This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Hard at Work

I Said Don't Lick Me!

Alex at Five Months

Yes, it is time for the now semi-traditional interview with Alex as he turns another month older. This clip was taken just under two hours before Alex officially turned five months old at 21:04 UTC today (that’s 1:04 PM Pacific, 4:04 PM Eastern), or a little over two hours ago as I post this. (Remember, months are 30.4368499 days long or so… :-) )

Wow, has it really been five months already?

I definitely already can’t remember what life was like without him around. :-)

Alex Loves His Fish

He will sit and happily watch the fish for long stretches of time. Eventually he will get frustrated when he talks and talks and talks to them, but they never answer.

Alex Mass Doubling Time

It was close yesterday, but as of today based on the overall trend line for Alex’s mass…

Alex has doubled in mass!

Anyway, it looks like he is doubling every 148 days.

Assuming an exponential growth pattern…

His mass will exceed my own when he is 1.8 years old.

His mass will exceed that of the Earth when he is 32.6 years old.

Such a big boy!

(Note that this is of course dependent on the exact methodology I use for drawing the trend line, but I like how I draw the line, so I’ll stick to it! It is better than just looking at today’s reading vs the first one right after he was born… human mass fluctuates and there is non-trivial experimental imprecision, so it is important to look at trends over a bunch of data points, not individual readings. And I’ll be sticking to the idea that his growth will be exponential, even though you can clearly see that the shape of the curve is not exponential. I’m sure that is just an anomaly, and it will become exponential any time now. :-) )

Things I Have Learned Recently

How to roll over.
How to take off my own socks.
How to drink from a sippy cup I hold by myself.
How to drive Mom’s car.

Enjoying a Good Book

Visiting Ikea

I just realized it has been something like two weeks since I’ve posted pictures of Alex. Way too long. :-)

Alex’s First Email

After having recently learned how fun banging things with his hands is, I of course put Alex in front of a keyboard. Here is the result:

From: Samuel Minter <>
Date: 23 January 2010 01:38:33 GMT
To: (various family members)
Subject: From Alex

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Presumably there will be many more in the future.

Four Months in the World

A day after my Four Years in the Jungle post, it is time to note that a little less than five minutes after I make this post, at 10:35 UTC (2:35 AM Pacific, 5:35 AM Eastern) Alex will turn four months old. (Keeping in mind of course that a “true” month is 30.4368499 days… :-) )

As with last month, I’ll let Alex share a few of his thoughts on this milestone. This time his comments were recorded during a video chat he was having with his Grandmother B at around 3:45 UTC on the 9th.

He would like to add that over the last month he has gotten to really like his mushy foods in addition to his milk… especially that apple stuff… that he really can figure out how to get the spoon in his mouth by himself, and he prefers it when we let him try, even if he sometimes (OK, often) misses his mouth. He likes his toys quite a bit thank you and he really doesn’t understand why it seems we can’t always understand what he is saying when he talks. He also appreciates the help standing and stepping, because although he’s working on it, he doesn’t quite have those things down yet, but practices whenever he can. Oh, and he particularly enjoys pulling his sister’s hair. That makes him laugh.