- 01:18:00 No more or less than any other activity -> Should parents ever worry about Minecraft? (Jolyon Jenkins) http://t.co/V3jKwNozKY
- 02:19:01 Retweeted @KagroX 01:38:13 Renaming my wireless network "ISIS," so passers by will be asked if they want to join.
- 03:09:07 Reading – An open letter from Galileo to Ted Cruz (@petridishes) http://t.co/ois7SblyME
- 14:10:01 Retweeted @BYUfan 04:18:26 @abulsme @imbou time stamps are of no use to me. BTW, best lightning round ever. In the future, don't spoil movies EVER!
- 14:11:35 .@BYUfan @imbou Thanks! And sorry about King Kong and Tony and Tia! in reply to BYUfan
- 14:33:44 Reading – Arya Stark Is Coming To Doctor Who! (James Whitbrook) http://t.co/XZIMkfBcmv
- 15:00:32 Reading – Morning Plum: Scott Walker versus Jeb Bush for soul of the GOP? (@ThePlumLineGS) http://t.co/KY6XEmG4H7
- 15:06:42 Reading – Scott Walker’s gloomy pitch for the presidency (Jon Ward) http://t.co/F96VJpo61s
- 18:24:31 Retweeted @AmyNotAmy 17:49:34 Slept on the streetcar > slept in the car > got home > told my parents i'd take a nap > slept for another 14 hours. Okay.
- 18:24:34 Retweeted @AmyNotAmy 17:49:47 Can you overdose on too much sleep?
- 18:37:52 FYI @imbou RT @YouGovUS: NEers are most likely to say profanity can add something to a conv. http://t.co/gaZlMaevSU http://t.co/4SHMquXRkF
- 19:21:51 Retweeted @imbou 19:21:32 @abulsme @YouGovUS now I know why I avoid the south… in reply to abulsme
- 19:23:26 Retweeted @imbou 19:23:14 @abulsme @YouGovUS of course the thing is that i am trying to cut back, it may have its place but I am way overdoing it… in reply to abulsme
- 21:01:59 Retweeted @andrewwillmott 2015-03-24 08:03:48 And the award for most admirable restraint in a bug report goes to: RT @bcrypt: https://t.co/6zqDmE8qNF http://t.co/0ggMT8OSY6
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