15:04:02 Retweeted @friedsky04:08:30 Today, for the 1st time, @CassiniSaturn flight team did NOT send up a command sequence to take over when the current sequence ends. :-( 1/
Alex got a scooter for his birthday. After the kids had a few rides, I rode the scooter too. I promptly fell. Alex edited together the video my mother took of the incident to add slow motion instant replay… a few times. My mother had started to record after Brandy said “We need to record this so we can show the hospital what happened.” Such confidence in me! No hospital visit needed. But the kids, Brandy, and my mom all had a good laugh at my expense, watching the video over and over and over… and laughing and laughing and laughing… now all of you can enjoy it too.
05:24:07 Retweeted @pattymo05:10:07 Nobody who works for or knows Ted Cruz cares enough to take down the porno tweet like, or to even inform him of it. Outstanding
05:36:25 Retweeted @JayWCobb05:02:54 Part of me feels bad for Ted Cruz or whoever works for himNah lol.
05:39:48 Retweeted @planet458905:39:27 Two minutes after apoapsis. Cassini has started to fall back towards Saturn. Inward velocity only 10 km/hr now, but accelerating ever faster
05:40:31 Retweeted @WendyMolyneux05:26:57 Having exacted her revenge, Heidi Cruz laughs softly, closes the laptop, climbs into her twin bed and escapes, alone, into her dreams.
16:46:29 Retweeted @Scout_Finch16:39:04 Fuck it. I kind of want her to run again just because so many people are saying she should crawl away and keep her mouth shut.
16:58:15 Apple Event Starting. Steaming it in the background while I do work. B is due for a new phone. Guess we’ll find out what she is getting…
17:08:10 I got out of the Apple event on my AppleTV and now it won’t let me back in. :-( Had to bring it up on the computer instead. :-(
17:12:22 OK, connected to stream via iPhone and have it AirPlaying to the TV. Much better. Can multitask again. But annoying stream on AppleTV dead.
21:49:47 Retweeted @OhNoSheTwitnt13:45:43 Maybe instead of blaming Trump’s win on “Hillary was a bad candidate” we should blame it on “A lot of America is racist and broken.”
Just a few minutes ago… at September 12th at 15:14 UTC (8:14 AM Pacific, 11:14 AM Eastern), Alex was exactly eight years old.
First of all, here is the traditional annual interview with Alex. As usual, he clams up and is not very talkative. But he goes along with the exercise anyway. Meaning he puts on a show of his non-answers to my questions. Or maybe he was answering in pantomime. In any case, here it is…
Now, a rundown of milestones from the last year. Each year of course the I provide less details, as it is more up to him to talk about himself. But I’ll allow myself a few highlights.
Alex’s YouTube channel is now up to 39 subscribers. Help him get to 50. Subscribe now!
Alex is now in second grade!
He got to see DanTDM live! Dan has dropped of his regular YouTuber watching rotation for the moment though. Every few months he seems to shift his favorite and spend lots of time watching as much of one YouTuber’s stuff as he can. His current one is Sqaishey Quack. There have been many others over the months though.
He loves his dog Miley. He is sometimes a bit rougher than he should be with her, but she loves him anyway, especially when they get to play in the surf at a local beach.
Alex is still a Minecraft wiz. He has some worlds that he has been working on for over two years. They are now very elaborate! He does both survival and creative mode depending what he feels like. The whole family plays together.
He has a best friend from 1st grade that we make sure to have playdates with at least once a month, more often when we can manage it. They run around the house chasing each other in between riding bikes and playing computer games. She hides a stuffed penguin to try to get him to do what she wants. But that doesn’t always work.
He goes on “adventures” with Grandma Ruth regularly and loves them. He usually prefers to just stay at home, but when she is coming for an adventure, he hurries to be ready and is super eager to go.
Alex and I went to a “family camp” together at Camp Seymour for a long weekend this summer. He fought and resisted and begged to go home almost the entire long weekend… in between the actual events. Whenever there was an activity… making home made stomp rockets, archery, swimming, nature walks, meals, camp fires, etc… he was fully engaged and having a great time. He said next year his sister Amy should go to Camp Seymour… instead of him. But he had a blast. So we shall see…
I’m pretty sure he is practically a grown up now given how big he is. But he is still reluctant to giving up occasionally being carried by Daddy. (And sometimes others in the family.) But I don’t know how much longer this will be possible. I can only do it for very short periods now.
As usual, there was certainly much more. But this is enough.
13:26:37 Retweeted @Advil04:04:03 i just found out that the division symbol (Г·) is just a blank fraction with dots replacing the numerator and denominator. oh my god.
15:58:38 Retweeted @TomArnold15:53:49 Boy, a lot of my wonderful liberal progressive feminist man friends sure love telling Hillary Clinton to sit down & the f shut up. #MAGA
16:13:58 Retweeted @KatyTurNBC16:10:50 The water in Tampa is gone. I don’t want to think about what it’s going to look like when it comes back in a few hours.
19:44:08 Just noticed that @djt_count only has 140 followers. It is useful. Hourly tweets of the time since the last Trump tweet. Follow it! :-)
The week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about Ivan’s evacuation from Florida in anticipation of Hurricane Irma, more general thoughts on Hurricane Irma as it approaches Florida, Trump’s recent moves that are making Congressional Republicans upset, Information Warfare in the age of Facebook and Twitter, and finally the Equifax data breach.
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Show Details:
Recorded 2017-09-09
Length this week – 1:54:32
(0:00:30-0:40:39) Hurricane Irma
Ivan’s Evacuation
Irma’s size
pre-Florida Irma damage
Forecast uncertainty
Florida vs Texas
Evacuation decisions
Hurricanes and climate change
One location vs another
(0:41:15-1:06:07) Trump vs Republicans
Debt Limit
Congressional reaction
Possibilities for centrist policies
Trump the Democrat?
Trusting Trump
Lack of understanding
Independant Trump?
(1:08:05-1:34:56) Facebook and Russians
Eric interlude
What Russians bought
Facebook reach per dollar
Facebook disclosure
Information warfare
Information bubbles
Reporting rules
(1:36:06-1:54:13) Equifax
Taking security seriously
Equifax data and impact
Privacy is dead
Informed consent?
Security is too annoying
The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
01:55:30 Retweeted @nycjayjay2017-09-07 15:24:16 Facebook couldn’t figure out that Russians spent $100K to spread fake election news but knows right away when a nipple on a boob is showing
04:27:29 Just noting that a 57% chance of hurricane force winds in Miami also means a 43% chance there won’t be. Lots of unc… https://t.co/VtzjFXtgBr
14:47:00 We are getting to the point that if this doesn’t get cleared out soon people are going to get caught on the roads d… https://t.co/ATqmmQTemn
15:17:19 Retweeted @XplodingUnicorn14:56:54 How to protect your personal information:1) Just post it on the internet. It’s already been stolen anyway.
15:34:52 I didn’t tweet about the earthquake last night but just to note so far it has killed more people than Irma. It may not stay that way though.
18:17:09 Retweeted @EmmyA218:15:43 *Bernie spends year+ knifing Hillary and Democrats to no end*
Important discourse!*Hillary writes book*
Why’s she so divisive? Bitch.
21:43:59 Retweeted @zerobeta2017-09-07 22:29:53 Equifax: you missed a cc payment 3 yrs ago. How irresponsible. Good luck buying a homeAlso, Equifax: Your SSN’s were hacked. Shit happens
12:55:02 “You knew I was a snake before you took me in!” -> To Allies’ Chagrin, Trump Swerves Left (Thrush/Haberman) https://t.co/mvqefKHcCy
13:35:46 Retweeted @BillKristol2017-09-06 21:12:04 As Trump tosses Republicans & conservatives under the bus one thinks: They chose dishonor over defeat, but they will have dishonor & defeat.