck Fleet Salesperson. Supported by unions. Doud: Investment properties broker. Says he represents the whole county rather than just Seattle. Criticizes union support of opponent. I think I’ll go with the more business oriented Doud. I generally dislike the idea of unions, and therefore am wary of Holland. I will vote for DAVID DOUD.

Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 4

Two candidates. Albro: Touts his independence. Bunch of endorsements. Small business owner. An engineer. Vekich: Former longshore worker and Democratic Legislator. Says we don’t need an insider, but then lists a bunch of insiders who endorse him. Why are these elected positions again? The Stranger says: “The port needs a business-minded person who isn’t evil. That’s Tom Albro.” Ha! OK. Good enough. I’ll vote for TOM ALBRO.

City of Bellevue Council Position No. 2

Two candidates. Orrico: Involved in a lot of local commissions and such. Points out opponent is running for 4th term. Her website was done by a middle school aged relative (child?). Lee: Incumbent. Basically says he has done a good job so bring him back. Looking around I don’t see much about issues that are very contentious. I think multiple terms in local government is generally not a great idea though, and I liked the middle school designed website. So I’ll vote for VICKI ORRICO.

City of Bellevue Council Position No. 4

Two candidates. Wallace: Looks like he is the keep taxes low, fiscal responsibility, that sort of thing type. Also pushing light rail. Bonincontri: Some stuff about parks and quality of life and the like. There really isn’t much to go on here. Most of the stuff on both of them is of the “I’ll work to make things better” type. On balance though, I think I’m leaning Wallace. I will vote for KEVIN R. WALLACE.

City of Bellevue Council Position No. 6

Two candidates again. Marchand: Talks about jobs and pushing Bellevue to the next level. Davidson: 22 years on the city council. He says to reelect him because he has done a good job. OK. Marchand looks OK, and Davidson has just been there too long. I will vote for MICHAEL MARCHAND.

OK. My timer went off and my 45 minutes are up. I have five more races to make decisions on. They will have to wait for a few more hours until I am done with work. I did six in this last 45 minutes, so I should be able to finish up in another 45 minute batch. There should be plenty of time. I’ve got just under four hours left before the time I usually leave work, and just under six hours before the ballots are due. I can do that.