This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan do get into politics a bit, talking about the trade wars, 3D printing guns, attacks on Election 2018, and the separated kids at the border. But mostly the show is a lightning round show, so there are a lot of non-political things too. So you also get to hear about the rest of Sam’s road-trip, some books and movies, Apple’s milestone, and some feedback we received a while ago.
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Show Details:
Recorded 2018-08-04
Length this week – 1:59:34
(0:00:20-0:31:17) Sam: Road Trip Continued
Day 2 Revisited: Bad Hotels
Day 4: Things not done, Corn Palace
Day 5: Bighorn and Yellowstone
(0:32:02-1:16:40) Lightning Round 1
Ivan: Trade War
Sam: Book: The Autobiography of Mark Twain Volume 3 (2015)
Ivan: 3D Printing Guns
Sam: Movie: Computer Chess (2013)
Ivan: Movie: Mission Impossible – Fallout (2018)
(1:17:56-1:59:14) Lightning Round 2
Sam: Feedback on Ivan rant on Boomers
Ivan: Apple at One Trillion
Sam: Attacks on Election 2018?
Ivan: Separated Kids
The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
10:15:20 Convinced that EVENTUALLY the economics of this will change. Eventually may be centuries though. This thread is fas…
20:37:21 When this list first came out I would have bet on 2 or 4. Now I’m thinking 5 or 6. -> Seven Theories of the Case, U…
20:46:21 This makes very good points as well. Boosts the case for #6. -> Lawfare’s Theory of L’Affaire Russe Misses the Komp…