At first it was scary and there were tears, because he had never ridden front facing before. He had always riden rear facing. Then he realized how much he could see. Truck! Ambulance! Red Light! It was a thrilling ride to school facing forward! (Yeah, the picture is blurred because he was moving, but it was the one that best showed his joy after the trip. :-) ) Finally! Took long enough. (Although I only did a little at a time and sometimes went many weeks without playing.) Alex helped me a lot. He sat with me and excitedly jumped up and down and provided running commentary for at least half of the time I played. There is still the multi-player mode though… Edit 2012 May 6 19:15 UTC: Just checked and saw that Portal 2 was released on 2011 Apr 19 and we got it on the day it was released. So it took me a couple weeks more than a year to finish this. Nice and slow I guess. :-) So, the letter officially and publicly announcing my mom’s retirement came out last month, and I meant to post this then, but well, I got busy. Oops. The full pdf of the letter is here. The most relevant parts for those of us in the family are these:
This was of course not a surprise to us. We’d been talking about the upcoming plans for quite awhile before they were official. I am very much looking forward to having my mom nearby for the next “3-year adventure”. If all goes as planned, that means she will be here as Amy finishes high school and moves on to college, and as Alex continues to grow and moves from day care to pre-school to kindergarden to elementary school. Those are important years. As much as Alex enjoys video chatting with Grandma on the computer and on my iPhone, I’m sure he will enjoy having her around in person even more. And so will I.