This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



December 2024

Digging Abulsme

I was in one of those sorts of moods, so instead of doing what I should have been doing the last 30 minutes or so, I was messing around with my blog templates. I changed the format of the timestamp slightly… I played with more radical formats, but then went back to a semi-normal format, but a slightly different one that was there before.

And then I went and added Digg buttons, just to see how that worked. It was pretty damn simple of course. Just copy and paste some Javascript into the right part of the site templates. Now, do I anticipate a mad rush of diggs? Uh, no. Not at all. But it was fun adding them. I may well eventually take them back out again. But for the moment, they are there. So if you see a post you really like, do please feel quite fee to digg it. :-) I am of course expecting no such thing though.

And now, I should get back to other stuff I wanted to get done tonight… then get to sleep. I am very tired. Bleh.

Jumpin Jumpin Jumpin

Happy leap day!!!

Raining Sun

Just looked at my dashboard and saw this in the weather forecast. On Sunday (the day that just ended) the sun is raining. What the hell does that even mean?

I note however, there is a lot of sun in this forecast, and the highs are in the 50’s. I think Spring may have arrived in the Pacific Northwest. All weekend the kids were out on the street riding their bicycles and such. And it was quite nice out when I walked Roscoe. There may yet be a relapse to winter, but for now… it is very nice!

True Binary Clock for iPhone

On Wednesday I got an email from a random visitor to the site saying they loved the True Binary Clock but asking if I could adapt it for iPhone or iPod Touch. Sure I said, I’d look at it this weekend.

So I made a new version of the page with all the extra text cut out and adjusted it a bit to fit in the iPhone browser window. Then since I don’t have an iPhone myself (yet!) I made a quick trip to one of the local Apple Stores to try it out. While there I made a few final adjustments. It isn’t anything spectacular, I just did the basics and made it fit, but none the less, here it is:

True Binary Clock for iPhone

Before we left the Apple Store, Amy added it as a front page bookmark to almost all of the iPhones in the store. I’ve been getting random hits from those iPhones all evening. Ha. I’m sure they will reset those iPhones to their defaults soon, but kind of fun for the moment. :-)

So I was playing with a suction cup…

Oops. It looks like it will last for days.

Look at me, I’m wearing a Vegetable!

To days to come. — All my love to long ago.


Playing with Indention

Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. So I’ll just repeat the whole thing to be sure. Well, except this last part, which won’t be last any more. Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not.

Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. So I’ll just repeat the whole thing to be sure. Well, except this last part, which won’t be last any more. Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not.

Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. So I’ll just repeat the whole thing to be sure. Well, except this last part, which won’t be last any more. Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not.

Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. So I’ll just repeat the whole thing to be sure. Well, except this last part, which won’t be last any more. Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not.

Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not. So I’ll just repeat the whole thing to be sure. Well, except this last part, which won’t be last any more. Hello this is a paragraph of text to play with margins. Well, that was just a sentence, but here is another sentence. But perhaps a third sentence would be good. And maybe even a fourth. Is that enough to go a few lines. I want this to go a few lines. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not.

But I Like Needless Detail…

The 8 Most Needlessly Detailed Wikipedia Entries
(Matt Blair,

They say “knowledge is power,” but “they” seem to forget that most of our knowledge is devoted to subjects that are completely useless and retarded. If you could somehow harness just the brain power that’s currently being spent on, say, memorizing fantasy football stats, you could probably cure cancer.

Nowhere is humanity’s obsession with the inconsequential more obvious than on Wikipedia, where even the most obscure topics get propped up on enormous blocks of text. Here are the most depressing–and somewhat frightening–examples.

(via Digg)

Month of Google Reader

I’ve been using Google reader for slightly over a month now, so I can now look at the monthly stats and have them mean something. I’ve been “sharing” every article that I actually read most or all of rather than just skimming past based on the headline. So, here are the top 10 sources I’ve been reading over the last month:

  1. Gizmodo
  2. The Daily Dish
  3. Digg
  4. The Huffington Post
  5. BoingBoing
  6. Talking Points Memo
  7. Engadget
  8. Think Progress
  9. The Corner
  10. The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Of course, those 10 account for 44% of the items I read. So there is still a lot form other sources as well. But those were the biggest ones this last month.

Also interesting is that there are a bunch in this group (and also in the next 10) that I didn’t read at all before I was reading via Google Reader rather than actually going to the websites. The highest ranking of these is Huffington Post. I can’t stand the website. I would never go there. But via RSS, I’ve obviously found a few things I thought were worth reading.

Anyway, interesting.

Not Iraq

The President did his speech thing a little earlier, but I don’t feel like talking about it. So instead here is a link to Unusual Wikipedia Articles that was on Digg earlier. You could spends days reading the articles linked to from that page.