Nothing too significant, just wanted to mention that Monday at lunch just a few tables over from where my group was eating in the cafeteria was our CEO sitting and eating with three other people and laughing very distinctly occationally. Didn’t talk to him or anything. I just note that at my company two companies ago, you never saw such a thing. The C-team level folks (and several levels down from that for that matter) had their own special mahogany lined dining rooms and such and would pretty much never think of having lunch in the regular cafeteria… let alone wearing jeans. It is an interesting distinction.
Now, that other company is a 69 G$ company and this one is a 16 G$ company (market cap), but still…
My directly previous company did not have a cafeteria and has a market cap too small to sneeze at (or would have if it was public, which it is not), so the comparison does not apply.
Cool! Our company normally was that way until the bitch arrived, now the new guy acts and walks normal HP style so we seem to be back to reality. Woohoo and the stock going through the roof is nothing to sneeze at either!
My company’s stock is down 14% since I started. Not my fault! I swear!
Completely your fault, don’t deny it, Mr. Chaos and Mayhem!
yeah, well my company’s stock is…um….
well my company’s president is…um…