After a four month winning streak, Chad loses again. For the first time since February 1997 Ron Adams, who always does well, actually manged to pull ahead of everybody else and get first place. Because of this I will finally give in and include here something Ron has been asking for for months. A few extra exclaimation points just for him. So, Ron, just for you, here they are, one for each message you sent in September:
After a three month absence without email Dawn returns to the list with a new email address. Betsy and Geoff also return afteer brief absences. Welcome back to all three of you. Other than that, not too much excitement. Because I was busy with other things I got almost a whole month behind in my email at one point, so since I didn't send much mail, I didn't get much mail. Oh well...
Rank | Total | Name | Address |
1 | 199 | Ron Adams | |
2 | 145 | Chad Hunter | |
3 | 88 | Rebecca Livingston | |
4 | 36 | Reni Gorman | |
5 | 31 | Dawn Glazier | |
6 | 24 | Jay Duff | |
7 | 19 | Betsy Lott | |
8 | 14 | Geoff Washburn | |
9 | 13 | Carrie Opheim | |
10 | 8 | Al Michael | |
Aug | Oct |