This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Grama Leslie Visit Day 4

Alex and the Pig

Amy joins the pig

Walking in the Market

Swimming with Daddy

I didn’t think the shower would make me wet

Keep Calm and Don’t Blink


Approaching the Mountain

Grama Leslie Visit Day 3

(For anybody wondering, there were no pictures from Day 2, so there was no post.)

A tussle on the floor with Grama.


Grama Leslie Visit Day 1

A blurry dog wag wag wagging away! (The rectangle on Roscoe is from some surgery he had a few weeks ago. Recovering nicely, thank you.)

Showing Grama Leslie the sandbox.

A Little Boy with a Little Curl

Taken 2012 Aug 17 08:09 UTC

Old Home Movie: Alex’s 1st Birthday

I figured that since we are coming up fast on Alex’s 3rd birthday, I’d go ahead and post some highlights of his 1st birthday. You know, for the three or four relatives who will actually watch it. :-)

Edit 2012 Aug 17 07:35 UTC to swap video for slightly revised one adding in one clip I’d missed the first time.

Bribery Works

Alex is now on his second box of cars (after also finishing a box of trains). Two weeks ago he was completely refusing to even contemplate such things and would yell and kick and scream and try to get away when asked. Now he is rushing to do it whenever he can, because, hey, new car! Of course, he can’t get cars and trains for this forever, but, for the moment…

Note: I actually stuck the second set of cars into the box from the first set of cars for this picture, as only the first box has the explanatory label.

Company Picnic 2012

Look, a mountain.

Sullen teenager face.

Alex flying a kite. Sorta.

Sibling fun.

Too cool for his seat.


A Break from the Walk

Just Testing Something

Having fun at Seafair last weekend.

Settled at Seafair
