- 00:01:22 Retweeted @imbou 2015-10-12 23:01:49 @abulsme @BYUfan which is why i mentioned that planes have had the ability to take off and land with no pilot and it's still not done in reply to abulsme
- 00:02:23 .@imbou @BYUfan We should let the damn planes fly themselves too! in reply to imbou
- 00:06:04 .@imbou @BYUfan I also expect I will be able to stick my child in my car, tell it to drop them off @ school then come home, no adult in car. in reply to imbou
- 00:08:08 .@imbou @BYUfan Even if my other prediction happens tho, that one will be stopped by same nitwits who call cops when kids go to park alone. in reply to imbou
- 00:31:31 Retweeted @imbou 00:28:58 @abulsme @BYUfan this will happen but not in 10 years and the stopper won't be the technology in reply to abulsme
- 00:33:08 .@imbou @BYUfan Ten years. Also, things like long haul freight trucks that NEVER have a human in them at all. Just the cargo. in reply to imbou
- 00:36:16 Retweeted @imbou 00:35:23 @abulsme @BYUfan planes on long trips on autopilot still require an awake person sitting in the cabin, trucks will be the same in reply to abulsme
- 00:40:49 .@imbou @BYUfan We shall see. Only question is time frame. 5 yrs probably too soon. 10 yrs I think about right. No way will take 20 though. in reply to imbou
- 00:44:19 .@imbou @BYUfan BTW, if they end up paying people to sit in self driving trucks & do nothing for hrs while it drives, I want that job. :-) in reply to imbou
- 13:59:51 Retweeted @BYUfan 13:06:41 .@abulsme @imbou Do you have some inside information here? I know some companies would pay lots for something like this. :-) in reply to abulsme
- 14:04:06 .@BYUfan @imbou No inside info. Just obvious use. Trucks, busses, taxis, etc all compelling use cases. May happen sooner than personal cars. in reply to BYUfan
- 14:04:14 Retweeted @BYUfan 13:09:27 . @abulsme @imbou The airlines would have two more seats they could sell…and charge a LOT for them. in reply to abulsme
- 14:12:50 Watching – Waiting For Joe-dot (Steven Colbert) http://t.co/e7YxgKOICe
- 19:23:41 Retweeted @mc_hankins 2015-10-12 17:21:09 Use of the phrase 'exponential growth' by decade http://t.co/WqAsubbgkD
- 19:37:39 Possible aliens! Yay! :-) -> The Most Mysterious Star in Our Galaxy (Ross Andersen) http://t.co/MNekdn1CHl
- 23:12:30 Retweeted @DaveMc99TA 23:09:49 October 2007: Clinton v Obama http://t.co/oWzwFiH9iy
- 23:24:57 Free line for non-Clinton Dems when emails come up tonight: “So Hillary, you think it is OK to do stupid things as long as they are legal?”