- 00:58:55 Ok. All settled in a debate watch party. All ready for the show. Let’s go!
- 01:03:10 As I mentioned on Curmudgeon’s Corner this last week, this debate format is nuts. Too many people. They should have made the cut a lot tighter. Most of these people should not even be on the stage. Sorry.
- 01:03:39 No intro statements. That is interesting, but makes sense given they have 10 people up there. Get right into it.
- 01:05:09 Beto looks like Lurch.
- 01:06:23 These lightning round style questions suck. Again, bad format. Too many questions. Not enough time for these people to talk.
- 01:06:50 Beto pulls out the Spanish!
- 01:07:42 Beto completely doesn’t answer the question though. :-/
- 01:10:49 Warren gets her second question because she was mentioned, before all the others get to talk. I presume this will happen a lot. #DemDebate
- 01:13:05 I’ve always wanted to do a debate transcript where I go and black out anything that isn’t a direct response to the question. In every single debate, it would be mostly black. #DemDebate
- 01:13:08 Retweeted @Carrasquillo 01:11:15 They’ve gone to Warren for a second time but others haven’t spoken once.The ghost of Ben Carson stirs.
- 01:15:11 Who is this Delaney guy again? #DemDebate
- 01:17:29 I don’t even know who this guy is. Oh. Ryan. OK. Still don’t know who he is. #DemDebate
- 01:20:18 2/10 for government run healthcare replacing employer-linked health insurance. Interesting.
- 01:22:51 So far Warren showing more passion than any of the others. Some of them have tried and looked fake. Warren looks real. #DemDebate
- 01:24:16 Ooo! First candidate going out of order to fight with another one! Fight! #DemDebate
- 01:28:09 I know the moderators are probably keeping track to keep it somewhat even, but Warren is definitely getting more time. #DemDebate
- 01:29:40 Klobuchar gets in a one liner to much applause! #DemDebate
- 01:30:30 Retweeted @SamWangPhD 01:02:58 The coming boomlet:Step 1: Start with obscure candidate X.
Step 2: X says something catchy.
Step 3: The press goes wild!
Step 4: X inches up in polls.
Step 5: More coverage & digging…and surprise! Something bad happens.
Step 6: X drops in the polls.Time elapsed: 1-2 months. in reply to SamWangPhD
- 01:31:23 1/4 of the way through the first night now. #DemDebate
- 01:31:53 Booker always has a really funny look on his face when they first come to him. #DemDebate
- 01:33:06 I’ve never understood why people were excited about O’Rourke. This debate is not helping me with that. #DemDebate
- 01:36:15 Moderator using his super dramatic voice. #DemDebate
- 01:37:03 Castro: “It should piss us all off.” #DemDebate
- 01:38:03 Now Booker breaks out the Spanish. #DemDebate
- 01:39:56 Booker always looks so severe. #DemDebate
- 01:42:09 Castro and O’Rourke talking over each other. It is OK to take turns. #DemDebate
- 01:45:26 Missed a couple minutes, but sounds like they were talking all over each other again. #DemDebate
- 01:46:39 For any Spanish speakers watching this, does the candidate flipping to Spanish for part of an answer actually change how you think about them in any way? If so, it is positive or negative? Or does it depend on how well they can speak Spanish? #DemDebate
- 01:48:44 Retweeted @authorlmendez 01:47:33 I just end up testing how well they speak https://t.co/nkQ6pObLLy
- 01:52:16 Retweeted @jessicashortall 01:50:53 Yeah, it’s kind of pander-y. Partly because it’s very high level. Specific policy stuff is done in English. https://t.co/FcCsrYxqbl
- 01:52:58 Klobuchar gets in another one liner. On that metric at least, she is ahead. #DemDebate
- 01:55:31 A thought on the format again. I don’t feel like any of these candidates are really breaking through and leaving a memorable impression. Everyone gets lost in the noise of too many people on the stage to keep track of them all. #DemDebate
- 01:57:58 Retweeted @maxwelltani 01:38:05 admittedly none of the candidates have referenced the size of their penis during this debate yet https://t.co/jV0Rm9UadJ
- 01:58:32 Retweeted @PoliticalEmilia 01:58:18 Slowly losing more and more respect for candidates who refuse to answer the question.
I’m tired of this. If you’re running to be the President of the United States, you should know how to answer questions about policy. #DemocraticDebate - 02:00:12 Moderator switch. Maddow is a good replacement. Todd is not. #DemDebate
- 02:00:57 Audio issues. Exciting. #DemDebate
- 02:02:08 Bad enough audio problems they take a break. Ouch. Some audio engineer is having a bad evening. #DemDebate
- 02:04:28 Retweeted @MileHighBrendan 02:03:19 THANKS OBAMA https://t.co/7U2HDdlLJY
- 02:09:14 Warren’s answer about needing research on effective approaches to gun violence and treating it as a public health issue sounds like a dodge initially, but it is actually a very reasonable answer. #DemDebate
- 02:14:47 I’m not sure Todd asking basically the same question to a bunch of these candidates, worded slightly different each time, actually adds much here. #DemDebate
- 02:17:03 People, people. Maddow was moving on from guns. Stop going back there. #DemDebate
- 02:18:22 The answer to if any SCOTUS justices nominated by a Democrat would be confirmed if the Republicans still control the Senate is no. Doesn’t matter who the Democrat is. #DemDebate
- 02:20:55 I’m ready for tomorrow’s debate already. Are we done yet? #DemDebate
- 02:22:23 This McConnell question is stupid in all its forms. The straightforward answer is “McConnell would block everything, we will figure out ways to work around him without new legislation and without SCOTUS.” #DemDebate
- 02:26:31 So far the only things I’ll remember from this: Warren was passionate and sounds like she knows what she is talking about. Klobuchar had some good one liners. Booker looks really serious. O’Rourke has always been overrated. Everybody else was completely forgettable. #DemDebate
- 02:27:10 This debate needs more Maddow and less Todd. #DemDebate
- 02:30:56 30 minutes to go. #DemDebate
- 02:37:36 Yup. Saw this too. Less than a second each time though. #DemDebate https://t.co/YH9G46jD2D
- 02:39:20 Tulsi breaks out. Hadn’t noticed her before really. She is passionate about this. #DemDebate
- 02:40:38 Gabbard wins this exchange hands down. #DemDebate
- 02:42:00 5 second lightning round answers are stupid. Future moderators, don’t do this in debates. #DemDebate
- 02:47:11 Chuck Todd just seems like a huge ass.
- 02:48:57 Retweeted @Blatherscribe 02:47:28 @abulsme I’m not sure Chuck Todd actually adds much anywhere. in reply to abulsme
- 02:49:02 Retweeted @imbou 02:01:20 @abulsme Chuck Todd is waste of natural resources in reply to abulsme
- 02:49:35 Retweeted @GoldyHA 02:49:11 John Delaney, amirite @Atrios? https://t.co/yvrMVjYbLE
- 02:50:00 Closing statements! Yay! #DemDebate
- 02:51:36 Retweeted @b_schaffner 02:47:26 Is there a threshold that moderators have to meet in order to make it into the next debate? If so, can we make sure Chuck Todd doesn’t get there?
- 02:53:08 I feel like not only did Todd not do a good job, but he kept Maddow from doing as good a job as she could have if he didn’t hog the time. #DemDebate
- 02:56:40 Was Biden even mentioned once? If so, I missed it. #DemDebate
- 02:56:54 A couple more short video cuts in the last few minutes. #DemDebate
- 02:58:54 Warren gets the final final statement. #DemDebate
- 03:02:18 Well, it is done. My summary is basically what I posted half an hour ago. Only notable thing in the last half hour is Gabbard jumping out with her strong “out of Afghanistan” stand. That was also memorable. #DemDebate https://t.co/EGbW0pGo3j in reply to abulsme
- 03:06:01 @shelleyaw123 @JayInslee @TimRyan Yeah, he had a couple moments, but none that I still remember now that it is over. Lots of people said Warren would be helped by being with these people instead of tomorrow. i think my initial take was right, and she loses out by not being with the other big names. #DemDebate in reply to shelleyaw123
- 03:06:58 @shelleyaw123 @BetoORourke He has never impressed me at all, and tonight didn’t change that. I just don’t get the appeal. Maybe you can explain it to me. Do you think he helped himself tonight? #DemDebate in reply to shelleyaw123
- 03:18:33 Retweeted @shelleyaw123 03:14:41 @abulsme @BetoORourke As a Ind/Dem in Texas you can feel completely overwhelmed by the evangelical right. Like nothing you will ever do can break through that wall. His run against Cruz that came so close to breaking it down makes him a hero to many of us. But tonight he was off his game some. in reply to abulsme
- 03:28:17 Retweeted @FiveThirtyEight 03:23:38 Cory Booker spoke the most words tonight.
Beto O’Rourke was second.
Elizabeth Warren was third.
Chuck Todd, one of the debate’s moderators, spoke just 4 words less than Warren and more words than 7 of the candidates on stage.
https://t.co/01rAtNoxua https://t.co/JKixEyiHAb - 04:12:28 Retweeted @jackmjenkins 03:38:10 Huh. Not sure if this is new or not: Booker just pledged not to take a VP slot if the Democratic nominee is a male.In that instance, he said it should be a woman.
- 04:24:24 Hmmm https://t.co/8RDiK6XktP
- 04:44:52 Retweeted @maximlott 02:39:36 Betting odds changes during #DemDebate:
@EWarren up .8%
@TulsiGabbard up .3%
@JulianCastro up .2%@CoryBooker down .3%
Klobuchar down .2% - 05:42:27 Retweeted @marwilliamson 01:48:36 I need to learn Spanish by tomorrow night at 9.
- 05:51:30 @LauraInMadtown @amyklobuchar Interesting. I guess I missed it. What was the mention in reference to? in reply to LauraInMadtown
- 14:47:24 Retweeted @DavidCornDC 14:13:22 This means if you care about democracy, you will have to care about state legislative races and fight to elect state lawmakers who will create fair and reasonable districts to ensure truly proportional representation. Life just got harder. https://t.co/J0XXlQAqto
- 14:52:12 This one is getting less attention, but…. this seems bad. https://t.co/eBKAhrNETf
- 14:55:19 Retweeted @MaxKennerly 14:32:33 Exactly. The gerrymandering will be inherently and intentionally racial, but lawsuits challenging it will get dismissed when the states argue plaintiffs can’t show racial intent “predominates” over partisan intent. See majority opinion, p. 23. https://t.co/NGWbA0WJef https://t.co/7s304mlag8
- 14:59:40 Retweeted @nycsouthpaw 14:37:38 This seems to be the nub of it—Roberts says it would be fine as a constitutional matter for, say, California to send only Democrats to Congress, shutting out the state’s millions of Republican voters entirely. https://t.co/Op5HtpJJuW https://t.co/9Eepl3C8UA
- 15:13:54 Sigh. https://t.co/a6zDZiQnOV
- 15:16:13 Retweeted @mcclure111 14:57:51 In other words, the citizenship-question ruling is because of the naked partisan intent. Not because it systematically disadvantages one party and systematically disempowers immigrant populations.If they come back with a slightly better prepared cover story it might be allowed https://t.co/poeC0pmBX9
- 15:20:54 Thread https://t.co/qPu883Kc8P
- 15:21:46 Retweeted @rudepundit 15:07:00 Mostly, today, let’s congratulate Mitch McConnell. The success of his completely dickish, unethical, but tragically legal blocking of Merrick Garlan’s nomination has paid off. Democrats should learn from this and figure out how to be even more dickish.
- 15:22:45 Retweeted @jasoncherkis 14:28:17 As these horrible Supreme Court rulings are announced — think about what Biden has been saying since he launched his campaign. Republicans will come to their senses once Trump is gone and Biden is in the White House. And see how utterly naive that is.
- 15:26:12 Retweeted @KevinMKruse 13:34:07 Just the chairman of the the president’s 2016 campaign making a perp walk, nothing to see here, carry on. https://t.co/4LVXWlhFxi
- 15:45:12 Thread https://t.co/wfczDOpXlJ
- 15:59:28 Retweeted @jdesmondharris 01:15:31 I find myself surprised that after all we’ve been through over the past few years, politicians still talk like politicians. I didn’t think there were still rules or standards. You’d think people would be starting their responses with “First of all, f*ck this”
- 16:00:44 Retweeted @zachdcarter 15:36:39 The Thomas/Gorsuch/Kavanaugh dissent is a declaration of madness. Who are we, Supreme Court Justices, to conclude that the administration has lied? All we have are these facts that conflict directly with what the administration told us! https://t.co/QShmAfKGsa
- 16:22:12 Retweeted @maximlott 16:15:06 As dust settles on last night night’s debate, the betting odds show no huge changes.But @EWarren gained a percent, and Castro doubled his odds from 0.3% to 0.7% (but he’s still below 1%.) Gabbard and Booker also rose.
O’Rourke and Klobuchar fell.
- 16:27:14 Retweeted @fivefifths 14:44:39 Kagan’s dissent spells everything out https://t.co/koWYLcmTrz
- 17:51:17 Retweeted @ariehkovler 17:47:08 Today’s clause of the US Constitution Trump wants to ignore: Article I, Section 2, part 3 https://t.co/dptSU8LFGP
- 20:30:32 One way or another, basic information on evaluating sources of information, perhaps including things like this, needs to be a part of the standard elementary school curriculum. https://t.co/6CRaQzqozo
- 21:03:16 Retweeted @willsommer 17:38:32 White House official predicts Trump won’t be happy about the new Twitter rule that adds a disclaimer when his tweets break the rules: “He’s not going to like this.” https://t.co/xnx8OlD61t
- 21:30:54 Retweeted @bitchitshan 14:42:04 one of our team members handed in their notice like this <symbol><symbol><symbol> https://t.co/tqc9Hn6ODE