18:04:54 Listening to 023 w/ Andrew Kirell “Trump’s Mexican Day trip, Hillary’s Alt-Right Syndrome” – The Fifth Column https://t.co/g7CqSiHd2f
23:38:55 Finished reading this mega-review & I hear Apple fixed the bricking, so time to install it… -> iOS 10 (Viticci) https://t.co/YnM0UY37Vo
23:50:07 I normally wait until my phone says it has the update and don’t force it. This time I am initiating it myself. Dunno why. It is downloading…
00:46:44 If anybody has unrounded 8/19 & 8/26 Ipsos numbers, I’d love to have them. Ipsos API only has curr week, & I didn’t know about it in time. in reply to ElecCollPolls
00:48:35 Anyway, starting to add the 9/8 Ipsos numbers momentarily. Unrounded. :-) 9/2 numbers will revise to unrounded versions as I do this. in reply to ElecCollPolls
00:50:34 To be clear, I actually mean the 9/9 Ipsos numbers, including data through 9/8. I was inconsistent in my usage the last few tweets. :-) in reply to ElecCollPolls
00:55:54 Note that raw Ipsos data reports to 3 places, & that will be tweets here & used to get margin, but I also round to nearest tenth in display.
00:57:57 Given margins of error, even tenths are not really significant, let alone 1000ths. But useful 2 keep decimals when subtracting 2 get margin. in reply to ElecCollPolls
05:54:15 Retweeted @CalebHowe05:34:47 If you think campaigning with pneumonia is badass, you should see this guy holding huge rallies with no functioning brain. That's tough.
16:24:51 .@rebliv When my son was 4, he announced that a few days earlier Daddy had been replaced by a new Daddy that looked the same. I am a clone. in reply to rebliv
17:23:35 Listening to Friendly Atheist Podcast Ep. 126 – Britt Marie Hermes, Naturopathy Apostate
via iCatcher! https://t.co/pSclus17Kq
19:02:07 Reading – A timeline of Earth’s average temperature since the last ice age glaciation (XKCD) https://t.co/F4WAjMBJhf
20:05:10 Retweeted @blabdill2016-09-11 22:18:51 If Hillary Clinton died of pneumonia and then came back to life as a zombie and then ate my family I would still vote for her over Trump
21:25:39 Retweeted @davidaxelrod12:20:25 Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?
23:29:07 Retweeted @pourmecoffee22:52:54 I checked and there is not a single word on the Clinton, Trump, Stein or Johnson websites about ending autoplay videos. Who speaks for me?
As this posts at September 12th at 9:20 UTC (2:20 AM Pacific, 5:20 AM Eastern), Alex will be exactly seven years old.
First of all, as is traditional, here is the birthday interview with Alex. Also as is traditional, he is fairly uncooperative. At least when talking to me. Once our dog Miley joins us, he talks to her a bit about the prospect of getting older. And yes, Alex is wearing my pants. The whole thing is about 12 minutes long. Sorry, I didn’t have time to edit at all this year, so it is straight off the phone. There isn’t any expectation that anyone but family will actually watch, and really, probably they won’t either. :-)
Now, my rundown of the last year’s goings on. As he gets older, I’m including less detail, and leaving out some things, as he’s starting to determine on his own what he wants to talk about online. But the main bits…
For Kindergarten Alex split the days. In the morning he would go to the Montessori where he had gone the previous couple of years. In the afternoons he would go to the local public elementary school. The idea was to give him time to get used to the public school before jumping in full time for 1st grade. I was dubious of this strategy at first, but I think it actually worked out well. Alex liked both schools, but by the end of the school year, he was clearly ready to move on and go to the elementary school full time.
Most of the time with these split days, Grandma Ruth would transport Alex from one school to the other in the middle of the day, and spend the afternoon with him after school. They would sometimes just play at her house or ours, but sometimes they would go on adventures to do various things together. Alex enjoyed this quite a bit.
Alex still plays Minecraft quite a lot, but his video game repertoire has increased. He has rediscovered Portal, Portal 2, and Portal 2 Community Test Chambers, all of which he had played when he was much younger, but now he is doing almost all of it himself, when he feels like it. His other favorites are Roblox, Terraria, and Castle Crashers. He also plays a bunch of other things though, and is willing to try new things.
He hasn’t watched a traditional TV show in many many months, and then only reluctantly. His media consumption is basically 100% YouTube. And 90% of that are his two favorites, Stampycat and DanTDM, rounded out by a smattering of other YouTubers.
Combining these two interests, at the end of February he launched his own YouTube channel (with a little help from Dad). You can find it at ALeXMXeLA.com. He spends hours each week producing content for the channel. His tagline is: “Elementary school by day, YouTube by Night.” Most of the videos are gaming videos, but he occasionally branches out and does content on plants, math, bikes, or other things he is interested in. He is slowly learning video editing skills to improve what he does. At the moment I am the bottleneck, as I am still watching them and pushing them out as I have time, which isn’t as often as I would like at the moment. As of this moment, there are 111 episodes on his channel… but earlier tonight he finished recording the 270th episode. Doing the math, that means he is averaging making about 9.4 new videos each week but I am only posting 3.9 videos each week. Obviously something needs to change there… I am just way way horribly behind in getting them posted. Anyway, please go check it out, please watch his videos, and SUBSCRIBE. He has 25 subscribers right now, but has big plans for when he hits 100 subscribers!
Oh, he has a business card for his channel. If you don’t have one and want one, just let me know, I’ll get one to you.
Over the summer Alex went to a Taekwondo camp. He didn’t really seem to participate all that much, but he seemed to enjoy it and would come home talking about it. He also went to the YMCA for a couple weeks of the summer. He didn’t really like that at all. The Taekwondo camp usually had less than 10 kids. The Y probably had 50+. He was much happier with the smaller group. Within the first few days he had kids at the Taekwondo camp watching his videos and subscribing to his channel.
He loves his dog Miley and harasses her constantly. Most of the time she seems to appreciate it. If only he would be better at recognizing when she doesn’t…
He has plans to convert our house into some sort of store. I’m not sure exactly how that will work…
Before this year he was clearly reading, but also clearly did not really want to, and so would resist letting us know that he could read if he could avoid it. Sometime in the last year that snapped, and he started reminding us that he could read when we were silly enough to read something out loud to him. He still is not a particular fan of books (although he will read them with Grandma Ruth!), but he is reading things on screens constantly, as well as signs and instructions and the like. And he is no longer hiding it, but actually seems proud of it.
He is into coloring, not the kids kind, but the grown up coloring books that are all the rage now, with all sorts of detail and fancy patterns, using artist grade colored pencils of course. Pretty sure he thinks he is too good for crayons now. :-)
It has only been a few days, but he is a first grader now! That is just incredible. He’s at or above grade level in everything academically, although the social stuff is a bit of a struggle. That’ll be something to keep working on… but hey, I struggle with that to this day. :-)
He likes to help with gardening and plants and such.
He is growing fast. He is just huge. Well, I’m comparing to when he was two of course, but it seems like every time we turn around he is an inch or two taller. But I guess that comes with the territory of being seven. :-)
He makes up elaborate illustrated books telling stories about the family. Most of these have been “Mom and Amy Epic” and sequels to that. These follow Brandy and Amy as they go through adventures inside video games.
OK, as usual, I’m sure there is much more, but that is enough.
17:57:11 Full 3P results logged: Google w/3P in VT from 2016-08-10 to 2016-08-16 – Clinton 60% to Trump 9% to Johnson 11%
17:58:44 I believe that is the 1st state poll anywhere I have seen showing Johnson in 2nd. Not enough to make me activate “3P has chance at EV” plan. in reply to ElecCollPolls
01:53:05 .@AmyNotAmy She did a lot of things that were very very stupid. Left underestimates it, right overestimates it. But time to move on. in reply to AmyNotAmy
04:38:31 Retweeted @billmon104:26:54 I mean, if options were 1) Clinton, 2) Trump, 3) third term for Obama, I'd take 3) in a heartbeat and consider it a reasonable deal. in reply to billmon1
15:56:43 I’m dutifully entering the Google Consumer Surveys results over at @ElectionGraphs, but some of the results are just nuts. Very blue Kansas?
16:35:14 If actually fine, Clinton self-sabotaging by going home & not spending rest of day in public. Most likely not fine, but also not serious.
16:37:07 Which is a bad combo. Doesn’t feel great, not up for public stuff. But going home will just fuel the speculation and conspiracy theories. in reply to abulsme
18:16:39 .@imbou The volatility in the polls in recent weeks shows there is a larger “swing” group than expected. Some will be swayed by this. in reply to imbou
18:22:39 .@imbou People shaky on Clinton will be influenced on health both as health issue, and as trust issue… they think she is hiding something. in reply to imbou
18:24:57 .@imbou It is one thing of many. Not saying you’ll see a 10% poll move specifically due to this, but shoves fence sitters a bit. in reply to imbou
18:38:48 Retweeted @NateSilver53804:35:39 The polls might seem nutty but everything's pretty consistent with Clinton having a 3 or maybe 4 pt. lead among likely voters (+lotsa noise)
21:08:01 Retweeted @jmartNYT21:02:26 Longtime HRC friend captures frustration in her circle: "My guess is there's nothing here but they’re gonna act like there's something here"
21:35:52 Retweeted @NumbersMuncher21:35:07 The problem with Hillary only giving details after the public sees what is going on is that people always believe there's more to the story.
21:58:09 Retweeted @kairyssdal21:57:20 Trump's doctor's letter was a farce. Clinton's failure to disclose pneumonia raises questions. Both. Can. Be. True.
04:29:21 Retweeted @AoDespair04:17:17 Agree it's problematic for Clinton to call half of those supporting Trump deplorable. I only clock the neofascists & racists at 44 percent.
04:33:56 Retweeted @jbouie03:51:58 It seems that while I was reading folks decided to clutch their pearls over the fact that HRC described half of Trump backers as racists.
04:33:59 Retweeted @jbouie03:52:47 Which, judging from the > than 50% of Trump backers who hold negative views of blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics is almost certainly accurate. in reply to jbouie
04:34:03 Retweeted @jbouie03:53:38 Trump won the nomination by running a campaign of explicit racism. Are we really going to pretend like that didn't happen? in reply to jbouie
04:34:13 Retweeted @jbouie03:58:03 Somehow, I don't think you would see this endless excuse making for Trump supporters if the political press corps were more diverse. in reply to jbouie
04:34:17 Retweeted @jbouie04:06:37 The stakes of 2016 are clear. One candidate believes in multiracial democracy. The other is a stalking horse for white nationalists. in reply to jbouie
04:34:21 Retweeted @jbouie04:07:52 That's the whole ballgame. The Trump message is that America is for white people, and that nonwhites are to be feared or pitied or both. in reply to jbouie
There is a lot happening on this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast with Sam and Ivan. There is the usual discussion of the presidential race, but there is also coverage of the new Apple announcements, a lightning round with all sorts of things, and the first full discussion of our new Patreon! A very big show this week with something for everyone! Including a special appearance by Ivan’s wife Juana!
Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!
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Show Details:
Recorded 2016-09-08
Length this week – 2:26:09
(0:00:10-0:24:20) But First
Slow Week?
CC Patreon
Movie: The Never-ending Story (1984)
Being a Poll Worker
(0:24:59-0:45:56) Lightning Round
Apple Ireland Taxes
Brazil Impeachment
Standing Rock
Obama in Asia
Turkey in Syria
Apple Warning
(0:47:17-1:23:30) Apple News
Fight with Siri
Nintendo on Apple
Apple Watch 2
iPhone 7 – Everything Else
iPhone 7 – No Headphone Jack
Things left behind
Lengthening Upgrade Cycles
(1:24:45-2:25:50) Election 2016
Polling Update
Republicans after 2016
MSNBC Candidate Forum
Understanding the Other Side
Trump shutting up
Clinton-Powell Email exchange
The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.