- RT @CBCAlerts: MM&A railway, 3 people charged in #LacMegantic disaster. Accused of causing the death of 47 people by criminal negligence. 00:45:44
- Reading – FCC Net Neutrality Plan in Chaos (@samgustin) http://t.co/Uw5beSTUhX 04:40:16
- Automated raw trend data update. Made the state trend update smarter. Fixed dynamic default 4 state graph timeframe. http://t.co/oEpFPIlJnD 08:59:24
- Alex has a fever, so staying home from work tomorrow to take care of him. But still probably time to call it quits for the night. :-) 09:00:03
- Next up, trying to actually make graphs out of some of those raw national trend numbers. Woo! 09:08:55
- Yes. Got mail. Not PCOing again. Will email later with thoughts. RT @BYUfan: @abulsme Did you get my email? Are you willing to be PCO again? 18:27:10
- Reading – What it's like to own a Tesla Model S (The Oatmeal) http://t.co/kXhxHNoKok 21:29:16