03:44:00 Successful in person recording of Curmudgeon’s Corner complete. Heading back to my dad’s house on metro now. Episode out in a little while.
03:44:41 Retweeted @daveweigel2015-08-12 23:35:16 Did we really have 223 years of presidential elections without Donald Trump in them? What was the point?
03:56:01 Retweeted @emptywheel2015-08-12 21:39:40 Hillary deserves a great deal of criticism she's getting. But press is being very sloppy w/phrase "Hillary's emails."
03:56:02 Retweeted @emptywheel2015-08-12 21:40:25 There is a difference between "emails Hillary sent" and "emails Hillary's staff sent her," especially if emails not marked w/classification.