- 12:32:10 [Abulpost] Curmudgeon's Corner: Trying to Draw the Line http://t.co/ghOf4XUIvn
- 13:53:23 Retweeted @BenjySarlin 13:53:03 Still a few minutes to find a same-sex spouse before SCOTUS makes them mandatory and randomly assigned
- 13:53:51 Retweeted @acoyne 13:18:53 Man. Terrorist attacks in Tunisia, France, Kuwait, and Somalia. At least 60 dead. All in one day.
- 14:04:43 There it is. RT @BreakingNews: Supreme Court rules 5 to 4 same-sex marriage is legal nationwide in landmark decision – @NBCNews in reply to BreakingNews
- 14:09:47 Retweeted @BenjySarlin 14:03:36 Much like ACA decision, a lot of Republicans will be quietly cheering the result. Takes issue they REALLY didn't want off table forever
- 14:10:52 .@BenjySarlin Just like Roe v Wade took abortion off the table? in reply to BenjySarlin
- 14:12:40 .@BenjySarlin Not that I don’t think many R’s glad to be able to say “have to respect court” and move on. But will be plenty of dead Enders. in reply to BenjySarlin
- 14:14:17 Retweeted @davidfrum 14:08:28 Draft for GOP candidates: “The Supreme Court has spoken, the issue is settled. I send good wishes to all Americans rejoicing this day.”
- 14:15:34 Retweeted @ditzkoff 14:11:00 It is so ordered. http://t.co/tistlfv2rc
- 14:23:59 Boo Hoo Hoo. Too bad Huck. Have fun in the dustbin of history. RT @ZekeJMiller: The @GovMikeHuckabee statement: http://t.co/jB6s4enmxR
- 14:26:33 My Facebook is slowly filling with rainbow flags as people see the news. Congratulations to everyone who can now marry whoever they want!
- 14:34:03 Retweeted @AdamSerwer 14:33:41 Today is a really good day for people who enjoy Scalia tears
- 14:35:13 Retweeted @reportedly 14:12:40 The rainbow flag rises in America as the confederate flag is lowered. What an incredible week.
- 14:36:35 Retweeted @pmdfoster 14:23:49 The rationale behind today's #gaymarriage #supremecourt decision …as advanced by Thomas Jefferson. http://t.co/YPce6gws7C
- 14:39:15 Retweeted @mikiebarb 14:32:23 Kennedy seems to be writing as if he knows this passage will be read at gay marriages. And it will: https://t.co/KIaO1e08EP
- 15:35:53 Retweeted @seattlish 14:58:58 Hey Seattle let's just cancel work today and start Pride right this minute? вќ¤пёЏ<symbol><symbol><symbol><symbol>
- 15:47:01 Interesting to watch which 2016 R's take the out and say SCOTUS decided, let's move on, and which vow to fight on.
- 15:48:32 Also, which decide to be explicitly anti-marriage and anti-gay, and which try to hide behind states rights or congress vs courts arguments.
- 15:50:30 Retweeted @CitizenCohn 15:44:51 Today of all days I really miss @sullydish — he owns a piece of this.
- 15:55:22 Reading – People Who Are Going To Be Very Disappointed When They Get To Canada (Dave Stopera) http://t.co/K9w55Hec4V
- 16:09:19 Summary of the fears of the losing side -> Democracy Is Dying; Persecution Is Coming (@roddreher) http://t.co/vYqtRHgsVE
- 16:12:25 Sympathetic to procedural args here. It IS better if such things decided by the people or legislatures. But courts have important role too.
- 16:14:08 Also, unlike some issues, the court is agreeing w/majority opinion, not overruling it. So less worried about those args than otherwise.
- 16:14:18 Retweeted @F_WRLCK 16:10:26 @abulsme @roddreher The tears! They're so delicious! in reply to abulsme
- 16:19:19 Retweeted @KenTremendous 16:16:16 I'd take Scalia's concern about SCOTUS inventing laws more seriously if he hadn't recently waved his hand and turned companies into people.
- 16:41:58 Retweeted @BradHoward06 16:41:03 As of today, there is no longer "gay marriage" or "same-sex marriage" in America — just "marriage." #LoveWins
- 16:42:44 Retweeted @chrislhayes 15:40:18 BTW, the biggest redefinition of marriage was really no-fault divorce, IMHO.
- 16:55:26 Retweeted @JillBidenVeep 14:25:23 Joe is running through the halls with a rainbow flagged tied on like a cape high fiving everyone. #MarriageEquaility #LoveWins #SCOTUS
- 18:35:05 I hoped Sullivan would return for this! -> Reading – It Is Accomplished (@sullydish) http://t.co/uszseRhCQt
- 19:22:52 Just got out of a meeting. Putting on Obama at the funeral. Seeing comments that it is Obama at his best…
- 19:26:31 Whoa. @POTUS leading the place in Amazing Grace.
- 19:27:56 Retweeted @ananavarro 19:27:40 Ok. Pres. Obama can just go right ahead and drop the mike, now. #AmazingGrace
- 19:28:45 Ok, only caught the very end. This is obviously one I am going to have to go back and watch all of…
- 19:29:52 Retweeted @TheFix 19:28:13 Well that was a top 5 Obama speech for sure.
- 19:48:43 Retweeted @ZekeJMiller 19:33:32 The video of Obama singing Amazing Grace http://t.co/wGoVUMyqaH
- 19:50:07 Retweeted @trymainelee 17:23:58 "I know you were shot at the Church and you went to Heaven. I love you so much!" http://t.co/nC4DT6ZUFV
- 21:06:19 Retweeted @tim_cook 15:06:13 “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
- 22:37:06 Reading – Change Doesn’t Usually Come This Fast (@NateSilver538) http://t.co/iRfMFluRVp
- 23:38:30 Retweeted @docrocktex26 21:54:31 Spoiler alert: the 2016 GOP campaign will be repealing this whole week.
- 23:40:25 Retweeted @WhiteHouse 23:23:52 If you liked our avatar, you'll love the view from Pennsylvania Avenue tonight. http://t.co/uarb5ry1xo #LoveWins
- 23:44:58 Retweeted @mattdpearce 23:12:34 Gay marriage. Obama's Charleston eulogy. New York manhunt. Terror attacks on three continents. A Greek bailout referendum. Massive news day.
Yes, this fortnight has been HUGE with news – both distressing and hope-filled –
Yes, one of the more eventful couple of weeks in a long time. Of course, you never know what the next week brings…