This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter).
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This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about chickens! Just kidding. Of course they talk about Election 2016. New Hampshire. Sanders beating Clinton. Trump walking all over the other Republicans. The log jam at second place on the Republican side. What this means for the delegate race and the next couple of states on both sides. Everything you would expect! Then they wrap it up with a lightning round for some thoughts on the Zika virus, changes on Twitter, the Oregon standoff, and more!
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Recorded 2016-02-11
Length this week – 1:39:01
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:16:41) Intro
- Pi Again
- Agenda
- Ivan’s Rough Day
- Sam’s Upcoming Trip
- (0:17:26-0:55:16) Election 2016: Republicans
- New Hampshire Results
- Upcoming contests
- Rubio’s debate crash
- Kasichmentum?
- Who drops out and when?
- Gaming out South Carolina
- anti-Trumps running out of time
- Trump moving to center?
- Trump/Sanders Swing Voters
- Fighting each other instead of Trump
- Carson in South Carolina!
- (0:56:25-1:19:52) Election 2016: Democrats
- No Surprise
- Delegate Story
- South Carolina and Nevada
- What is the path for Sanders?
- Clinton indictment?
- Sanders/Clinton demographics
- Independents
- Sam’s Choices
- Santorum iSideWith
- (1:20:41-1:38:40) Lightning Round
- Book: Prince Caspian
- Zika Virus
- Twitter Changes
- Ivan iSideWith
- Oregon Standoff
We made it past Iowa! We have Iowa results! We have brand new speculation about New Hampshire and beyond! Yes, of course, the bulk of this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast is Sam and Ivan discussing where the presidential race sits in this week between Iowa and New Hampshire. We go over all of the results so far, then discuss how candidates, the media and the public are reacting to those results, and what that means for the rest of the contest. Plus, for the first time in a little while, we do a lightning round as well, covering bluetooth audio issues, Iran, the Flint water crisis, tech earnings results, and more!
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Recorded 2016-02-04
Length this week – 2:12:09
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:05:11) Intro
- Pi O’Clock Again
- Agenda
- Talking Politics
- (0:06:00-0:29:42) Republicans in Iowa
- Headlines
- Delegate Totals
- Spin
- Polling Wrong?
- People Dropping Out
- Carson/Cruz blow up
- Speeches
- (0:30:45-0:43:55) Democrats in Iowa
- Close Race
- Not a Surprise
- Delegate Totals
- Spin
- Demographic Split
- (0:44:33-1:24:33) Republicans in New Hampshire and beyond
- Delegate Rules
- Delegate Hypothetical
- Will we get good New Hampshire polls?
- Contest Calendar
- Trump reacts to losing
- How will New Hampshire react to Iowa?
- Divided anti-Trump vote
- Trump Strategy
- Bush done?
- Big last minute moves?
- Gilmore
- post-New Hampshire
- Predictions
- (1:25:53-1:42:08) Democrats in New Hampshire and beyond
- Sanders will win New Hampshire
- post-New Hampshire
- Delegate Allocation
- How will Clinton react to losing?
- No Clinton Backup
- Clinton emails
- Clinton collapse scenarios
- (1:43:24-2:11:49) Lightning Round
- Car Bluetooth Audio
- Movie: Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000)
- Iran Deal Implementation
- Flint Water Crisis
- Oregon Militia Standoff Ended
- Apple Earnings
- Alphabet Market Cap
- Feedback on Performance Reviews
- Feedback on Sam’s Writing
- Growing Show
Iowa is coming. Did everyone know the Iowa Caucuses are coming very soon? This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan discuss the state of the presidential race in the lead up to the Iowa Caucuses. On the Republican side, they discuss attacks on Trump finally starting, while the rest of the candidates attack each other, as well as details of delegate allocation in Iowa, and some talk about Trump supporters commenting on Sam’s election site. On the Democratic side, it is delegate allocations again, and just how hard a path it would be for Sanders to catch up and win given Clinton’s superdelegate lead and other factors. Oh yeah, and at the start, Sam complains a bit about company annual reviews.
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Recorded 2016-01-29
Length this week – 1:13:26
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:10:22) But First
- (0:11:42-0:54:20) Election 2016 – Republicans
- Finally Iowa
- Attacking Trump
- Last Week Shifts
- Circular Firing Squad
- Conservatism vs Trumpism
- Trump skipping debate
- Trump shooting people
- Trump commenters on Election Graphs
- Republican Delegates in Iowa
- Trump Insults
- Iowa predictions
- (0:55:04-1:13:06) Election 2016 – Democrats
- Clinton will win in the end
- Democratic Delegates in Iowa
- Delegate Tracker
- Clinton’s big superdelegate lead
- What Sanders needs to “really” win
- Feedback – Palin Poetry
- Wrap Up
On Curmudgeon’s Corner this week, Sam and Ivan talk about, what else, the presidential race. On the Republican side: What is up with Sarah Palin? Does Trump really represent conservatism? That Cruz eligibility thing. And more. On the Democratic side: Does Sanders have a chance? Will Clinton’s negativity backfire? The Idealism vs Pragmatism conflict. And more. Then a sharp turn away from politics and for some reason they talk about Star Wars for 15 minutes. Shrug. Oh yeah, and WiFi sucks.
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Recorded 2016-01-22
Length this week – 1:25:39
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:03:41) Intro
- Agenda
- Listener Request
- Boring Lives
- (0:04:21-0:42:31) Election 2016 – Republicans
- Sarah Palin
- WiFi Sucks
- Sarah Palin again
- Trumpism and Palinism vs Conservatism
- Establishment coming around to Trump?
- Dynamics approaching Iowa
- Will anybody stop Trump?
- Cruz eligibility
- Trump foreign policy
- (0:43:34-1:07:13) Election 2016 – Democrats
- Clinton will win…
- …unless she screws it up
- Negativity backlash?
- Base vs Centrist divide
- Embracing Obama
- Iowa and New Hampshire
- Hillary in trouble freakout
- How might Clinton blow it?
- Sanders vs Trump?
- National Review’s anti-Trump issue
- (1:08:23-1:25:19) Star Wars Lightning Round
- Movie: Star Wars – The Force Awakens (2015)
- Lucas Sour Grapes
- What was wrong with the prequels?
- Where is Rey?
- Kylo Ren
- Feedback
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan catch up with the developments of the last few weeks for the Presidential race. They cover all the dynamics on the Republican side, and discuss if Sanders really is a threat to Clinton on the Democratic side. In the lightning round, a round up of some other recent news… Chinese markets, Iran and Saudi Arabia, CES, Y’all Qaeda in Oregon, book and TV show reviews, and more!
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Recorded 2016-01-14
Length this week – 1:36:59
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:14:19) Intro
- (0:15:07-0:42:25) Election 2016 – Republicans
- Internet Slowdowns
- Iowa Polls
- Trump’s Cruz Birtherism
- Likely Voter Models
- Rapid Poll Movements
- Kasich surge?
- Debates
- Candidates Dropping Out
- Contested Convention scenarios
- State by State Delegate Rules
- (0:43:02-0:59:45) Election 2016 – Democrats
- More on Republican delegate allocation in Iowa and New Hampshire
- Clinton lead slipping
- Why the late Sanders surge?
- What if Clinton loses both Iowa and New Hampshire?
- Clinton superdelegate advantage
- Media bias toward a close race
- Possible Clinton meltdowns
- Trump’s position vs Clinton’s position
- (1:00:48-1:36:39) Lightning Round
- Book: Conversations with Myself
- TV Series: Star Trek (TOS) [1966-1969]
- If you disagree, you just aren’t listening
- Iran / Saudi Arabia
- Iran and the Navy boats
- Y’all Qaeda
- Secretary Carter’s Email
- Twitter Character Limit
- Other things we missed
This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan hold themselves accountable by going back and reviewing the predictions we made for 2015. What did we get right? What did we get wrong? Are our predictions any better than the flip of a coin? This week, you’ll find out!
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Recorded 2016-01-07
Length this week – 1:53:48
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Show Details:
- (0:00:50-0:03:57) Intro
- Agenda
- Ivan doesn’t listen
- (0:04:46-0:39:28) Politics
- Election 2016
- Congressional Velocity
- Presidential Vetoes
- Executive Actions
- Big Issues
- Impeachment
- (0:40:27-0:50:43) Economy
- Politics Results
- Meta Prediction
- Dow Jones
- Fed Interest Rates
- Oil
- Ruble
- Housing
- Bitcoin
- (0:51:22-1:06:08) Technology
- Economy Results
- The Squirrels Ate Mommy’s Golden Car
- Apple
- Tablets
- iOS vs Android
- Microsoft
- (1:07:24-1:24:42) International
- Economy Results Correction
- Technology Results
- What a Difference a Year Makes
- Country Predictions
- Big Global Crisis Spots
- Ebola
- Terror Attacks
- (1:26:02-1:37:37) Hodgepodge
- International Results
- Deaths and First Contact
- Climate
- Totaling Things
- Cyberattacks
- Police Violence and Race
- Cars
- Mergers
- (1:38:16-1:53:28) Wrap-up
- Hodgepodge Results
- Overall Results
- Patting ourselves on the back
- Best and Worst Categories
- Feedback
- Fantasy Sports Sites and pseudo-gambling
- Extra Terrestrials
- What we missed during our special shows
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner we do our annual predictions show. Hear Sam and Ivan’s take on what to expect in 2016. We talk about the economy, tech, domestic issues, international issues and of course Election 2016, with a few random things thrown in for good measure. Do you agree with our predictions? Do you think we are crazy? Tune in and find out!
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Recorded 2016-01-01
Length this week – 1:49:46
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:03:53) Intro
- Ivan Sick
- Predictions of the Past
- Explanation
- Year Confusion
- (0:04:31-0:13:42) Economy
- Corporate Profits
- Oil Prices
- Dow Jones
- US Recession?
- US Economic Growth
- European Economy
- Jobs
- Housing Market
- Bitcoin
- (0:15:01-0:30:06) Tech
- Breakout Products
- Peak Apple?
- Apple Car?
- iOS va Android
- Security Breaches
- Autonomous Cars
- Cable/Satellite TV vs Internet
- (0:30:45-0:39:24) Domestic Issues
- Guns
- Police Violence
- Racial Tensions
- Abortion / Gay Marriage / Marijuana
- Cosby
- Healthcare
- Domestic Terrorism
- (0:40:27-0:50:23) International
- Syria
- Israel/Palestine
- Cuba
- Iran
- Russia
- Alex Interlude
- Ukraine
- Iraq
- Turkey
- Venezuela
- Other Countries
- (0:51:02-1:40:08) Politics
- House
- Senate
- Iowa
- New Hampshire
- South Carolina
- Trump Collapse?
- Super Tuesday
- Contested Convention?
- When will we have winners?
- Nominees
- Significant 3rd Party?
- Who Wins the Presidency?
- Election Margins
- Big Uncertainty
- (1:40:57-1:49:26) Hodgepodge
- Olympics
- Dead Pool
- Broken Bones
- Broken Devices
- Weather
- Mergers
- International Terrorism
- Your predictions?
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan submit to the slow holiday week and meander over a few different topics. Of course we talk about Election 2016, including an argument about just what you can and can’t get out of the polls at this stage. In addition, we touch on wireless networking again, Scalia on affirmative action, the encryption debate, Sam reports on the 1980’s Star Wars Droids cartoon series, and more!
Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-12-24
Length this week – 1:14:34
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Show Details:
- (0:00:10-0:04:52) Intro
- Got Nothing
- We Forgot
- Happy Holidays
- Agenda
- (0:05:56-0:53:44) Lightning Round One
- Ivan’s Wireless
- Driving Big Brother
- This weeks Trumpisms
- Traditional Republicans Despondent
- Establishment still Paralyzed
- Clinton vs Trump in the General?
- Reasons for poll divergences?
- Are the polls bullshit?
- (0:54:22-1:14:15) Lightning Round Two
- TV Show: Star Wars: Droids (1985-1986)
- Juniper Firewall Backdoor
- Politicians on Encryption
- Democratic Stasis
This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about the Fed raising interest rates, and of course we spend a long time on the Presidential race. To round it out we briefly touch on wifi networking, dedicated cameras vs smartphone cameras, Star Wars, the Shkeli arrest, hoverboards, self-driving cars, and more. Oh, and 6 year old Alex joins us to talk about the exciting events of Minecraft Storymode Episode 4.
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Recorded 2015-12-18
Length this week – 1:37:29
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Show Details:
- (0:00:49-0:13:27) But First
- Agenda
- Home Wifi Networking
- Standalone Cameras vs Phone Cameras
- (0:14:05-0:27:42) Fed Interest Rates
- What is this Fed Rate?
- What is “near zero”
- Reason for raising rates
- Negative interest rates
- Other countries that raised rates
- What affect will this have?
- Ivan Disconnect
- Wrap Up
- (0:28:26-1:10:10) Election 2016
- Press driving Trump phenomenon?
- Trump fatigue?
- Lots can change, but…
- Early State Dynamics
- Odds Adjustments
- Latest Republican Debate
- Trump third party statements
- Where are the Democrats?
- Sanders accessing Clinton data (breaking)
- Alex Interlude: Minecraft Storymode Episode 4
- (1:10:59-1:37:09) Lightning Round
- Star Wars
- Budget Deal
- Shkreli arrest
- Climate Deal
- Hoverboards
- Rules for Self-Driving Cars
- Bush Momentum?
- What could hurt Trump?
- Trump vs Perot
On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Ivan and Sam spend most of the show talking about Election 2016, concentrating as usual on Trump and the craziness surrounding his campaign, including the tantalizing possibilities of a brokered convention this time around. Yeah, yeah, that gets talked about every four years and never happens, but it is fun to talk about! Around the edges we also discuss Sam’s new computer, the aftermath of San Bernardino, Zuckerberg’s charitable activities, and more!
Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-12-11
Length this week – 1:17:34
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Show Details:
- (0:00:37-0:11:46) But First
- Agenda
- Sam’s New Computer
- Ivan and Planes
- (0:12:36-0:58:59) Election 2016
- Our Detour
- Trump Commenters
- Poll volatility
- Live polls vs robo polls
- Something weird
- Election Graphs: Don’t Underestimate Trump
- Brokered Convention Scenarios!
- Trump odds Improved by comments?
- Turnout Effects
- Prediction Fun
- (0:59:37-1:17:14) Lightning Round
- San Bernardino
- Movie: Rear Window (1954)
- Argentina Inauguration
- Zuckerberg Donation