Yummy! Here comes the sand!
Desert sandstorm heads toward Florida
(Chris Tisch, St. Petersburg Times)
Floridians can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to the weather.
Though Florida was spared the rains and winds from Tropical Storm Franklin, warmth from the storm’s core blasted the state Saturday, pushing heat-index readings to dangerous levels.
On top of that, there’s a sandstorm coming. Seriously.
Though forecasters think the sandstorm will do little more than dazzle up the sunsets, it could tickle the throats of people with respiratory problems. The cloud of dust, which is about the size of the continental United States, originated in the Sahara Desert and could be over Florida early this week.
(via Sploid)
Of course, I’m one of those who has a bit of respritory sensitivity, already aggrivated by the fact that I live with more fuzzy creatures to which I am allergic than I really should. We’ll see if I feel anything from this.
I’m not fuzzy.
Are you sure?