- 00:01:58 finished The Final Days by Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward http://t.co/NQosIqyX6Z
- 00:29:33 Watching going ons in Sydney, but not going to be tweeting and retweeting stuff. Busy cleaning. :-)
- 06:17:58 Retweeted @MarkDiStef 06:11:05 This is the moment the last woman escaped https://t.co/QyaNJ4cRbf
- 06:26:21 Retweeted @hxhassan 06:00:46 The different black flags of jihadists — the first one is what the hostages in #sydneysiege are holding https://t.co/JkYJ2SgPc3
- 06:27:25 Retweeted @robd_KHQ 05:37:30 An incredibly powerful picture I found while searching through #SydneySeige http://t.co/SZXPMaSExl
- 15:49:44 Retweeted @AJENews 15:47:40 Police confirm that #sydneysiege is finally over. Two people reportedly injured after suffering gunshot wounds. http://t.co/5YzRcTkbme
- 17:24:09 Retweeted @Interpreter_Mag 17:23:04 Ruble Losing More than 1% Per Hour Right Now http://t.co/kUmEtVT1wb http://t.co/IXwR6PgrT5
- 17:29:44 Retweeted @Awkward_Duck 17:25:06 Jesus RT @Bipartisanism: Protestors have attached donuts to fishing poles to "catch" riot police. http://t.co/TZsE6n3ChY”
- 17:50:28 Retweeted @7im 17:50:03 the best way to deter future Dick Cheneys is to prosecute the Dick Cheney we've got