This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Mom Visit Second Wednesday

Checking out the telescope

Hugging Grama Ruth goodbye

Really? More pictures?

Dad hugs his Mom too, and Alex gets in the act

And everybody! (Except the picture shy one taking the picture)

Sitting on the curb waiting for Grama Ruth to leave

Bye Grama Ruth!

And off she went in her rental car, and the visit was over. :-)

Mom Visit Tuesday

Almost done with Tut (Photo from Mom)

Really, Alex, almost done! (Photo from Amy)

It is OK, I forgive you for boring, upsetting and scaring me. (Photo from Amy)

Of course, there is still an IMAX movie…

Not happy about this IMAX of which you speak.

Oh wait… there is popcorn? Why didn’t you say so?

40 minutes in the dark => Nap in the Grass (Photo from Mom)

And playing in sculptures (Photo from Mom)

And pictures of the same.

Alex has to try too.

Have to make one of those squished penny things.

And a ride on the monorail!

The monorail!

Even got to watch the driver on the return trip!

Gotta watch everything!

Then home to walk the dog with Grama Ruth

And 17 hours later, time to play with trains some more!

And Grama Ruth makes a big fort to play cars in!

Sister said give her a kiss!

And we’re fixing up my fish bowl!

Mom Visit Monday

Grama Ruth and Alex at the Zoo (Photo from Amy)


Walkin’ at the Zoo! [With you know who cropped off the side since she doesn’t like pictures]

Peacock! (Photo from Mom)

Looking at the Hippos (Photo from Mom)

See, Hippos (Photo from Mom)

Tired again though (Photo from Mom)

But not too tired for a stick of candy!

OK, maybe too tired for a stick of candy after all!

14 hours later, playing with Grama Ruth again

Coming through!

Reading a book with Dad (Photo from Mom)

Rough housing with Daddy (Photo from Mom)

Brandy’s Alex Head on display, Daddy, and Alex (Photo from Mom)

Looking over the edge… (Photo from Mom)

At a fountain. (Photo from Mom)

Amy at LGBTQ Resource Center where she volunteers

Getting ready to jump with Grama Ruth’s help!

Off to see the King Tut Exhibit (From Mom’s Camera)

Where there were many Ancient Egyptian things (Photo from Mom)

But Alex was not impressed… (Photo from Mom)

and really wanted to leave! (Photo from Amy)

Amenhotep IV said we should stay longer though. (Photo from Amy)

As did Psusennes I.

My mom was more impressed than Alex.

And we couldn’t miss the stomach coffin!

Mom Visit Sunday

Train Ride Continued (Photo from Amy)

Amy can’t stop taking portraits of Alex (Photo from Amy)

One more looking out the window of the train (Photo from Amy)

Grama Ruth helping Alex off the train

Walking with Grama Ruth

Dad takes a last look at Thomas (since Alex wasn’t interested)

Cause it was time to play trains!!

And then to head back to the car

Come on Grama Ruth!

Then 21 hours later… time for the zoo! With Penguins! (Photo from Mom)

But more on that in the pictures for Monday (Photo from Amy)

Mom Visit Saturday

Amy in Bunny Suit (Photo from Amy)

Alex making cookies

Sam and Alex, playing Trains (Photo from Mom)

Alex and Mom on the play house thing

Alex climbing the slide with Grama Ruth watching

Once more down the slide

Me and Alex on the way to the surprise (Photo by Amy)

The surprise is trains! (Photo by Mom)

What is the surprise Alex? (Photo from Mom)

The surprise is Thomas! (Photo from Mom)

Amy got a Diesel 10 tattoo (Photo from Amy)

Watching model trains (Photo from Amy)

Getting ready to board the Thomas train (Photo from Amy)

Are we really sure we want to do this? (Photo from Amy)

Deciding to be brave (Photo from Amy)

On the train! (Photo from Amy)

Why do you keep pointing the camera at me? (Photo from Amy)

Looking out the window (Photo from Amy)

There is a lot to see! (Photo from Amy)

Deep in thought

Still concentrating (Photo from Amy)

Wide eyed (Photo from Amy)

The photographer

A fun day! (Photo from Amy)

But lots to think about… (Photo from Amy)

Are we done yet? (Photo from Amy)

Grama Ruth gets to see too

Getting tired…

But then, a view!

A view? (Photo from Amy)

Seriously… are we done yet? (Photo from Amy)

Cause I’m kinda done… (Photo from Amy)

Bunny Amy, Alex, and Roscoe


Saturday with Guests

Amy On Ferry

Dad and Cathy on Ferry

Roscoe likes Dad

Papa Bill plays trains with Alex

Aunts and Cousins and Such




My Mom is Retiring… and Coming Here!

So, the letter officially and publicly announcing my mom’s retirement came out last month, and I meant to post this then, but well, I got busy. Oops. The full pdf of the letter is here.

The most relevant parts for those of us in the family are these:

I write to inform you that I will be retiring, with my final day being June 30, 2012. The Association Covenant team accepted my letter with regret at its February meeting. With this timing, I will complete exactly six years as Association Minister for SONKA. They have been good years.

Why leave? I turned 70 years old in February and wish to do a few other things while still healthy. It will be good to have time for my own priorities instead of mainly filling my hours meeting requests of others. I will be able to do more with issues I care about and with nurturing personal relationships, as well as reading, writing, art, music and taking some classes long on my “someday” list.

If/when my house sells, I will move for a while to Washington State where my only son and his family live. I have told him it will be my next 3-year adventure, not my permanent retirement home.

Blessings always.

Ruth M. Brandon
SONKA Association Minister

This was of course not a surprise to us. We’d been talking about the upcoming plans for quite awhile before they were official. I am very much looking forward to having my mom nearby for the next “3-year adventure”.

If all goes as planned, that means she will be here as Amy finishes high school and moves on to college, and as Alex continues to grow and moves from day care to pre-school to kindergarden to elementary school. Those are important years.

As much as Alex enjoys video chatting with Grandma on the computer and on my iPhone, I’m sure he will enjoy having her around in person even more.

And so will I.