This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter).
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This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan’s main topics are the San Bernardino shooting, Election 2016, and Climate Change. The show gets rounded out with smaller bits about math homework, new Apple products, political correctness, and more!
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Recorded 2015-12-03
Length this week – 1:46:28
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Show Details:
- (00:00:10-00:19:12) But First
- Pi!
- Agenda
- Ivan’s Carbon Footprint
- Math Homework
- Education Reform
- (00:20:44-00:39:05) Shootings
- Deja Vu
- Do motives matter?
- What would laws do?
- High Profile Events vs Overall Murder Rates
- Reaction different if “terrorism”?
- Disgruntled Employee?
- Knee-jerk Reactions
- Framing the Problem
- Long Term vs Short Term
- Prayer Shaming
- (00:40:13-1:09:27) Election 2016
- Establishment GOP freaking out over Trump
- Would Clinton crush Trump?
- Current polling
- Candidate Odds
- Establishment still on sidelines
- Trump pastor event
- Trump and truth
- Gaming out the primaries
- (1:10:31-1:26:29) Climate Talks
- Odds of 3rd Party Run
- Nice but not enough?
- Adaptation: Poor vs Rich
- Speed of Changes
- Geoengineering
- Scale of changes
- Renewable Resources
- Long term concerns vs freedom now
- Solar Power and Personal Nukes
- (1:27:08-1:46:08) Lightning Round
- Chennai Flooding
- Mac App Store Fail
- iPad Pro
- New AppleTV
- Movie: Son of Kong (1933)
- Movie: The Peanuts Movie (2015)
- Political Correctness / Safe Zones / Free Speech
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam and Ivan talk about the situation with Turkey, Russia and Syria for awhile, then cover Election 2016, with, of course, a concentration on the Trump phenomenon and what it continues to mean for the Republican nomination race. Those are the “big topics”, but we also touch on car shopping, some movies Sam watched recently, Argentina, Baby Hitler, demographics of the folks who like the podcast on Facebook, and a lot more.
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Recorded 2015-11-26
Length this week – 1:34:54
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:15:23) But First
- Agenda
- Sam’s Electricity
- Ivan and Disney
- Ivan broken phone
- Ivan car shopping
- (0:16:26-0:31:44) International
- Turkey shoots down Russian plane
- Escalation?
- Syria Summit
- New Threats and Attacks
- (0:32:23-1:08:59) Election 2016
- Polls
- Alex Interlude
- Carson Implosion
- Trump not Imploding
- Can Trump win the Nomination?
- Can Trump win the Presidency?
- Trump Independant Run?
- Frontrunners 4, 8 and 12 years ago
- Betting Odds on the Candidates
- (1:09:44-1:34:34) Lightning Round
- Movie: Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
- Movie: Beyond Witch Mountain (1982)
- Movie: Minority Report (2002)
- Adelle Song
- Airline Safety
- Racial Tensions
- Argentina President
- Baby Hitler
- Movie: Being John Malkovich (1999)
- Likes vs Downloads
- Curmudgeon’s Corner Facebook Demographics
This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan concentrate on the Paris attacks and the worldwide reaction to them. This is a big enough topic that we spend most of the show on it rather than having several smaller topics. We hit on why Paris resonates more with Americans than terrorist attacks elsewhere, the Syrian connection or lack there of, the anti-refugee backlash, where things go from here, and more. Before that starts we do spend a few minutes on Sam’s power outage and Ivan’s driving habits… but really, this is a one topic show this time.
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Recorded 2015-11-20
Length this week – 1:06:46
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:12:56) But First
- Sam in the dark
- Insurance Driver Tracking
- Agenda
- Generators
- Food Going Bad
- Showers
- (0:13:40-0:36:44) Paris Attacks
- Seeing Lights
- Why does Paris resonate?
- Syrian non-Connection
- anti-Refugee reaction
- Reflection on Republicans
- Obama Reaction
- (0:37:22-1:06:26) More Paris Reactions
- Bombing ISIS
- Eliminating the Grey Zone
- Calling it Radical Islamic Terrorism
- Xenophobia + Islamophobia = Good Politics?
- Comparing Risks
- What next?
- If it happens here
- non-Encryption connection
- Parallels to Gun Debate
- Presidential Candidates on Paris/ISIS/Refugees
This week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner was recorded before the attacks in Paris, so that will have to wait for next week. In the mean time, Sam is joined by new guest cohost Amber for a different kind of show. Very little politics or tech this week. Instead we talk driver’s licenses and coverage of science in the media as our main topics, followed by a lightning round where we touch on the use and development of language, the red Starbucks cups, and yeah, Sam does sneak in a couple minutes on the last Republican debate.
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Recorded 2015-11-12
Length this week – 1:41:27
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Show Details:
- (0:00:00-0:21:13) But First
- Disclaimer: Recorded before Paris
- Introducing Amber
- Agenda
- Sam Foot Update
- Working from Home
- (0:21:55-0:53:41) Driver’s Licenses
- Teens Getting Licenses
- Ding Etiquette
- Stupid Written Tests
- Retesting Drivers?
- New Air Travel Rules
- Flying with no ID
- Reactions to Changes
- (0:54:42-1:19:10) Popular Coverage of Science
- What should science coverage be like?
- Communicating uncertainty
- Confirmation Bias
- Difficulties with Replication
- Publication Process Changes?
- False Balance
- Following Health Recommendations?
- Individual Differences
- Cost Benefit Tradeoffs
- (1:19:49-1:41:07) Lightning Round
- Why brands become generic
- Movie: Princess and the Frog
- Language Consolidation?
- Republican Debate
- Partisans moderating debates
- Starbucks Seasonal Cups
This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam and Ivan’s big topics are the Presidential race, the 2015 off-year elections, and the Sinai plane crash. In the Lightning Round we also touch on Bitcoin’s surge, Mythbusters, Twitter’s stars and hearts, and more! We start off though with Ivan on team building exercises, and Sam on locking himself out of his car in college. All the usual fun and excitement!
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Recorded 2015-11-05
Length this week – 1:43:46
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:12:02) But First
- Agenda
- On the road
- Team Building
- Locking keys in the car
- (0:13:20-0:45:21) Election 2016
- Debate Thoughts
- Carson Ahead!
- Bush Failure
- Trump on SNL
- Democratic Polls
- (0:46:23-1:05:37) Election 2015
- Local vs National Bifurcation
- How much trouble are the Dems in?
- Alternating Parties
- Kentucky Polling
- Interpreting Polls
- (1:06:54-1:20:29) Sinai Plane Crash
- GHWB Biography Tidbits
- The Plane Crash
- Was it a bomb?
- Change in tactics for ISIS?
- How will Russia respond?
- Airline Security Implications
- How long until we really know what happened?
- (1:21:34-1:43:26) Lightning Round
- Bitcoin surge
- Movie: Caravan of Courage
- Fred Thompson
- Mythbusters canceled
- YouTube Red
- Twitter stars and hearts
This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Ivan and Sam’s big topics are the Presidential race, the goings on in Congress, and Ivan’s musings on tech while attending Oracle OpenWorld. That gets you everything from the Benghazi hearing to the appeal of Carson to Speaker Ryan, the Budget Deal, and even Twitter and Hadoop. But it all starts with a bit on San Fransisco, and Sam breaking his foot. Fun!
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Recorded 2015-10-28
Length this week – 1:53:06
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:25:41) But First
- Agenda
- San Fransisco
- Sam broke his foot
- (0:26:20-0:48:45) Election 2016
- Future Sam on Republican Debate
- Ivan touches things
- Democratic Polls
- Clinton Benghazi Hearing
- Clinton turnaround
- Clinton vs the Republicans
- Trump losing… to Carson?
- The appeal of Trump and Carson
- Bush concentrating on Rubio
- The other Republicans
- (0:59:33-1:19:56) Congress
- Speaker Ryan
- Budget Deal
- CISA Passes Senate
- Politicians and Tech
- One more Carson thing
- (1:21:00-1:52:46) Tech Update
- Oracle OpenWorld
- What is Hadoop?
- Rise of the cloud
- Speed of Innovation
- Tech Company Earnings
- Apple
- Twitter
- Native Advertising
- Taking Companies Private or non-Profit
- Book: The Scarlet Plague
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner we apologize for last week’s show, then jump right in on Election 2016 analysis. We cover Biden’s exit and the results of last week’s debate, and what all that means for Clinton. Then we move on to the Republicans, talking about Trump’s staying power, how the only one close to him is Carson of all people, and how Bush is crashing and burning. With the Presidential race out of the way, we spend some time on Paul Ryan and the race for Speaker. Then finally in our lightning round we hit Back to the Future Day, iPads and iPhones, the hospital bombing in Afghanistan, book and movie reviews, and more!
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Recorded 2015-10-22
Length this week – 1:32:48
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:09:08) But First
- Sounds Ivan makes
- Allergy Meds
- Making fun of Ivan falling asleep
- Forced Break
- Future Debates
- Agenda
- (0:10:09-0:21:49) The Democrats
- Biden Out
- Debate Results
- Clinton’s Position
- Sad for Joe
- (0:22: 53-0:56:17) The Republicans
- Debate Demands
- Trump not going away
- Trump vs Bush
- Efforts to stop Trump
- Trump in the general?
- Thinning the crowd
- The Republican Split
- (0:56:56-1:11:18) Speaker of the House
- Future Sam Disclaimer
- Ryan’s Conditions
- Ryan’s Options
- Ryan the RINO
- Weakened Ryan?
- (1:12:07-1:32:28) Lightning Round
- Back to the Future Day
- iPad vs big iPhone
- Car bluetooth issue
- US hospital bombing
- Apple Music Subscriber Numbers
- Movie: Mud
- Book: The Son Also Rises
On the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast this week, Ivan struggles to stay awake while he and Sam record their commentary track for the first Democratic debate. Listen to our thoughts on Clinton, Sanders, O’Malley, Webb and Chafee’s performances as they answer questions on the issues of the day. And listen to Ivan doze off and snore! Several times! Ah yes, this debate was obviously the most exciting and engaging yet!
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Recorded 2015-10-14
Length this week – 2:21:53
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-1:01:17) Debate Segment I
- Intro by Sam and Ivan
- Candidate Self-Intros
- Biggest weaknesses
- Gun Control
- Ivan Falls Asleep
- Russia and Syria
- Use of Force
- Greatest Threats
- Ivan’s Solution to Allergies
- (1:01:55-1:48:22) Debate Segment II
- Clinton Email Scandal
- Race Relations
- Middle Class and Wall Street
- College Costs and Social Security
- Immigration
- Patriot Act
- Ivan Falls Asleep Again
- Snowden
- Differences from Obama
- (1:49:10-2:05:31) Debate Segment III
- Insider vs Outsider
- Climate Change
- Family Leave
- Marijuana
- Ivan Falls Asleep a Third Time
- Working with Republicans
- (2:06:16-2:21:33) Debate Segment IV
- Enemies to be proud of
- Closing Statements
- Ivan Falls Asleep a Fourth Time
- Ivan and Sam wrap it up
This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast, Sam and Ivan talk about Russia’s involvement in Syria, the chaos around the race for Speaker of the House, and of course the weekly rundown of the 2016 Presidential race. In the lightning round we spend way more than the allotted 2 minutes on self driving cars, but also touch on Jade Helm, drug prices, singing Happy Birthday, and more! Oh yeah, we also mention the coming apocalypse that will destroy us all!
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Recorded 2015-10-09
Length this week – 1:53:43
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Show Details:
- (0:00:15-0:05:33) But First
- (0:06:36-0:28:07) Syria and Russia
- Who is Russia Targeting?
- For Domestic Consumption?
- Good or bad for Russia?
- Accidental Escalation?
- US Reaction
- (0:28:45-0:48:19) Speaker of the House
- How the speaker election works
- McCarthy Out
- Paul Ryan?
- The other options
- (0:49:27-1:27:31) Election 2016
- Election Graphs Analysis: Rubio beats Clinton!
- Election Graphs Analysis: Others vs Clinton
- Continued Clinton Deterioration
- RCP vs Pollster
- Democratic Race
- Republican Race
- Carson/Bush Dumb Comments
- (1:28:46-1:53:23) Lightning Round
- Jade Helm
- Apocalypse?
- Self Driving Cars
- Predatory Drug Price Increase
- Happy Birthday Copyright
- Afghanistan Child Abuse
- Movie Serial: Radar Men from the Moon
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast, Ivan joins Sam again to complain a bit about Cleveland and last week’s conversation about Volkswagen. Then the main topics for this week: Election 2016, the Speaker of the House, and Syria. To close it off, a lightning round talking about Breaking Bad, Star Wars, iPhones, that Raccoon story that has been going around, and more!
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Recorded 2015-10-01
Length this week – 1:44:41
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Show Details:
- (0:00:15-0:18:03) But First
- Cleveland
- Agenda
- Ivan on Volkswagen
- (0:18:41-0:50:33) Election 2016
- Post Debate Republican Polls
- Thinning the Field
- Clinton Attitude
- Biden Getting In?
- Fundraising
- Clinton Email
- (0:51:37-1:10:48) Speaker of the House
- Resignation
- Republicans Divided
- Kevin McCarthy Different?
- Republican Agenda Hurt by Hardliners?
- Congressional Gridlock
- Government Shutdowns
- (1:11:49-1:22:27) Syria
- Russia jumping in
- US Approaches
- (1:23:43-1:44:21) Lightning Round
- TV Show: Breaking Bad
- Pope Visit
- iOS 9
- Ad Blockers
- iPhones one handed
- Movie: Return of the Jedi
- Raccoon Story