This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

C-Section this Weekend

Doctor says best not to wait until the 21st. C-Section definately
recommended course of action. Exact day and time TBD.

Scheduling Alex’s Arrival

So, we had another doctor visit yesterday.

We now have a schedule based on where things are at the moment. As I posted Thursday, Alex is in the 93rd percentile by weight at the moment. He is also up to the 99th+ percentile for things like the size of his head. He is already 8 pounds 3 ounces (plus or minus 19 ounces of uncertainty in the measurements) and typically at this stage they grow at least half a pound a week. That means that if he comes NOW a natural delivery is probably indicated, but the longer we go, the more prudent a C-Section would be.

The “official” due date based on the tests the doctor likes to trust the most say September 21st. Over the course of the last few months though, we’ve seen tests and calculations giving dates from September 5th (TODAY!) to September 22nd, and Brandy has always been convinced that the real date should be closer to the beginning of that range. So it is certainly a possibility that rather than Alex actually being very big, he is just actually a couple of weeks further along than the due date of the 21st would indicate.

So, here is what things look like at this point given everything we know, and the doctor’s current thoughts…

  • Brandy could go into labor naturally at any time now. If she does go into labor naturally, then there will be an on the fly determination by the doctor based on how things look at that moment on if things should be allowed to proceed normally, or if there should be a C-Section.
  • At this point we have weekly exams, and at each one, based on how things look we will reexamine each time if we should just leave things be, or if we should schedule either inducing labor or a C-Section sooner rather than later. Starting on the 14th we could choose to schedule a delivery at any time. (Prior to that there would need to be a compelling medical reason.)
  • If one of the above has not happened prior to September 21st, we will already have a C-Section scheduled for that date, as the doctor is pretty sure that if the baby has not been born by that point, he will be big enough that a C-Section will definitely be indicated.

And that is where we are…

Oh yeah… we’re set with all the immediate necessities, but if anybody is still wanting to help with anything else: Alex’s Registry

Big Alex

The above as of earlier today when we had what will probably be our
last ultrasound. Alex is going to be huge. Maybe.

As Ready As We’re Going To Get

(And yes, we know… some of the things will not be where they are
currently located once there is an actual infant present, because
their current locations would not be safe. We know. :-) )

Registering on

Of course, if you do register on, you get lots of other wonderful benefits, even if you can post comments without registration. I’m just not quite sure what they are right now…

Um…. well, you can sign up to get updates via email when I post, just like the top ten people who email me do automatically. And I’m not sure, there is probably something else too. Maybe I’ll send you a thank you email? :-)

Oh wait, you can do that without registering too. Although I think you can get more control if you register. Oops, well, there has to be something cool you get from registering. Perhaps that thank you email? :-)

OK, OK, I figured it out! If you register it will remember who you are (as long as you are on the same computer and don’t log out or clear your cookies) and next time you comment you will not need to put in your name and email again! Yes, that is it!

Commenting on

When I switched the blog to WordPress a few days ago, I made it so you had to be registered on this site to post comments here. This was basically just because that is how I had things set on the old pMachine blog. I had turned that requirement on a few years ago because of comment spam. Of course, with WP there are some additional methods of spam control that were not available to me with pMachine. So I’ve switched commenting back to only requiring you to put your name and email, but not actually registering here… plus a spam filter on top of that. We’ll see if that works. If not I may change things up a bit again.

Of course, these days it seems most of my comments are on Facebook from the imports of my posts there rather than comments directly on the blog. Comments are comments I guess, and I’m glad people are reading and commenting, wherever they do it. And I understand why everybody does it on Facebook given they are often already there, but I still like them over here better! :-)

Anyway… we’ll see how it goes set this way.

New and Purple

Until I scratched it with my bike while putting them both on the car carrier. Oops.

Oh, and an hour earlier I’d slammed Amy’s finger in the trunk of the car by mistake. Also oops.

Amy says I shouldn’t worry about either though and in a few minutes we will be home and riding bikes around the neighborhood on properly working bikes for the first time in a few years. Woo!

AbulBlog Revisited

So, I finally got around to doing something I’ve been meaning to do for literally years… migrate my blog off the venerable pMachine, a blogging platform that was nice enough for what it was back in July 2003 when I first switched the front page of my site from a static page to a blog format… but which stopped development a number of years back and has not moved forward. It was way overdue for me to move. I picked WordPress for the new engine. I’d actually decided that years ago, but had just never gotten around to it. In addition to just setting aside the time, I had slowed myself down by wanting to migrate all the old content. There are ways to do it of course, but since pMachine is so old and was never THAT popular, there was no one click method, rather it would consist of following some 50 step process I found online, and even then not everything would be perfect, posts would have new URLs, etc.

So at some point I decided to not worry about that and just archive the old blog and start fresh with a new one. All of the old blog is still there, still at the old URLs, and still actually active if anybody wants to post new comments there or whatever. I’m done posting there though, and everything new will be on the new platform, which is of course now at

Over the course of Sunday and all the evenings since, I think I’ve managed to roughly reproduce the parts of the old site I wanted to retain while adding a variety of new things which are now possible with a nice modern blogging tool. Poke around a bit and you’ll find a few things different than before, and hopefully more interesting, but if not, whatever. I like it. :-)

Fun stuff, although I must say I’ve been a bit short on sleep as I slogged through getting various things to work just the way I wanted them to. I’m sure I’ve missed some things and I’ll still be tweaking and fixing things for weeks to come… if any of you readers see something broken, please let me know… I know there are at least a few things… but as of a few minutes ago it was finally at the point I was ready to switch over.

This is the first official non-test post on the new blog. Woo Woo. Exciting, huh?

Yeah, yeah, I know, this is all boring meta stuff. I’ll shut up now and normal blogging will resume next time I have something actual to blog about.

In the mean time though, I have actually retained all the test posts and such that I did while setting things up, because I find many of them amusing. I encourage you all to poke through them and be entertained. You could of course find them all by navigating on the site, but for convenience, here are all the test posts and such that were made while I was working on getting things set up:

Sun 2 Aug 2009:

Mon 3 Aug 2009:

Tue 4 Aug 2009:

Wed 5 Aug 2009:

And that brings us up to now. Yay!

Mo Mo Mo!

Here I am again.

Are You Coming?

Are You Coming?

Shiver Me

Goo Goo Baloo

Testing an Edit a few minutes later.