This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2025

13513.9614 Days

As I type it is eight hours and a few minutes until the exact time I’ll be exactly 37 years old. It will happen at 20:02:23 UTC today. That’s 1:02:23 PM Pacific, 4:02:23 PM Eastern.

I should be asleep right now, but I stayed up late to finished getting the podcast out the door. I’m off for a short bit of sleep, then up to do the election updates, then off to work. At the exact moment above, I’ll be in a meeting at work. Then I need to leave work a little early to take care of reregistering my car before my current registration expires. Then I will probably come home and collapse.

Oh yeah, those using actual calendar anniversaries rather than the actual length of a year might not notice this anniversary until tomorrow. But I know better. Years are 365.242199 days long, and because of the distribution of leap days and such, the actual time of the anniversary drifts over the years when compared to calendar dates and times. My calculations of course take that into effect.

Anyway. Time for a brief nap before I have to get up and do stuff.

No Internet

By the way, our Internet connection stopped working at 01:58 UTC on Saturday. Since then I’ve been leeching off a neighbor’s unsecured wireless. Trust they don’t mind and that’s why they have it unsecured. :-) Brandy got off the phone a little while ago with our DSL provider. They think our DSL modem is fried and they are sending us a new one. Hopefully that will get everything up and happy again.

But, in case anyone has been wondering (yeah right!) that’s why the AbulCam has not been fully functional this weekend.

But it makes me glad that I moved AbulWiki to paid hosting a while back. That is currently the part of my site that gets the most traffic (by far) and if it had still been hosted on my iMac, it would be completely offline. Of course, the additional traffic it has been getting over the last month probably would have made my iMac unusable too, but that is another story.

Morning Meetings

To folks who schedule meetings for a time two hours before I normally come into the office, causing me to get up way early in the morning so I could finish my morning election updates in time to catch a really quick shower, then rush through traffic that is heavier than at the time of day I usually go to work, meaning I had less time than I thought I had, so that when I finally got to the parking garage I had to almost run the couple blocks to the building to try to be only a couple of minutes late, only to find out in the elevator on the way up when I checked my iPhone to be sure of the room, that the meeting had just minutes earlier been moved to Friday afternoon… to folks who do that… please don’t.

Oh well, I’m now at work two hours earlier than normal, so once I get myself from this building to the building I normally work in, I’ll have some extra time to catch up on things, which is always good.

But still…

Traffic Increases

Wow. I just went to the Sitemeter Who’s On page for my site. It will be different by the time anybody seeing this post clicks on it, but it is now showing 25 visitors on right now. (Sitemeter defines “right now” as within the last 30 minutes.)

That is the highest I’ve ever seen it by far. Prior to this year I’d be lucky to see one or two people at a time on there, and there were often zero. Recently, having 5 to 10 has been common. But 25. Woo!

Almost all of that traffic has been going to the Electoral College Prediction page. Traffic to that page (and some excess which spills over to the rest of my site) has just been going up and up and up. I suppose there is a chance the trend will continue up until the election… then crash back down to zero. :-)

Vacation Productivity Update

So, I took most of two weeks off. Well, sort of. I consider the two weeks to have been 23 Aug to 5 Sep. In a “normal” two weeks, for the sake of argument, I would have worked 80 hours. There was an actual national holiday during those two weeks, so lets call that 72. But I wasn’t really completely off. I went in a few times, I did some conference calls, I checked in on email a few times. Added up, those things end up being approximately 24 hours of work during that time. So really, I was sort of 2/3 on vacation. Out of 9 work days, I worked 3 and vacationed 6. They just were not actually divided up quite that cleanly.

So there were several purposes to the vacation. One was of course just relaxing. Did that. One was watching the conventions. I did a lot of that, but not as much as I wanted to or I should have. Also, I watched too much on news channels, and not enough on C-Span. Finally thought, I wanted to spend a lot of time on some of the personal projects I’ve let myself fall behind on over the last year. (I’ve allowed election stuff to occupy a large chunk of the time I would otherwise spend on such things.)

I had split those projects I wanted to spend time on into five categories: Quicken, Old Email, Genealogy, Reading, and “To Do”. To Do included a bunch of other projects of various sorts and sizes.

Over the course of my time off, whenever I was ready to sit down and work on stuff, I’d pick one of those five randomly (at first using and later using MachDice on my iPhone). I did use the further restriction that I could not work on the same category twice in a row, so really each time I was choosing from four possibilities. Once the random item was selected I would set a timer and work on that item for one hour.

So, in the last two weeks, these are the totals:

  • Quicken: 5 hours
  • Old Email: 2 hours
  • Genealogy: 4 hours
  • Reading: 1 hour
  • To Do: 7 hours

That gives a total of 19 hours.

So I still did more work for work than on my home stuff, even on the vacation intended to work on home stuff. Sigh. Next time I try this, it will have to really be a contiguous bit of time with no work, rather than no work interspersed with bits of work. That didn’t work too well, because it takes me awhile to switch mindsets.

Of course, I did do the other stuff. I relaxed, I went to Bumbershoot, I was there to take Amy to her first day of school and pick her up again, I watched a lot of political coverage, etc.

And yes, I did do a lot more of those other tasks than I would have otherwise. So that is all good I guess.

And I think I will keep the five categories and the dice roll to pick between them for awhile. And maybe try to make sure I do at least two of them per evening or something, and more on weekends.

Of course, my average for the two weeks I was “on vacation” was just 1.36 hours per day. So maybe targeting two hours a day when I’m not on vacation is overly ambitious. Maybe I should start with seeing if I can reliably do 1 hour a day.


Today’s activity is Bumbershoot. We are heading out the door in a few minutes. I think Brandy and Amy are planning to go for all three days of it. I have limited tolerance for such events, but I agreed to go today. I plan to follow them around and grimace a lot. And I’ll play with my iPhone. :-)

Because I Could No Longer Wait

Posted from my new iPhone

16GB. White.

Not Off Today

I’m back at work Friday (today), before once again taking some time next week. It was kind of an odd week. I was mostly on vacation, but did about 4 hours of work on Tuesday, 1 hour of work on Wednesday, 1 hour of work on Thursday (all times UTC). Today I’ll do a full normal day. Then it will be back to doing stuff at home again.

But in any case, I have work in the morning, starting with a conference call at 16 UTC, so I think I’m calling it a night now.

Good Time to Visit Jamaica

50% chance of Tropical Storm force winds, 15% chance of Hurricane force winds.

Have fun Ivan!

Vacation Time!

I am at home now for basically two weeks of vacation… well, except that I have a meeting I’m going to on Tuesday. And two conference calls on Wednesday. and I’m going in all day long on Friday for two planning meetings. And the following Friday I’ll go to work to catch up on email and such before I *really* come back the following Monday.

But I’m basically on vacation… Woo!

My plans:

  • Non Stop Gavel to Gavel watching of both conventions (the primary reason for the precise timing of this vacation)
  • Catch up on putting financial information into Quicken
  • Catch up on old email
  • Do a bunch of reading
  • Catch up on some genealogy stuff
  • Work on a handful of different projects I’ve had on my list for a long time, but haven’t had any time for
  • Sleep
  • Spend some time with Brandy and Amy
  • Have Fun

And that will be that.