- 00:21:42 Mueller didn’t say anything today that wasn’t already in black and white in his report. The fact that people are responding strongly to it and some Dems are changing positions today is a testament to the power of someone with authority speaking as opposed to 400+ pages of text.
- 04:29:51 I wish I could. I wish I could. https://t.co/9nq7vBAQph
- 18:58:30 Retweeted @DLind 18:53:46 The Supreme Court was already in a weird evidentiary position before this, with this case, given how much of the smokingest-gunniest evidence was in internal emails which wouldn’t’ve been revealed under less scrutiny. The procedural stuff in Rick’s thread is essential. https://t.co/qYdY4xXIrh
- 18:59:19 Retweeted @jwcglaser 14:03:45 This is basically everything. https://t.co/39ma74yDaK https://t.co/02Sa8IsXcW
- 19:26:18 There are 41 members on the Committee. Assuming no Republicans defect, that means you need 21 of the 24 Democrats to push forward. So 9 more to go. (And presumably Nadler needs to be one of them. ) https://t.co/yDGbO72Nyp
- 20:02:49 Retweeted @PollsAndVotes 2019-05-19 15:10:02 The path of Nixon approval during Watergate keeps coming up. I posted this last August on partisan differences and the events during 1973 when virtually all changes in approval took place.https://t.co/0vFipTgkZ3 https://t.co/sySasf6B74
- 20:13:38 Retweeted @GeeDee215 17:30:02 This thread tho. <symbol> https://t.co/MJCb44SYRs
- 20:21:42 Thread https://t.co/uvuTijbb72
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