This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

Ending Streak

For the last several weeks I’ve gotten the podcast out on Monday. Today it is time for work and I didn’t manage to get all the pieces stuck together yet. So it will be later in the week again… at least Tuesday, perhaps later. Oh well! Streaks only last so long you know…

Kindle Ratio for 1 Apr 2010 – 45%

So, after the last book I read the percentage of the last 20 books I have read that are available on Kindle returns to 45%. It had dropped to 40% previously. Now, a caveat to that number based on some additional investigation I did last time… there is at least one book in those 20 books, maybe more, where while the exact book I had is not available, a different edition of the same book is, which would raise this ratio a bit higher. But for consistency, I’ll be sticking to the method I have been using since I started tracking this, which is basically finding the exact book I read on Amazon, then seeing if they do or do not have the “this is also available on Kindle” banner. So… 45% for now.

I have of course been saying for over a year now that I will officially want a Kindle once this ratio goes over 50%. One reason I’m being somewhat conservative about this is that I fully intend that once I switch over to electronic books, I will NEVER BUY A PHYSICAL BOOK AGAIN… except if I have no choice because I need it for work or class or something or I am really really desperate to read something only available in physical form. Now, that isn’t saying I won’t read a physical book if I have one given to me, or if it is one I already own in physical form and want to read… but I will be strongly resistant to buying any more physical books once I make the switchover. So, I don’t want to make that switch prematurely.

Of course, while I have some bias to this device over others, so far none of the other dedicated e-readers have impressed me at all. Of course, my gadget lust right now is building rapidly for something else entirely. I probably won’t go there either in this first wave, but… since it is a device that will do e-reader stuff (including Kindle books as well as e-Books from other sources) but will also do all kinds of other things, it changes the whole evaluation equation in a way that is different than a dedicated e-reader. And yes, a dedicated device is optimized for that one specific thing (reading) and the multi-purpose device might sometimes be sub-optimal for that task (maybe), but… that is balanced by the other functionality. Although, really, if I had a multi-function device that I could also read books on, I think the amount of time spent actually doing such reading would be much less than on a dedicated device, because I’d simply be too tempted by the other functions…

We shall see. In the mean time, it sure is taking a long time to break the 50% barrier on this metric I chose. I’ve specifically not picked books to influence this ratio. I was hoping my number would have gone up faster.

Colds All Around

All four humans in the house have fun exciting colds of varying degrees of intensity. Some started almost two weeks ago and are still hanging on. Others are just getting started. There is lots of coughing and sneezing and such. I’m sure there are some allergies in the mix too. So much excitement! Yum!


No fancy video, but I thought I’d pass along that last night when Amy was making some funny faces and noises for Alex, Alex responded by imitating and doing the exact same thing back, which caused Amy to yelp and squeal and hop with joy, which caused Alex to get a huge smile on his face and jump and hop and giggle. The two of them proceeded to go back and forth with who was doing the odd smacking motions and sounds with their mouth, and who was laughing and giggling and squealing. This lasted probably a good fifteen minutes before Alex got bored and decided he would rather do something else. :-)

In His Room

Last night was Alex’s first night sleeping all by himself in his own room rather than just a foot or two from Mom. Right now he is working on night number two in his room.

This may be a small milestone for Alex, but I think it is an even bigger milestone for Mom. :-)

First Standing

At 19:32 UTC today, a little under 90 minutes ago, Alex did the pulling himself up from sitting to standing with no external human intervention for the first time. Yay Alex!


Alex at Six Months

So, everything was still busy being transferred from my old computer to my new computer when the actual moment happened slightly over 13 hours ago at 7:33 UTC on March 14th (11:33 PM on the 13th Pacific, 3:33 AM on the 14th Eastern), but Alex is indeed now 6 months old. Half a year. Wow. The now semi-traditional monthly video was actually filmed a couple of days earlier on the 12th. But here it is. Happy half-year birthday Alex!

For those who prefer it to the embedded version, here is a direct YouTube link.

Ouranos Arrives

I took a personal day from work for this. I have a few things I have to make sure happen on Cronus (the old computer) and I have to move some things around physically in my office before I shut everything down to start doing the big transfer of stuff from old to new. But Ouranos is here. Woo!

Ouranos is Coming

Aphrodite: July 1994 to February 1998 – Power Macintosh 6100/60 – Hard drives named Mercury and Venus

Ares: February 1998 to February 2001- PowerMac G3/233 – Hard drive named Mars

Zeus: February 2001 to February 2006 – PowerBook G4/500 – Hard drive named Jupiter

Cronus: February 2006 to March 2010 – iMac 20-inch 2GHz Intel Core Duo – Hard drive named Saturn

and now…

Ouranos: March 2010 to ??? – 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 27-inch iMac – Hard drive named Uranus

I fully maxed out the configurable options of course.

I’ve been hankering to replace Cronus for awhile. I normally would have done so last year, but we deferred it since, you know, baby. Ever since the end of January I’ve had an itchy trigger finger and have been ready to do it, but I was waiting for the all clear on the yellow screen issue on the 27″ iMacs. A week ago came what will probably be as close as I’ll get to that all clear. I delayed another week or so for no good reason, but a few hours ago I ordered what will be Ouranos. It’ll probably be here in about a week.

Cronus really hasn’t been able to keep up with everything I want to do with it in almost a year. I have felt cramped and constrained and have not done a lot of things I wanted to just because I dreaded the pain of dealing with Cronus straining to do what I wanted and sitting there twiddling my thumbs as the machine thrashed constantly with even my normal set of open applications fully consuming the available physical memory (almost all the time) and the CPU (probably three quarters of the time). This will be like finally being able to breathe again. Memory, CPU and Disk Space to spare… I hope. :-)

I had the usual dilemma in terms of what to buy. Well, it was of course going to be a Mac, that wasn’t a question. And I know in general desktops are going the way of the dodo and all, but I have access to a laptop already via work for those times where a laptop is just easier, and it is really nice to have the big screen and large hard drive and a bit more cpu and memory etc that a desktop brings. If I didn’t have access to a laptop (or in the future, perhaps, cough, an iPad) that was usable for light email and web surfing and the like, that equation would probably change entirely and I’d probably want a laptop as my primary home machine. But as it is, for my personal machine a desktop makes sense.

I perhaps could have gone the MacPro route. Unlike the iMac, it would not have been in the budget to go for a fully “maxed out” MacPro configuration. (Try it on the Apple Store… maxing out a Mac Pro… including dual 30″ Apple Cinema Displays… comes out at over $17,000 and is totally certifiably insane for home use.) So I would have needed to figure out exactly what set of options I wanted for an initial configuration, knowing I could upgrade things in the future of course… dunno. It might have been an option, but those machines just never really appealed to me as much. I like the idea of getting a high end iMac, maxing it on the various memory and hard drive options, then feeling pretty confident I’ll be OK with this machine… without dealing with upgrades of various components and the like… until I’m ready to replace it again in three or four years. So… iMac it was. (And the new iMacs, unlike older iMacs, can still be used as monitors for another computer once the computer itself is not in use… which is a nice plus that extends the useful life of the purchase.)

Anyway, the Apple Store Order Status thingy says to expect it between March 9th and March 15th. The new desk it will go on is already in place. I am more than ready.