This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter).
Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon
Welcome to Mr. Sarudi’s Social Studies Class!
Social Studies Assignments
10/28/08 – Due on Friday, October 31.
Electoral College Map (25 points) – Fill out an Electoral Colleg map of the United States based on the predictive figures given on the following web site:
Extra Credit (25 points): Do some article research on one of the “toss-up” or “swing” states mentioned in the lean to areas and explain why that state is labeled as such. Make sure that you provide a bibliography for your source(s). Due on Thursday, November 6
Extra Extra Credit (25 points): Using your Prediction Map and watching the National Presidential Elections, summarize how the “toss-up” or “swing” states did. Your summary should reflect each of the states electoral count and what difference in made in the election. Due on Thursday, November 6
The Obama infomercial aired at 00:00 UTC on the East Coast. It won’t air where I am until 03:00 UTC. That is really annoying to me. I’m sure I could probably find it online by now, but instead, I’ll wait until it actually airs on my local station. I wasn’t at home yet at 00:00 UTC anyway. In the mean time, I’ll try to avoid my usual news feeds as I don’t want spoilers and such.
I think, perhaps, I’ll eat.
I hate it when when one feels tied, so one heads to bed early, but then sees something online that distracts one, which causes one to not only not go to sleep, but to be up many hours later, after which one finally goes to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, not able to get back to sleep, with only a couple hours left until one has to get up early in order to do one’s election update stuff before an early morning conference call with Europe.
Oh, in this case, “one” is me. I probably wouldn’t really hate it as much if the “one” in the above was someone else. :-)
Yeah, I know I haven’t posted much lately other than the electoral college updates and the podcasts, and perhaps every once in awhile a random thing. I’ve been bad. I see more each more I want to post links to or comment on, but usually not at times I have time to do it. Sometimes I mark them to come back later, but usually I do not. Bad me. But time has just not allowed. Just keeping up with the election stuff takes most of my available time for such things. One week left. Then maybe there will be more other stuff again. We shall see.
By my calculations… actually, by Amy’s, she did the calculations while I watched… Amy will be thirteen years old at exactly 9:09:57 UTC tonight. So a little more than 9 hours from now. Thirteen is one of those big numbers, or so I hear. So if you know her, be sure to say Happy Birthday!
This means she is an actual teenager now. Gulp!
Last night I got home from work, sat down in the bedroom, and woke up twelve hours later. Guess I was tired. Yawn! I’m up now though.
I was looking forward to doing the liveblogging and popcorn thing again with tonight’s Veep debate, but turns out I have a parent event at Amy’s school I need to go to. So I’m going to have to be watching on Tivo significantly later in the evening. Kind of a bummer. And I’ll have to be careful to avoid spoilers! I’ll of course post thoughts later, but won’t do a tape delayed liveblog or anything.
I didn’t follow her and take a picture of her heading in with her backpack like I did for Amy (although I was tempted!), but Brandy started school yesterday. Just a few classes to start with. First semester is courtesy of Uncle Sam. Chances are that after that it will be courtesy of Sam I Am. But that is OK by me.