This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2025


According to my calculations, taking into account all the geeky things I take into account, at 00:59 UTC on October 21st (5:59 on the 20th Pacific, 8:59 PM on the 20th Eastern), Amy will be exactly 24 years old.

Happy Birthday Amy!!!

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Almost Ran Over A Possum

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan and Sam do a quick show covering the latest court ruling on Obamacare, the 2020 Presidential field, Christmas at the White House, all the latest updates on Trump’s many scandals, the Chuck and Nancy show, and Brexit. Short, but full!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-12-15
Length this week – 0:43:50

  • (0:00:56-0:02:31) Intro
  • (0:02:31-0:09:53) ACA Unconstitutional?
  • (0:09:53-0:20:26) 2020 Presidential field
  • (0:20:26-0:21:34) Christmas Decorations at the White House
  • (0:21:34-0:31:18) Flynn/Manafort/Cohen/Butina/AMI/Inauguration
  • (0:31:18-0:37:12) Chuck and Nancy vs Trump
  • (0:37:12-0:41:48) Brexit
  • (0:41:48-0:43:30) Outro

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Um, so this happened…

Our older dog Miley has a new little puppy friend. His name is Jetski. He was born at a local shelter just under two months ago, and we adopted him a few hours ago. Welcome Jetski.

Democrats: Clinton wins PA/MD/CT/RI/DE by 218 to 166

Even the Sanders folks are starting… just starting… to admit it might be over.

Clinton won 218 delegates yesterday. Sanders won 166.

In addition, since New York there were new superdelegate endorsements and updates in Illinois and Ohio which have netted Clinton +9, Sanders +1.

So including everything since New York, we have Clinton +227, Sanders +167.

That means Clinton got 57.61% of the delegates. She only needed 28.73%.

Meanwhile Sanders got 42.39% of the delegates. He needed 71.39%.

In practical terms this has been for over a long time. Absent a huge unexpected event of course.

But we still watch it play out.

Here are the relevant graphs:



Clinton now only needs 231 of the remaining 1200 delegates to win. That’s 19.25% of the remaining delegates.

Sanders on the other hand needs 971 of the 1200. That is 80.92%.

Guess which is most likely?

Or, of course, still, tons of Clinton superdelegates could defect and change this a bit. I wouldn’t hold my breath for that though.

Update 2016-05-01 17:08 UTC: Superdelegate updates plus change to Ohio pledged delegates. Net change: Clinton +11, Sanders -1.

Note: This post is an update based on the data on Election Graphs tracks both a poll based estimate of the Electoral College and a numbers based look at the Delegate Races. All of the charts and graphs seen in this post are from that site. Additional graphs, charts and raw data can be found there. All charts above are clickable to go to the current version of the detail page the chart is from, which may contain more up to date information than the snapshots on this page, which were current as of the time of this post. Follow @ElectionGraphs on Twitter or like Election Graphs on Facebook to see announcements of updates or to join the conversation. For those interested in individual general election poll updates, follow @ElecCollPolls on Twitter for all the polls as they are added.

Amy gets her Alot shirt signed by Allie Brosh


For those not familiar with Allie Brosh, Hyperbole and a Half, or Alots, here is a primer. Then read everything on that blog. :-)

Alex gets my iPhone and Tweets to @ActuallyNPH

Happy Alex

27 Mar 2010 00:01 UTC by Brandy Donaghy

Spin Blade

11 Mar 2010 05:53 UTC

Quadratic Amy

2010 Mar 7 03:33 UTC

Another Bad Law


This matters for America and other countries, too. There is now a precedent of a partner nation disconnecting users for alleged copyright infringement. This is a terrible moment for internet privacy and freedom.

Sent from Newsie on iPhone