This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Goodbye Sitemeter (and most other trackers)

When I first converted from a static website into a blog, one of the other changes I made was to add one of those visit counters that everybody had way back then in July 2003. This June 28th at 01:30 UTC, that counter flipped over 300,000 visits:

Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 01.29.48797Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 01.30.15562

Yeah, yeah, I missed the exact moment, even though it was probably me hitting the site that pushed it over. In fact, most of those 300,000 visits were probably me. Sitemeter wasn’t great at removing robots either, so a bunch of them were automated web spiders.

But whatever, the counter was pretty high. Go me!

But, a little after that, after reading one article or another complaining about how many web trackers were on various pages, I installed the Ghostery browser plugin. Of course one of the first things I checked was my own website.

I knew I had Sitemeter. I knew I had a couple other tracking bugs I’d added over the years. And only very recently I’d finally gotten Google Analytics working properly after having botched a job of it a few years earlier. And as a result of an experiment years ago, I had ads from two different vendors up in the header of my site. So I expected about five trackers from my own inventory of ones I remembered adding.

WRONG. Each time I loaded the site I got a different number of trackers, and it varied from a low of about 12, to a high of around 25.


I systematically removed them.

First I removed the ads. They had been on the site since probably 2007 or 2008, and I had yet to see a single penny from them, and I don’t really expect to. I don’t do this site for money. Duh. Anyway, no need to give free ad-space on my site.

Then I removed a thing that gave cute little automated avatars for comments on the site. (I hadn’t realized this was doing tracking… GONE.)

Then I removed the “number of people looking at my site right this very second” widget that I had in my footer.

With everything else gone but SiteMeter and Google Analytics, I still had many many trackers reported on the site.

I said despite any sentimental attachment, it was time for Sitemeter to go. And lo and behold, as soon as it was gone, I was down to one tracker. Google Analytics. It was Sitemeter that was adding all the extra trackers. It wasn’t just putting it’s own little tracker in, it was “sharing” with many many other tracking services.

Sorry, the little visitor count wasn’t worth it. (Especially since all the other stuff that Sitemeter does seems barely paid attention to since they did an ill-advised “update” to a flash based website a few years back and had to roll back because it was universally hated… it seems like the actual functionality you get on their website to see how people are using your site was barely on life support.)

Anyway. There is now one tracker on my site. Google Analytics.

I am leaving it for the moment.

And yes, I know that means the evil Google has all the info from the visitors to my site. I actually am not that thrilled about that.

However, and this is always the tradeoff, Google Analytics actually is very nice, and gives me good info about my site and what the people who visit here look at. Since I got it up and running almost two months ago, here are some nice learnings:

  • This is no surprise, but guess who is responsible for by far the largest number of visits to my website? Well, duh, it is me. This is a tiny website, with an average of about 30-50 visits a day. While I’m doing various things on my website, I visit a bunch of times every day. So of course I’m the biggest visitor. The last month or so before the 2008 and 2012 elections, the number of site visits increased by a a factor of 10. Maybe even more in the last week before the election. No idea if that will happen again, but if it does, for a few short weeks, I will not be the the biggest factor in my own site’s traffic. But the “normal” state, which it inevitably returns to me being the main visitor to my site. And I am good with that.
  • The most popular page on my site is actually one that hadn’t looked at in years, let alone updated. Namely, my True Binary Clock page. I have to make some time to update and improve it a bit. After all, people actually do look at it. People other than me. About a dozen people every day! :-)
  • The next most popular page is another I have neglected lately, my Random Spot Tool. Haven’t updated that in years. It is still centered on my old house in Bellevue instead of where I live now! I moved almost three years ago! Need to fix this page up a bit too.
  • After that comes my blog home page, then my Random Trip page. Then come a few pages that I know pretty much only I visit before you start to get random other pages people are finding via random google searches. It is always interesting what kinds of things people are finding like that, but the numbers are small.

Anyway, I’m keeping Google Analytics because it is actually useful to me. To me. Not JUST to whoever runs the tracker. None of the others had any use for me whatsoever. I was just giving information about my site’s traffic and visitors away for absolutely nothing in return. So all the rest are gone.

Good riddance.

Next thing to look into… moving the site to https, because plain old http makes the traffic wide open to a completely different kind of monitoring and analysis…

Website Moved

After a bunch of hours of troubleshooting and hacking at things until they worked overnight, I think I have successfully moved all parts of the website, including my current blog (2009-Present), the older blog (2003-2009), and tons and tons of static files from my old hosting provider, to the new one I’ve been using to host my wiki and to prototype my 2016 election stuff for the last year or so.

I *think* everything is working, but if anybody finds anything broken, please let me know.

I still have some cleanup to do, but everything should work at this point. I think. I’ve been meaning to consolidate stuff at the new place for a long long time. Finally got to it because I screwed something up on Saturday that required a restore from a backup to fix properly, and I figured if I was going to do that anyway, I should just stop procrastinating and get the move done. Then once I started I was committed.

Of course, I probably should’t have finished it up by pulling an all nighter between Tuesday and Wednesday, given that my alarm just went off and I need to get ready to leave for work now. Oops. I kinda forgot to sleep. I’m getting too old for this stuff. But it seems like overnight ends up being the only time I can get a solid chunk of hours at home to concentrate on personal projects. Sigh!

Anyway… next task is moving my family’s email over to the new host too. Then everything will be consolidated in one place.

But I won’t do that right now. No, it is time to get ready for work. Fun! Think I will take the bus instead of driving though…

Of course, as soon as Alex left for school…

…the true owner of the bed took over.


I was working from home today and went looking for Roscoe when I realized that even though he usually stays with me when I stay home, I hadn’t seen him in a couple hours. Found him fast asleep in Alex’s bed. He woke up and started looking guilty when I got close in order to take the picture.

Guess who slept the night in his OWN bed?


I think this may well be the first time since he was in a crib. Usually he sleeps with us. Even if we put him in his bed, he generally wakes up and joins us partway through the night. Last night he fell asleep on the couch, I put him in his own bed, and he was still there sound asleep when it was time to wake him for school in the morning.

I kinda missed him though. There is only so long little boys will cuddle with their daddies, and I’m in no hurry what so ever to have those days end. :-)

Alex is Four and a HALF

A bit over 13 hours ago, at 06:48 UTC (11:48 PM on the 13th Pacific, 2:48 AM on the 14th Eastern) Alex was exactly four and a half years old. No cake or presents happened, but congratulations none-the-less. I was planning to have this post go up at exactly that moment, but Alex “helped” me put together the traditional milestone interview, so that took a lot longer than expected and I couldn’t actually finish things up until today… without Alex over my shoulder and on my lap and on my head.

Speaking of the interview… it is 9 minutes long, I of course don’t really expect anybody but a few close relatives to watch, but hey, it is there. Alex was a lot less cooperative and a lot less expressive than he was in his interview when he was turning four. Last time he talked awhile about not wanting to turn four, not liking soccer, and some of the things he did enjoy. This time he mostly just refused to speak at all, climbed around, and got upset that we had to go to dinner instead of playing trains. Oh, and he thought it was very amusing to just answer questions by saying “Poo!”. When helping me edit the video later, he completely cracked himself up with that. It was hilarious… But there are a few interesting bits none the less. Watch it!

This is probably the last time I will mark a half-birthday like this. After age five, once a year is probably good enough. But here are a few things that have happened over the six months since the last one of these updates:

  • Alex still doesn’t like the notion of getting bigger. He wants to stay small. As a result, there are a number of things that we know quite well he can do for himself that he has been resisting and trying to make us do for him. Unless we aren’t there, in which case he just does them himself quite happily. There have been many examples, but one is putting on his shoes. But just in the past couple weeks, he has started to flip on that one. A couple days ago he actually INSISTED on doing his own shoes when we were about to do something, even though I was offering to help.
  • He’ll still occasionally ask to play Portal, but his obsession faded… cause he had basically been through all the levels on both Portal and Portal 2 many times. Many of them he could do himself without help. In fact, after watching Amy and I (finally) start playing the multi-player Portal game, he decided that he wanted to play and be my partner instead of Amy. A few minutes later he was on Amy’s laptop in the dining room, and I was on my computer in my office, and we were playing multi-player together. We went through several levels successfully before we ran out of time. And he was getting no help at all from Amy or Brandy, and was being a full participant with me, not just following my instructions, but exploring and giving suggestions on how to solve the puzzles, etc.
  • Instead, he has really been branching out on his iPad games. Six months ago he was concentrating heavily on one or two train related games that he was obsessed with and would spend hours on. (We do not subscribe to the folks who peddle paranoia about limiting screen time…) Now he flips between dozens of different games of many different types. Sure, train games are still a favorite, including the adult-targeted train simulator program he spent most of his time on before, but he has been spending lots of time with so called “educational” games targeted at pre-K and Kindergarten level kids. Counting, letters, basic arithmetic, basic phonics and reading, etc. For the most part he is learning and exploring these games without a lot of assistance. He just figures them out.
  • As with games, he has been branching out on his TV and movie watching. The old train related shows are still favorites, but he’s been watching a wider variety of things. When we watch Jeopardy! as a family, he says “trains!” after every clue. Someday he will be right! I put on Ghostbusters after Harold Ramis died, and much to his own surprise Alex liked it. He’s also been into Mickey Mouse and Leap Frog stuff lately. But watching TV, movies, and for that matter YouTube is a less frequent activity than it once was.
  • I mentioned six months ago that Alex was unhappy with school again after having finally gotten to a point where he liked it. This was because he had been left behind with the younger kids when he should have been pushed forward to pre-K. Six months ago, I mentioned that we had just gotten that fixed. Nope. For all kinds of details about the whole mess that happened, listen to the November 12th Curmudgeon’s Corner. The part about Alex’s school issues starts about 12 minutes into the show. Long story short, Alex got screwed badly by his old school, and they were not forthcoming with us about the issues. The “final straw” hit in November and we switched him to a new school.
  • The new school is Montessori based. When we finished at the new school in November Alex was absolutely hating school, fighting and crying every day about not wanting to go, and he would never tell us anything about things he did at school, when asked it was just “nothing”. Alex still won’t ADMIT that he likes school, but almost immediately the difference was night and day. The new school is close enough to walk in good weather, so when time and weather allows, we often walk to school, or he rides in a wagon. Alex really likes that. And he usually doesn’t fight going to school and enters happily. And he brings all kinds of work home from school, and tells us about what he is doing and learning. He generally seems to like school and is making up for the last few months that were lost at the old school.
  • He still is collecting more and more trains. He still plays with them every day. It is his favorite activity. Building layouts. Acting out stories with the trains on the layouts. Assembling trains of various sorts… all one color, all freight, all passenger, all one brand… If there is a choice of something train related vs something not train related, the trains usually win. But not always, other types of vehicles, cars, planes, etc are runners up… and every once in a long while something else, like a stuffed animal, gets extensive attention. And a couple weeks ago Alex found a jar full of ear plugs (bought by me so I could stand going to the occasional concert with the rest of the family that actually likes loud music)… and well… Alex decided the ear plugs were his babies, and started giving them baths and such. I may have to buy a new set the next time a concert happens. :-)
  • In December, when I suggested that perhaps a ghost had knocked over one of his trains, Alex said: “Daddy, don’t be silly, there are no ghosts on this Earth!”. But then, somehow, since then, whenever somehow there is a toilet that has not been flushed and I ask Alex about it, he says the ghost is the one using the bathroom without flushing. Hmmmm…
  • One Saturday night when I was heading to bed, Alex came to me and said, “Daddy, do NOT set your alarm. I will cock a doodle do for you in the morning.” I told him, Ok, I wouldn’t set my alarm. In the morning, about 7:15 AM, right about sunrise, I woke first to the sound of a light shuffle from the hallway, then the bedroom door opening, then loudly “COCK A DOODLE DOO!!!!” When I didn’t immediately respond, every 10 seconds or so the call would repeat, each time a little closer, until on the fourth or fifth time it was right by my head. I then told Alex “But I wasn’t quite ready to wake up yet.” So he crawled in bed next to me and pulled the covers up over himself and cuddled up and went back to sleep. About 20-30 minutes later he got up and cock a doodled again, and this time insisted that I had to get up and play with him. :-)
  • One time while I was at work late, Brandy texted me that Alex said: “Daddy’s not here, Doggy. So you don’t get a walk today” as he was happily overfeeding the dog. (Alex and I are usually the dog walkers, but Alex doesn’t go without me.)
  • Shortly after he turned four, with my birthday approaching, Alex asked if on my birthday I would be 12. I said no, 42. He asked if that meant my head would touch the ceiling. I said I didn’t think so.
  • An few bits from him one day while trying to get out of going to school: “You are not being smart, so you will not be a star. You are not winning. You need to listen!” “Not school day! Me took that day away! Now you not be able to get that day again!” “You are not listening so you are being stupid! Only me am going to be a star!”

That’s enough for this time, although as usual there could be so much more if I think about it. He is getting so big and independent at this point. Amazing how fast things happen.

Of course, at the same time, Amy is now in college and is actually employed part time at this point. Don’t know how that happened either!

They just keep growing up!

Rough day for Alex (and Roscoe)

Yesterday was a tough day for Alex. And Roscoe too.

When we picked Alex up from school, he decided that it would be fun to pretend to be a dog as we left the building. So he was crawling on the sidewalk. He got stepped on. I am using passive voice to avoid mentioning the stepper’s identity, but it rhymes with “ommy”. :-)

Hard heel. Concrete sidewalk. Hand rapidly pulled back in pain. Finger nail ripped off. Realization that there was lots of blood and part of the finger (the nail) hanging loose attached by a thin strip. Alex screams. I scoop him up and say we need to get to the ER. Once into the car seat Alex got quiet quickly and just held his finger up and watched it.

We went to an urgent care first because it was closer, but they sent us on to the ER because they weren’t equipped to do what needed to be done on a kid his age. We got X-Rays. Nothing broken, no damage to the nail bed. But they needed to reattach the nail to protect the nail bed until a new nail grows in. He was being really quiet and good, just clinging on to me hard, but he didn’t want anyone touching his finger.

So drugs were needed to make Alex not worry too much and allow the doctor to work on his finger. (There was local anesthetic on his hand too.) In a few minutes the drugs made him not care at all about folks touching his finger. Not one little bit. Well, he was still interested in watching what they were doing. But he didn’t care that they were doing it any more.

I am refraining from posting the pictures of the fresh wound, or the procedure the doctor did itself… email me if you are interested… I do have those pictures… but after two stitches to reattach his fingernail, Alex was all bandaged up and ready to go.


Well, except we had to stay until he sobered up a bit.


Once we left, he said he was worried that kids at school would ask him about his finger and think he was stupid. Poor guy. I hope the kids at school were kind today.

Anyway, we stopped at a drug store on the way home to get some supplies we would need like extra bandages and such. He milked the situation to get some extra things he wanted… some candy, a couple toys, a big flashlight… that kind of stuff. He was very upset when we finally started saying no to additional things he was putting in the cart. Wailed about it all the way home. Although I suspect that may not all actually have been about the stuff we said no about. His drugs to make him not care about his hand had probably finished wearing off.

Once home, he just chilled on my lap and watched some shows on the iPad until he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the medical event that was supposed to be going on yesterday was happening… earlier in the day Roscoe had been in surgery getting a lump removed from under his tail that wasn’t supposed to be there. The plan had been to pick up Alex from school, then we were going to pick up Roscoe. The accident derailed that.

Amy stepped up and picked Roscoe up from his surgery while Brandy and I were with Alex in the ER.

Roscoe is OK too. The surgery was uneventful. They are sending out stuff for tests to determine if there is anything else to worry about. Hopefully there won’t be.

But Roscoe was not happy with his new cone:


Alex Says he is a Plow


Meanwhile, Amy is 18 miles south, stuck on streets her minivan is not navigating well, trying to get to a friend’s house. :-/

New Fridge

How my wife sees our new fridge:



How I see our new fridge:


My wife is of course right. But still. Grrrr!!!!

Latest iPad Destruction













Christmas Day 2013

I actually wasn’t going to, but I was asked by email for some pictures of actual Christmas events (rather than just the tree in the early morning). So here come a few…

Alex contemplating the tree.


The kids with Grandma Ruth. (Amy would like to point out that despite appearances in this picture, she IS wearing pants.)


Alex with the favorite new toy of the day.

And that’s about it for pictures that came out decent. We actually didn’t take a lot of pictures this time.