Jan 1996

In January email levels returned to normal. The top people sent less than normal, but other people took up the slack. In my judgement that's a good thing. But it caused lots of ties!

140Rebecca Livingston RebLiv@aol.com
216Ivan Bou & Kathy Wilson 72700.3165@compuserve.com
36Bill Minter wminter@igc.apc.org
45Greg Haverkamp gregh@oec.com
Al Michael MichaeAP_at_SOABAR-GSO@email.averydennison.com
Carol Hurlburt 70732.2032@compuserve.com
Skip Eady labman@westol.com
Erikas Napjus erikas+@cmu.edu
94Michelle A?? michelle@ncsakl.ncs.co.nz
Carrie Abels CAbels@eworld.com
Beth Trapani bt25+@andrew.cmu.edu
Brent Thomas Brentwood+@cmu.edu
