This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Alex is Walking

He’s done one or two steps without holding on to things a few times over the last couple of weeks, but earlier this hour, I got this email from Brandy:

From: Brandy Donaghy
Date: August 4, 2010 23:10:25 GMT
To: Samuel Minter
Subject: Across

His bedroome, on two little feet, no hands.

—“The very young do not always do as they’re told.”

Woo! Go Alex!

Of course… gulp… we’re in trouble now!

Alex Turning Ten (Months)

In just a little while… not that many minutes away now… specifically July 14th at 01:29 UTC… which is July 13th at 6:29 PM Pacific or July 13th at 9:29 PM Eastern… Alex will be a whole 10 months old. Two digits on the months now. And coming up on one year pretty darn fast!

There will, of course, be a video of highlights from the last month. But probably no earlier than this weekend and perhaps later. We’ll see how things go. But I will do better than I did on the Month Nine Video. Promise. I hope. :-)

Alex and Lucy Lumphead

Lucy Lumphead has been circulating in my family for many decades. She started off as something between my Grandmother and her sister Norma Louise. Lucy arrived here last Christmas and will stay until we pass her along to another member of the extended family, most likely a family member with young children. As tradition has it, she will get a new outfit first.

Picture taken 2010 May 28 22:06 UTC

Alex Turning Nine (Months)

Well, here we go again, as time just relentlessly moves forward. In less than 10 minutes, at 15:00 UTC today (8:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Eastern), Alex will officially be nine whole months old. Sometime “soon” I’ll post the video highlights of month nine, but in the meantime, I’m just acknowledging the milestone. Congratulations Alex!

Gleeful Steps

So, I was going to post today how right after my post on Recent New Alex Tricks I realized I’d forgotten two… he’s started initiating peekaboo games using napkins or blankets or whatever is around and, very important, he has learned to stick his finger up his nose.

But, those were somewhat overshadowed about an hour ago.

I hadn’t mentioned it here yet, but my mother was visiting over the holiday weekend, and she helped him get confident pulling himself up on a toy rolling lion thing and then using the lion as support to “walk” as he pushed it along. He would also do the same with his high chair. Today he decided to see if he could do without the lion.

So it is just after dinner. Brandy is holding Alex on the table (yes, yes, we know) and he is bouncing happily. He tries to crawl across the table to Brandy’s laptop, but she won’t let him. So he bounces some more. At one point, he looks toward the laptop, scrunches up his face and makes a determined sounding yell and his whole body tenses up. A few seconds later he lunges forward out of Brandy’s arms toward the laptop… and finds himself standing. Just for a second. Then he sort of hops forward and takes a couple of barely controlled steps before Brandy catches him and pulls him back in.

He is now hopping up and down screeching with joy. Over the next ten minutes or so he does it over and over again. Bounce bounce bounce bounce in mommy’s arms… jump forward… stand for a few seconds… one or two steps then fall backwards into Mommy’s arms or sit down… Yelling and jumping and smiling excitedly the whole time. And of course all on the dining room table.

Eventually he was done and retreated to his mom. Afterwards he was happy to crawl around a bit before his bath rather than try for more steps. This is still an experiment, not an actual mode of locomotion. He continued to be very excited through his bath. Then it was time for a little snack, and then to crash. It was a very exciting evening.

For all of us.

Recent New Alex Tricks

I haven’t done this kind of an update in a bit, so here goes…

  • Words: Dog, Up, Nana (Banana), Look, Book, Goat, Duck, Hi, Yeah, Mama, Dada
  • Waving: He waves like mad at all sorts of things, but especially if you wave at him. And if he waves and someone waves back he enjoys that very much.
  • Clapping: His Grandmother always clapped to him on his video chats. About a week ago he started clapping back. Now he claps all the time.
  • Pointing: About a week ago he started pointing at things that he is interested in. He will point at an airplane and track it across the sky. He will point at something across the room and continue to point straight at him as you carry him toward it until he can touch it. He will also just generally point where he wants to go when he is being carried.
  • Light Switches: He can reliably turn light switches off. He can sometimes turn them back on, but it is much harder. There is a switch by his changing table, and he almost always turns it off as soon as we sit him down there.
  • Steps: He can climb up steps with ease. Today for the first time he climbed all the way from downstairs to upstairs. He can’t quite do going DOWN stairs in a controlled way, so of course someone is always right there with him.

More to come before long I’m sure. And I’m sure I forgot some as well.

Kindle Ratio for 28 May 2010: 55%

As I have since December 2008, after I finish each book I read I’ve been calculating what percentage of the last 20 books I have read are available on Kindle. I’ve been doing this because I have said all along that once that ratio was greater than 50% I would “Officially want a Kindle”. Well, it seems that since the last time I looked at this in April, several of the 20 books in question that were not available on Kindle have become available. As of today we are at 55%. In other words, 11 out of the last 20 books I read are now available on Kindle. So it is time. I “officially want a Kindle”.

This does not however mean I will order one today. I am in the middle of a physical book right now, and the next book in line I also already have a physical copy of. And there are other items ahead of a Kindle in the spending priority list. But as of now, I do want one. :-)

I have also decided on the algorithm I will use to determine what to read next whenever I finish a book once I have a Kindle as well. But I will wait until I actually have one before describing it I guess, in case I change my mind. :-)

I will continue reporting this ratio until I actually have a Kindle and read the first book on it. After that I will stop.

Highlights of Amy Month 175

Since I’ve been doing these videos every month for Alex, I didn’t want Amy to be left out or anything, and as it turned out, she was turning 175 months old soon after I thought of this, so I started collecting video of her as well as Alex. So here, designed to be exactly the same length (plus or minus a second) as the last Alex video, is a set of highlights of Amy’s 175th month. This covers from April 21st at 05:46 UTC to May 21st at 16:15 UTC. Congratulations Amy on turning 175 months old a few days ago! Woo!

If you don’t see the embedded video above for whatever reason, here is a direct link to YouTube: Amy’s 175th Month

(Edited 19:42 UTC to embed and link to corrected video fixing an error in one of the captions.)

Highlights of Alex Month Eight

OK, I know the video is a bit too long. Eight minutes. But hey, I know nobody but close family and perhaps a few friends is going to watch the whole thing anyway. And it was late and I didn’t want to edit it down any further. So eight minutes it is! Anyway, enjoy some highlights of Alex’s eighth month. (This covers 2010 Apr 13 18:02 UTC to 2010 May 14 04:31 UTC.)

If you don’t see the embedded video above for whatever reason, here is a direct link to YouTube: Alex’s Eighth Month

Alex is Eight Months Old! Woo!

Just a little over 3 hours ago at 4:31 UTC (9:31 PM on the 13th Pacific, 12:31 AM on the 14th Eastern) Alex turned 243.494799 days old, otherwise known as 8 months old. Congratulations to Alex!

I was going to stay up really late (possibly all night) to put together the monthly Alex video highlight reel and have it out by sometime in the morning, but then a brief interlude of common sense flitted through my brain and I realized I have a full day tomorrow, starting less than six hours from now. So I’ll save putting together the “Eighth Month” video for the weekend.

But I thought I’d still take a moment to note the milestone.

Alex is getting SO OLD! :-)