This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

A Few Minutes with Alex

Not doing any tricks or anything, just being Alex for a few minutes.

(From November 18th.)

Learned by Alex This Week

  • It is fun to watch your feet while you shake them and try to grab them
  • The bassinet really is an OK place to sleep at night
  • If you try really hard, you can make your hand reach out and you can actually grab that shiny spoon, and then you can wave it around for a bit before you throw it!

Kindle Ratio for 16 Nov 2009 – 45%


The percentage of the last 20 books I have read that are available on Kindle still holds steady at 45%. I’ve said I will officially want one after this percentage is more than 50%.

Turning Two

Keeping in mind that as far as I am concerned a month is 30.4368499 days… at 13:37 UTC today… (That’s 5:37 AM Pacific, 8:37 AM Eastern)… just over 30 minutes from now as I write this… Alex will be exactly 2 months old. He’s really getting up there! It even looks to be likely that he will sleep through this milestone. :-)

Most of the Whole Family

(Minus Mike the skink, some fish, and the airbrushed out head of the camera shy one.)
[Photo by Leslie]

All Time Highs Are Nice

Picture 42


(Photo by Adelle P., used with permission)

At about 14:52 UTC (7:52 AM Pacific, 10:52 AM Eastern)… just under 12 hours from now as I write this… Amy will be exactly 14 years old taking into account the time of day she was born, leap days, the fact a year is 365.242199 days long, etc, etc, etc…. So if you know her, be sure to say Happy Birthday and stuff. Happy Birthday Amy!!

One Month

We were out at dinner when the exact moment arrived, so I missed posting it at the time, but last night at 03:07 UTC Alex turned one month old. (This is of course taking into account the 30.4368499 day average length of a month. :-) ) That was just over 13 and a half hours ago. Wow, he is old!


Growing Boy
