This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2025

Logistics Question

Obama can’t actually appoint people to positions right now because he isn’t President yet, right? He is essentially announcing his intention to do so and then presumably on the afternoon of inauguration day he would sign a whole bunch of papers officially doing the nominating, right?

But I’ve also heard there will be confirmation hearings and such prior to January 20th. Not sure about the actual final votes on the nominations. How does that officially work if Obama does not yet actually have the power to nominate people to positions and won’t until he is inaugurated?

I realize that practically it needs to be arranged in such a way that the new cabinet can start working as soon as the new administration takes office.

But does anybody know the technicalities of exactly how they work this?

Saxby Wins – Good

So, as expected, Chambliss wins the Senate in Georgia. This is very good news. It means no matter what happens in Minnesota, the Democrats will NOT get 60 votes in the Senate, and therefore will still be subject to Republican filibusters. For the Democrats to pass anything, they will always need to convince at least one Republican that it is a good idea. Now, would it be better if they needed to convince MORE Republicans than one? Yes. But at least this is something.

I of course supported Obama for President, but the worst possible outcome would be for one party to have the unfettered ability to implement its agenda without requiring at least SOME deference to the opinions and ideas of the “other side”.

As I’ve stated before a number of times, my preferred combination would actually be a Democratic President with a fully Republican Congress. At least in my recent memory that combination has tended to yield the results I like the best.

Basically, I want a situation where it is hard to get things done, and you NEED some level of bipartisan support and a good degree of compromise. Of course, even in those situations I tend to actually be MOST scared of some of the things that get through with near unanimous support. Whenever that happens, you KNOW something is wrong and it would be better if it wasn’t happening.

Anyway… one senator will probably not be all that hard to find most of the time… So this probably isn’t TOO large of a brake on things… but it is something.

We’ll see how it works out.

But I’m glad the Dems won’t have 60.

Stupid CNN

I once again am frustrated by a live news event on CNN, because they keep showing the stupid American CNN people instead of just switching full time to CNN-IBN which is doing a fine job with much more serious and knowledgeable people. In this case it may just be because they are local, but they still are better placed to talk about this than the US anchors. Dump the US anchors, and show us the locals, thank you.

Every time I see CNN International (which was on CNN overnight), or other “serious” international news coverage of events I am reminded of just how vapid the American version of CNN is these days, and it is annoying and sad.

(Note: The CNN International and CNN-IBI feeds are available online at the moment… here. I’ve switched to that for now.)

Finally Missouri

Just checked CNN… I think I also did a few hours ago, but I can’t really be sure… and they finally called Missouri for McCain. I’ll have my next to final update of my charts when I get home in an hour or so. (My final update will be cleaning up the electoral college stuff to put it in a final archival state.)

Edit: The Missouri results on CNN say they were last updated at 00:09 UTC today, so I’ll use that as the time the state was called unless one of my readers can point me at a better time, or I find one myself.

CNN Slowness

Just an update on election results. Almost everyplace in the universe has now reflected Obama’s win in Nebraska’s second district. But not CNN. And CNN is what I’m basing my charts on, so this annoys me. It looks like final results from Missouri are due around Tuesday. Hopefully CNN will reflect THOSE when they happen. If CNN still hasn’t reflected Missouri 24 hours after other people start officially calling it, then I’ll go ahead and call it. At that point if CNN still hasn’t reflected the change in Nebraska 2, I’ll put it in now. In both cases, I’ll try to go back and reflect both as of some sort of reasonable time based on when they were called by other sources.

Why So Soon?

He should wait until January 20th at 11:59 AM Eastern Time. But no, he’s in a rush.

Obama resigning Senate seat as of Sunday
(Amanda Terkel, Think Progress, 13 Nov 2008)

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he will be giving up his Senate seat, effective on Sunday. “It has been one of the highest honors and privileges of my life to have served the people of Illinois in the United States Senate,” Obama said in a statement. The Chicago Tribune notes that the news puts added pressure on Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) to name a replacement for Obama, who is currently the only African-American senator.

CNN and North Carolina

Right around the moment I posted complaining about CNN not calling North Carolina yet, they did. I’m at work now though. I’ll update charts and such when I get home this evening. I have a modified time on the CNN Election map page of 15:29:48 UTC and will thus reflect the change accordingly in the graphs.

Note: Actually, that timestamp is the moment I last loaded the page. So apperantly, when I loaded it to check the map this morning, they had already called NC, I didn’t notice, and I posted complaining about it anyway. Or some such. But I know I had checked it a few minutes prior to THAT and they had not yet… so the timeframe is just about right. Between 15:15 and 15:30 this morning. At least that is my best guess at this point. If one of my readers has a better timestamp for when CNN called NC, please let me know.

Maybe CNN Stopped

CNN’s electoral map is not even on their front page any more. A bunch of others places called North Carolina for Obama yesterday. Several are saying that Nebraska 2 is too close to call after all. CNN has not reflected those changes yet. If CNN hasn’t moved at all by the time other places start calling Missouri, maybe I’ll start making changes on my charts based on non-CNN sources. Come on CNN, get with it!

Getting close on North Carolina

Just heard MSNBC call it for Obama. Come on CNN…

I need to leave for work momentarily, so unless CNN decides in the next five minutes, I’ll need to wait to do any updates related to this until I get home again after work.

Obama Brings Inflation Already

Copies of yesterday’s New York Times are going for over $100 on EBay.

(As I write, the current bid on the auction about to expire is $102.50. That may of course change by the time you click through on the link.)

Is it bad that I want one?