This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



March 2025

Kindle Ratios as of 2011 May 27

OK, in the past I’ve just done the percentage of the last 20 Books I’ve read that are available on Kindle. Of course, I have really done these calculations after I post the reviews of the books, not right after I’ve read them, and right now, I’m way behind. At this point there are 13 books I’ve finished reading that I haven’t yet posted my thoughts on. Oops. Also, this has been all about what percentage of the books were available on Kindle. Now that I actually have one, another relevant stat is how many I’ve actually read on the Kindle. So, two charts…

First, percentage of the last 20 books I have REVIEWED that are currently AVAILABLE on Kindle (so this doesn’t include the 13 books I have read but haven’t yet reviewed) – This is now at 70%.

Next, the percentage of the last 20 books I have READ that I actually READ on the Kindle (this does include the 13 books I have read but have not yet reviewed) – This is now at 65%.

By the way, I think I’ll discontinue posting about these charts when/if each hits 90%.

Fly to the Mother

I got a scary call this morning. My mom had been taken to the ER. I won’t go into the details here, but I’ll just say I was quite worried for a few hours and being half a continent away didn’t help. At this point she has been out of the hospital for most of the day, and she is doing much much better. She’ll need a bunch of tests and stuff over the next few days though, and the Doctor said she probably shouldn’t be alone for a bit. So some friends and colleagues of hers are staying with her tonight, and I’m about to head to the airport to spend the rest of the week in Ohio with her to be her driver and to just be there for a bit. Of course at this point she is sure she’ll be completely fine in the morning and none of this is necessary. But I’m still going. I’ll believe all that when I hear it directly from the Doctor. :-)

Goodbye Sarah Jane

I just saw the news that Elisabeth Sladen, the actress who played Sarah Jane Smith, died today after a fight with cancer. Some links to the news:

Celebrity deaths rarely actually get to me. The ones I can remember off the top of my head are Jim Henson and Johnny Carson. And now Elisabeth Sladen. In each of these cases the news hit almost as if it was someone I knew.

In each case it was because the person (or their characters) had been a significant presence in my childhood or youth. In the case of Liz Sladen / Sarah Jane, I remember discovering her and the 4th Doctor for the first time when I saw one of the episodes when I was away at a summer computer camp (I think?). If I was a teenager it must have been just barely. I remember being amazed at the new thing I had discovered and needing to watch and absorb as much as I possibly could of it. It was so different than anything else. Sarah Jane was my first Doctor Who Companion. I remember imitating the way she in particular said the word “Doctor?” as a question. And I’m pretty sure she is the first fictional character on television I ever had a crush on.

I was thrilled a few years back when she made a guest appearance on the new Doctor Who (the first of several). Then when her spinoff series Sarah Jane Adventures actually not only didn’t suck, but was actually good and fun to watch. I am so sorry there could not have been more of them made before she died.

Goodbye Sarah Jane… Goodbye Liz Sladen.


A certain small someone just walked into the dining room, pulled one of the chairs to where he wanted it, climbed on the chair, then from the chair climbed up onto and then into his high chair, sat down properly, and then buckled himself in. I figured all this meant he wanted a snack. So I gave him one.

Off to Day Care

Alex Starts at Day Care 2011-04-04

About 90 minutes ago, Brandy and I dropped Alex off at day care for the very first time. More than that, this is the first time since he was born that at least one of Brandy, Amy or I have not been within earshot. The closest he has been to not being with one of the three of us was when one of his grandparents were watching him while we we elsewhere in the house. So this is a big step. For both him and for us. It is just two mornings a week for now, but still, gulp.

Of course, as we were saying goodbye and leaving, trying to get him to wave goodbye, give us a hug, whatever, he was very much just giving us a “Can’t you see I’m busy playing with this bus?” attitude and didn’t bat an eye as we walked out the door while one of the adults there sat and started to play with him.


(Picture Taken 2011-04-04 14:29 UTC)

Alex is 18 months old now!

(Picture taken 2010 Mar 13 17:54 UTC)

So, when this post goes live at 13:22 UTC (6:22 AM Pacific, 9:22 AM Eastern) Alex will be exactly 18 months old. A year and a half. I am still way way horribly behind in posting pictures and video and stuff… I still haven’t posted the “12th Month” video and it is half a year later now. Oops. I’ll get to it eventually. Maybe when he is in kindergarten. In the mean time, he is already a year and a half old and he is doing all kinds of great things. I haven’t posted an update on those sorts of things in three months, so here goes again…

  • He learned how to use our water cooler. He needed to have a box or something to stand on, but he is constantly grabbing a glass or whatnot, putting it on the cooler, and pouring himself a glass of cool refreshing water. He’ll then take a sip… then pour the rest on the floor. (We have now moved the box he used to stand on, but it is only a matter of time until he figures out he can put something else there.)
  • He has a favorite movie! Pixar’s Cars to be specific. Any other movie or TV show holds his attention for 10 or 15 minutes at a stretch. With Cars, he would sit there and watch almost the whole thing in rapt attention. Now, after a few months of watching it a lot… he would bring the box to me to request it… I think he is finally a little bored with it. He’s thinking about liking Toy Story now instead.
  • He can put on his own boots! Shoes are a little hard, but he now regularly will find rain boots or snow boots or whatnot and put them on. All by himself!
  • He can buckle his own straps in his car seat and high chair and such. It takes a bit of work, but he is very determined and persistent and can do it. He can’t unbuckle yet though, which is probably a very good thing.
  • He chases the dog everywhere. He desperately tries to get Roscoe to chase him too, which Roscoe usually ignores, but Alex is ever hopeful. He will also hug the dog, try to lie on the dog, try to climb on the dog… Luckily, Roscoe is very very patient. Alex loves his dog very much, and Roscoe tolerates it very well. :-)
  • He is getting very eager to start exploring the back yard. It is still a bit cold and wet usually, but he has taken a few tentative exploratory walks… just a few feet from the door before running back in. But come summer…
  • For a couple months now, it has been his job to feed Roscoe. Roscoe will bark to let us know it is dinner time. Alex will run down the stairs (still holding someone’s hand), wait at the landing for the dog to run past, then head to the downstairs closet where we keep the soft food. He’ll get a packet out, and then run to the dogs dish, wait for me to help open the packet, then pour the food out into the dish, put the plastic wrapper in the trash can, and then watch as Roscoe eats, picking up any food that falls on the floor and throwing it back in the bowl. After that, he will help feed Roscoe dry food too. We keep it in a big trash can sort of thing with a scoop. I would generally get a scoopful, then help Alex carry it to the dish where he would dump it, then Alex would bring back the scoop to put back in the can. As of the last 24 hours though, Alex was doing the scooping too. Scoop (just a little bit), carefully run to the dish, dump, come back for more. Feeding Roscoe is Alex’s job now. And he knows it, and does it with glee.
  • He climbs absolutely everything.
  • He sleeps in a bed now instead of a crib.
  • When there are a bunch of something, he will often take it upon himself to move all of the somethings from one place to another. The first time he did this was actually many months ago, when he brought me and Brandy every single bag of coffee from a shelf at a Starbucks, then put them all back when we told him to. But he does it with all kinds of things whenever he gets a chance. (Just in the last few days, with rolls of paper towels and a set of giant chess pieces.)
  • He keeps secret stashes of cheerios in various places throughout the house.
  • He knows what he likes to eat, and will go to the cabinet, get it out, and run with it. (Boxes of cereal and the like.)
  • He knows how to turn on and off his toys by finding and flipping the power switches.
  • As of yesterday, Brandy got him a remote control toy bus, and he figured out how to work it almost immediately. He then generalized the principle and started controlling a remote control bug Amy bought at the same time.
  • Speaking of busses, cars and trucks and trains and the like are the best toys ever. He has a couple favorites he carries with him everywhere.
  • He continues to get a huge kick out of his sister, who is the funniest person EVER… especially when she tickles him or has yelling contests with him. (Yes, she still does that!)
  • He makes sure to close the child gates after he goes through them. It is important. He also will scold the dog for leaving the door open at the bottom of our stairs, then go close it for him.
  • He still likes to hold someone’s hand going down stairs, but he doesn’t REALLY need it. And going up, he no longer waits for anybody, he just runs up the stairs. He will sometimes be upstairs already by the time the person watching him can get up and chase after him.
  • Toward the end of Christmas, he figured out the whole package opening thing, and that often boxes have things in them for him. He now wants to help open almost any box that arrives at the house.

OK, that is probably enough for now. And it is very very late as I actually write this, and I have to get up for work in less than three hours, so I’ll go ahead and hit save and schedule this thing to get published at the appropriate moment.

But hey, wow, a year and a half! He is so big!

Five Years (and a bit) in the Jungle

I failed to make note of it at the time because things have been absolutely crazy the last few weeks, and between work and fighting a really awful cold that has infected the whole family, I just haven’t had time for much. But back on January 11th, at about 22:18 UTC, it was five years since I started at my current employer. This means I get a yellow border on my ID badge as a prize. Woo?

Book Frequency

So, speaking of reading, just a quick graph. This represents the frequency at which I finish books. I used to keep track of pages per day, but now that a bunch of my reading is Kindle based, which has locations instead of pages, that really isn’t a measure I can use any more. So instead I look at the pace I am maintaining in terms of how quickly I am getting through books. Each day, I look at the fraction of a book I have completed, which is then converted into the overall book frequency.

As you can see, for most of the year the rate was very low… as I was going through a couple of dry boring and very long non-fiction books. But then, those books were out of the way, plus I moved to reading some (not all) of my books on Kindle. Importantly, this doesn’t just mean the Kindle device itself, but also other devices. So yes, I’ll use the Kindle device when I am going to be sitting down and reading for a little bit, when that is my prime activity. But if I’ve got even a minute or two while I’m waiting in line for a coffee or whatnot, I’ll pull out the Kindle app on my iPhone and start reading. Those are cases where I never would have been reading a book before.

Anyway, at this moment, I am trending somewhere near 1.35 ОјHz for my book frequency. Inverting that we get about one book every 741 ks. That could otherwise be expressed as one book every 8.57 days or 3.55 books per month. Now, some of you may read a lot more than that, which is of course great. But for me, given everything else occupying my time, this is a pretty good clip. I don’t think I’ve read at this pace in many many years…

Of course, as soon as one of those really long, dry, boring books ends up coming up in my book selection process then I may once again have one of those times where finishing a single book ends up taking many many months. I’m sure it will happen eventually. But for now, I’m enjoying reading a bit more than that.

Live: Sam and Brandy Get Married

Live, right now, we’re getting married. Watch if you are interested.

Alternate link for those who need it:

Running Late for Wedding

We are of course running a bit late. We’ll start up the live stream as soon as we are ready… probably in the next 30 minutes or so. I’ll of course post here when the time comes.