This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2015

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-16 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-15 (UTC)

@ElecCollPolls tweets from 2015-11-14 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-14 (UTC)

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Eat the Chips

This week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner was recorded before the attacks in Paris, so that will have to wait for next week. In the mean time, Sam is joined by new guest cohost Amber for a different kind of show. Very little politics or tech this week. Instead we talk driver’s licenses and coverage of science in the media as our main topics, followed by a lightning round where we touch on the use and development of language, the red Starbucks cups, and yeah, Sam does sneak in a couple minutes on the last Republican debate.

Click to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-11-12

Length this week – 1:41:27

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:00-0:21:13) But First
    • Disclaimer: Recorded before Paris
    • Introducing Amber
    • Agenda
    • Sam Foot Update
    • Working from Home
  • (0:21:55-0:53:41) Driver’s Licenses
    • Teens Getting Licenses
    • Ding Etiquette
    • Stupid Written Tests
    • Retesting Drivers?
    • New Air Travel Rules
    • Flying with no ID
    • Reactions to Changes
  • (0:54:42-1:19:10) Popular Coverage of Science
    • What should science coverage be like?
    • Communicating uncertainty
    • Confirmation Bias
    • Difficulties with Replication
    • Publication Process Changes?
    • False Balance
    • Following Health Recommendations?
    • Individual Differences
    • Cost Benefit Tradeoffs
  • (1:19:49-1:41:07) Lightning Round
    • Why brands become generic
    • Movie: Princess and the Frog
    • Language Consolidation?
    • Republican Debate
    • Partisans moderating debates
    • Starbucks Seasonal Cups

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-13 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-12 (UTC)

  • 04:33:17 Retweeted @radtoria 2014-10-21 02:07:28 People who are offended when I breastfeed in public need to STFU. What I'm doing is natural and strengthens the bond between me and my dog.
  • 05:52:39 This is all kinds of awesome -> The Wake-up Machine VLOG (Simone Giertz)
  • 16:57:46 Just realizing that today’s calendar has me booked in conference calls nearly non stop with only a couple small breaks all day long. Fun!
  • 20:48:35 Retweeted @SirEviscerate 13:37:43 Not to freak you out, but the 2 billion year symbiotic relationship contract between mitochondria and eukaryotic cells expires in March 2016
  • 22:08:30 Reading – It's going to be okay. (The Oatmeal)

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-11 (UTC)

  • 01:29:44 Listened to the undercard debate on the drive home. Think Christie did best. Don’t think it will make a significant difference.
  • 01:56:41 Is everybody ready for a debate? I’ve got various things competing for my attention, but I’ll be sorta paying attention. :-)
  • 02:12:16 Rubio hating on philosophers. Will no one stand up for the philosophers?
  • 02:16:00 Thrice!
  • 02:18:31 Bush getting feisty! Had we heard him yet?
  • 02:26:00 Dealing with an unreliable hard drive and making sure my backups are good while debate is on, so more of my attention on that actually. :-)
  • 02:29:48 The Carson question…
  • 02:31:06 Carson is so full of it.
  • 02:34:36 Kasich: “Think of the children!”
  • 02:35:09 Retweeted @PeteDominick 02:34:54 John Kasich has no idea who he is talking to. He just lost republican primary voters. Again.
  • 02:36:27 Trump saying let Jeb speak… Actually a knife into Jeb. Can’t stand up for himself. His last chance is slipping away…
  • 02:38:45 Retweeted @jbview 02:37:55 Kasich/Jeb! decide to actually stand up for what they believe. Seems to be playing surprisingly well in the audience.
  • 02:41:11 Retweeted @DanielLarison 02:40:57 Cruz: I have no intention of killing elderly people
  • 02:48:24 An ad for a Bengahzi movie? OK. Right audience for it I guess.
  • 02:49:54 Retweeted @dandrezner 02:48:28 To sum up: every factual assertion made by GOP candidates about particular job sectors (philosophers, welders, journalists) has been wrong.
  • 02:50:12 Retweeted @MikeRepplier 02:49:01 Rand Paul just walked over to the moderators table, presumably to complain about how little time he's been given #GOPDebate
  • 02:51:59 Which tax plan would God endorse? Really?
  • 02:53:13 Retweeted @mviser 02:52:51 “I do care about the poor people.” — Ben Carson
  • 02:53:43 Retweeted @TheFix 02:53:19 This is the best Ben Carson has been. Also aided by the fact that he got a total pass on exaggerations in his personal story.
  • 02:57:01 Retweeted @LizMair 02:56:52 Ted Cruz taking a bold stance that the Bible is a better read than the Tax Code.
  • 02:58:25 Cruz’s plan is POWERFUL. Woo!
  • 03:00:07 Oh. Jeb is still here.
  • 03:01:43 Retweeted @tomhubbard 03:01:20 @abulsme I shook hands with his dad when I graduated from USNA, and I haven't had a lot of excitement since then. in reply to abulsme
  • 03:02:25 .@tomhubbard I actually liked GHWB a lot. Not so much his sons. in reply to tomhubbard
  • 03:04:17 Paul losing me in the details here. Not paying close enough attention for that. :-/
  • 03:06:40 Having said that, I agree with Paul on not giving the military a buy in budget issues. One of the biggest budget items.
  • 03:06:57 Retweeted @LarrySabato 03:06:50 Rand v Rubio: Strongest actual "debate moment" of the night.
  • 03:07:10 Retweeted @ToryAnarchist 03:06:24 "I know that Rand is a committed isolationist." Less intervention is unimaginable to Rubio. And it's his biggest applause line.
  • 03:07:39 Retweeted @politicoroger 03:06:55 Rubio: "I know that Rand is a committed isolationist. I'm not."
    Paul: "I want strong national defense. I don't want us to be bankrupt."
  • 03:08:22 Hey, haven’t heard from Trump in awhile either.
  • 03:09:20 Retweeted @natsecHeather 03:09:06 Rand goes for broke here. His TPs on natsec costs poll well, but apparently not for prez candidates. May've been his last best shot
  • 03:10:09 Retweeted @Jonathan_Barnes 03:09:48 Trump acting as unifier. That shows how messed up the Republican Party is right now. #GOPdebate
  • 03:11:32 Retweeted @TheFix 03:11:20 Total status quo debate so far. Which is good for Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz.
  • 03:12:40 These are still too long.
  • 03:12:56 Paul fact checks Trump!
  • 03:14:42 Heh. They gave up on the go to commercial music to let Paul talk. One point to Paul. Not that it will help him. R’s don’t like his stands.
  • 03:15:23 Retweeted @rebeccarnelson 03:14:45 I know this is the sober, substantial policy debate they promised but it's not good TV
  • 03:15:46 Retweeted @AJentleson 03:14:18 Did Senator Paul just filibuster a commercial break?
  • 03:16:13 Retweeted @JRussellMI 03:14:50 #GOPDebate speaking time, 3rd break:

    Cruz 7.5m
    Fiorina 6.8m
    Trump 6.2m
    Rubio 5.7m
    Paul 5.7m
    Kasich 5.2m
    Carson 4.8
    Bush 4.5

  • 03:16:48 Retweeted @BDayspring 03:15:56 Kasich comes over to moderators during commercial to ask for fair time… Jeb joins and motions toward their side of stage.
  • 03:17:44 Retweeted @JonathanCohn 03:10:05 The US military is just not powerful enough. So besieged. So tiny, so underfunded.
  • 03:18:00 Retweeted @brithume 03:17:52 Trump so far seems overshadowed in this substantive, even wonkish debate. He seems out of his depth. Probably because he is.
  • 03:19:09 I thought this was an economy debate. Syria questions now?
  • 03:20:18 Carson: “How do we make them look like losers?” (About ISIS.)
  • 03:20:42 Retweeted @smotus 03:20:28 “In order to make them look like losers, we have to destroy their caliphate.” -An actual presidential candidate #GOPDebate
  • 03:20:55 Retweeted @danavachon 03:20:19 Ben Carson is on the good shit tonight.
  • 03:22:21 Bush just not punching through in any memorable way.
  • 03:23:49 What? What is Trump talking about this time?
  • 03:24:13 Retweeted @anamariecox 03:24:02 Wait, I though Trump was going to fucking maul Putin with his WINNINGNESS? INSTEAD they palled around in a STABLE? (Code for something?)
  • 03:24:28 Retweeted @TheFix 03:24:14 Hey everybody!
  • 03:25:48 “That’s like a board game, not how the real world works.” Best Bush line. But still not breaking through.
  • 03:26:36 Trump winning this exchange. Completely shut down Bush.
  • 03:27:03 Retweeted @mattyglesias 03:25:06 It’s more like Risk or Diplomacy than Monopoly.
  • 03:27:13 Retweeted @natsecHeather 03:26:38 @dandrezner @blakehounshell @mattyglesias yo, normal people play Monopoly.
  • 03:27:26 Retweeted @DavidCornDC 03:26:46 Oh my, Trump is making sense on the Middle East. Time for a beer. #GOPDebate
  • 03:27:45 Retweeted @DanielLarison 03:26:53 The only thing that really energized Bush tonight is his support for insane foreign policy ideas
  • 03:27:58 Retweeted @RadioFreeTom 03:26:55 Carly trying for a double kill on Trump and Paul. Nice move.


  • 03:29:26 Retweeted @jbarro 03:29:03 Trump & Putin didn't hang out in a green room. Charlie Rose conducted 60 Minutes Putin interview in Russia. Was Trump interviewed in Russia?
  • 03:30:12 Like Paul and Trump on these issues. That kind of scares me. :-)
  • 03:30:49 Trump: “Why does she keep inturrupting everyone?” Audience boos.
  • 03:31:17 Retweeted @allahpundit 03:30:35 Rand would be doing well tonight if he had any real constituency in the party
  • 03:31:37 Retweeted @billburton 03:30:58 Trump's line about Carly being too pushy, just won her the debate.
  • 03:32:57 Retweeted @mckaycoppins 03:32:13 Trump is lucky that Fiorina faded quickly, because basically every time he engages her he sucks. For example:
  • 03:37:31 Moderator: “I think it gets interesting after this.” It isn’t over yet? Arrggh!
  • 03:38:46 Retweeted @notjessewalker 03:38:19 Before the show Trump hands Kasich a big wad of bills. "Easy money, John. All you gotta do is make sure I'm not the biggest dick out there."
  • 03:39:01 Retweeted @DanielLarison 03:38:29 Every candidate except Trump and Paul has again pledged to get us deeper into Syria and risk war w/Russia. They're certifiable
  • 03:39:50 Retweeted @igorbobic 03:38:36 So did Jeb fix it?
  • 03:40:53 Retweeted @JFKucinich 03:40:35 So Jeb and Rubio aren't killing each other – neither are Trump and Carson … fooled us again GOP candidates! Because 2016
  • 03:43:32 Retweeted @DKThomp 03:43:14 Jeb: There will never be another financial crisis.
    Baker: Really, you guarantee that?
    Jeb: I guarantee it.
    Baker: Really?
    Jeb: Um, no.
  • 03:44:07 Retweeted @RadioFreeTom 03:43:48 Carson: Corporations, and low interest 1776. Creep now a stampede. No, really, I am totally baked.
  • 03:46:32 Retweeted @MattGertz 03:45:00 Moderator: Do you believe that 2+2 = 4, like Hillary Clinton does?

    Candidate: I wouldn't let the 2s get that close together.

  • 03:48:40 This is almost over, right? I’ve sorted my hard drive issue for the moment, so I’m ready to be done here. Maybe some dinner I’m thinking.
  • 03:50:08 Philosopher kings. What is it with everybody and philosophers tonight?
  • 03:53:08 Retweeted @chrislhayes 03:52:46 "Philosophy doesn't work when you run something." — @JohnKasich
    Real anti-philosophy/er cast to tonight's debate.
  • 03:53:46 Retweeted @JeffSmithMO 03:47:43 Kasich, who made millions on Wall St during height of froth, demands a "good ethics lesson" for Wall St. #DearKettle
  • 03:56:05 Retweeted @jessica_roy 03:54:07 Carly Fiorina: "Have I mentioned I used to be a CEO? Just making sure everyone heard me when I said that." #gopdebate
  • 03:56:33 Retweeted @owillis 03:56:09 carly fiorina saved jobs at hp the way i lose weight after eating an amazing steak dinner #GOPDebate
  • 03:57:09 Retweeted @rodimusprime 03:56:30 I can't believe our country is considering voting for any of these clowns. There are really two Americas. #GOPDebate
  • 03:57:59 Retweeted @petridishes 03:56:53 Shorter #GOPDebate : give oil chunks to our war vets! end our dependence on philosophers!!
  • 03:58:07 Retweeted @allahpundit 03:56:55 If Carson stabs Kasich, he wins the debate
  • 03:58:21 Retweeted @LarrySabato 03:57:11 Every one of them had some good moments, perfect for the TV highlights reel. But I didn't see a big shift from their current baselines.
  • 03:58:55 Retweeted @JeffreyGoldberg 03:52:28 True fact: There is no job that prepares a person for the presidency.
  • 03:58:59 Retweeted @TheOtherKeppler 03:56:39 Suggestion: have debate moderators be former presidents. #GOPDebate
  • 03:59:25 Retweeted @JRussellMI 03:56:19 #GOPDebate speaking time, 5th break:

    Kasich 11.3m
    Cruz 11.2m
    Fiorina 10.2m
    Trump 9.2m
    Bush 8.5m
    Carson 8.5m
    Rubio 8.1m
    Paul 7.8m

  • 04:01:23 Retweeted @ZekeJMiller 04:01:13 Rubio pulls an Obama – doesn’t address experience question, but makes generational case
  • 04:01:26 Retweeted @Bencjacobs 04:01:13 Starting to get the feeling that some conservatives might not like John Kasich
  • 04:02:06 Retweeted @owillis 04:01:45 is jeb's lightning cable plugged in? what percentage is he charged up to?
  • 04:03:08 Retweeted @KJTorrance 04:01:51 It's after 11 pm. I thought Trump and Carson ensured this debate would be no longer than two hours!
  • 04:04:41 Retweeted @Max_Fisher 04:03:13 BARTIROMO: Clinton is a Democrat. Would you like to give your stump speech?

    RUBIO: This is a hard question but I will rise to the occassion

  • 04:08:18 Closing statements next. Yay!
  • 04:11:36 Domestic and welfare? Don’t think that is what Paul meant. Bye Rand!
  • 04:13:15 Fiorina actually kinda strong there.
  • 04:13:59 Bush calling out someone in audience. Why? Nothing of a closing statement. Bye Jeb!
  • 04:16:02 Retweeted @BlogsofWar 04:15:55 Marco Rubio stays on message and doesn't say batshit crazy things. That's impressive.
  • 04:16:59 Retweeted @BenjySarlin 04:16:46 Many Bothans died to bring us this debate
  • 04:18:03 “That will do it!” Yay! Time for dinner!
  • 04:19:05 Bottom line: I doubt there will be much change in recent trends here. I think gap will close a bit between Trump/Carson and Rubio/Cruz.
  • 04:20:13 Bush didn’t have the win he needed. Will continue to fade. As will the rest. Possible wildcard: Fiorina staying flat or slightly up.
  • 04:22:57 So my prediction for next two weeks of national polls: Trump/Carson/Bush down, Cruz/Rubio up. Maybe Fiorina up. Everybody else irrelevant.
  • 04:26:35 Trump, Carson, Rubio, Cruz only ones really in the game right now absent some big change.
  • 17:39:06 Interesting balance on gun issues -> Listening to Waking Up with Sam Harris The Riddle Of The Gun (Revisited)
  • 20:59:19 Reading – Rand Paul says the climate has always changed. It’s true, but so what? (@drvox)

@ElecCollPolls tweets from 2015-11-10 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2015-11-10 (UTC)