According to my calculations, taking into account all the geeky things I take into account, at 13:22 UTC today (6:22 AM Pacific, 9:22 AM Eastern), Amy will be exactly 22 years old.
Happy Birthday Amy!!!
As of the moment this is scheduled to post, at 0:21 UTC on the 16th (5:21 PM Pacific, 8:21 PM Eastern on the 15th) I was exactly 46 years old. This is of course properly taking into account leap years, the fact years are not even numbers of days, time zones, and the time and place I was born… So I am now 46, although it will be a few hours until most others will admit it. When I sat down to calculate this date and time, I was actually surprised, because I honestly had thought I was already 46 and was about to turn 47. It is easy to lose track of these things. So I got back an extra year! Yay! Just a few minutes ago… at September 12th at 15:14 UTC (8:14 AM Pacific, 11:14 AM Eastern), Alex was exactly eight years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!!!! First of all, here is the traditional annual interview with Alex. As usual, he clams up and is not very talkative. But he goes along with the exercise anyway. Meaning he puts on a show of his non-answers to my questions. Or maybe he was answering in pantomime. In any case, here it is… Now, a rundown of milestones from the last year. Each year of course the I provide less details, as it is more up to him to talk about himself. But I’ll allow myself a few highlights.
As usual, there was certainly much more. But this is enough. Happy birthday Alex!!! #14 welding glass taped into an cardboard box of approximately head shape. We only made one, so we have to take turns. We’re going to get to 90.8% in our zip code. Taking a few pictures of the eclipse itself putting the camera in the box too, but it is a bit of a pain. Next time around need a separate rig for the camera. For those who don’t already know… My wife Brandy is running for local office! Specifically, she is running for Snohomish County Fire District 1, Commissioner Position 3. Check out her candidate statement on her temporary campaign website. (She’s working on a more complete site, I quickly threw that one together for her as a starter site to have something up right away.) This is a non-partisan position. There are five candidates in the primaries. The top two move on to the general election. The incumbent is David Chan, who got into trouble a few months ago for some comments about Mexicans he made during an official meeting. Ever since the 2016 election… actually before, but it accelerated afterwards… Brandy has been increasingly engaged politically, and looking for places to make a difference. She’s been connecting with all sorts of people locally, and was urged by several to run for this position. It is her first run, but she is learning quickly. Win or lose, I’m pretty sure she intends to be actively engaged in things going forward. If you are in the local area and want to know more or to help out, let me (or her) know! I guess this means we’ll be investing in lawn signs and such soon… :-)
Alex was one of the Freddy variants from the Five Nights at Freddy’s series last night. Brandy made him a full costume, but he would only wear the head, and that was after much stress about it before he finally decided to head out with the head on. He would wear the head in between houses, but always take it off when he got to a house, holding it in front of him upside down while Amy did the knocking on the door and saying “Trick or Treat”. People would put the candy in the head. In between houses we got lots of people calling out “FREDDY!!” as we walked past. It was a very rainy Halloween here, so we didn’t stay out too long, but it was a success overall. :-) And Amy was Medusa. |