This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-14 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-13 (UTC)

  • RT @CBCAlerts: MM&A railway, 3 people charged in #LacMegantic disaster. Accused of causing the death of 47 people by criminal negligence. 00:45:44
  • Reading – FCC Net Neutrality Plan in Chaos (@samgustin) 04:40:16
  • Automated raw trend data update. Made the state trend update smarter. Fixed dynamic default 4 state graph timeframe. 08:59:24
  • Alex has a fever, so staying home from work tomorrow to take care of him. But still probably time to call it quits for the night. :-) 09:00:03
  • Next up, trying to actually make graphs out of some of those raw national trend numbers. Woo! 09:08:55
  • Yes. Got mail. Not PCOing again. Will email later with thoughts. RT @BYUfan: @abulsme Did you get my email? Are you willing to be PCO again? 18:27:10
  • Reading – What it's like to own a Tesla Model S (The Oatmeal) 21:29:16

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-12 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-11 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-10 (UTC)

  • Alex saw a rainbow and spontaneously broke into song… What a Wonderful World. Sang the whole song. Made my day. Thanks Alex! 02:16:56
  • I will let YOU have that particular fun. :-) RT @BYUfan: @abulsme that would be so much fun! 02:49:02
  • Reading – I've got a little list (@intelwire) 03:21:04
  • Let it go Bruce! Let it go! RT @BYUfan: The movie tonight is Frozen. It seems like I'm the last person in the world to see it. 03:24:35
  • Reading – U.S. Officers Kill Armed Civilians in Yemen Capital (Eric Schmitt) 04:07:45
  • Breitbart mentions my dad -> Hillary Clinton Protested Designation of Boko Haram as Terrorist Group (Warner Huston) 05:34:28
  • Made one correction and added five polls I had missed thanks to data from @bonncaruso. Thanks! 06:08:35
  • Reading – How to make a simple electronic musical instrument (@Frauenfelder) 06:40:17
  • Another bug fix thanks to @bonncaruso. When I flipped left/right recently, I missed flipping category totals. Fixed. 12:39:03
  • Reading – Still Paying for the Civil War (Michael M. Phillips) 13:48:49
  • No graphs yet. But I now have (very inefficient) historical trends calculations working in raw form: 20:48:19
  • Next up, automatic recalculation (currently I manual trigger that), then actual graphs, then I’ll probably need to tackle efficiency. 20:49:53
  • The current way I am calculating is horribly inefficient. I have it set as a back end process so won’t trigger on web views, but still bad. 20:50:37
  • It recomputes all candidate combos, even if there are no new relevant polls, and recomputes all the historical stuff, even if not changed. 20:51:30
  • Also reexamines all polls and recalculates all the state averages for each data point, even though I have that some of that info elsewhere. 20:53:40
  • Takes over 30 minutes to calculate everything, even with limited poll data. Will get much worse in 2016. So I will have to make it smarter. 20:54:55
  • There are plenty of things I can think of to make it smarter & faster. But I wanted to get something quick&dirty done first, optimize later. 20:56:26
  • But wow is it doing a lot of repetitive calculations that it would be better off only doing once and then using the stored results… 20:57:05
  • Anyway, I spent about 6 or 7 hours on this today. I’ve got some garage cleaning work calling my name now. More poll stuff some other time. 20:58:56

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-09 (UTC)

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Like a 2400 Baud Modem

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Ivan in Nebraska / Wrong Gift
  • Nigerian Kidnapping
  • Net Neutrality
  • Election 2014
  • Monica Lewinsky

Recorded on 9 May 2014

Length this week – 1:22:02

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@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-08 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-07 (UTC)

@abulsme tweets from 2014-05-06 (UTC)