- My fitbit #Fitstats for 2/28/2014: 6,076 steps and 4.5 km traveled. http://t.co/Hr6wP8d8l5 01:02:09
- RT @evgenymorozov: The US intelligence failure tells us something very important: no one in Crimea is probably using Gmail or Yahoo webcams. 03:08:56
- RT @JustinRaimondo: How is Crimea an integral part of Ukraine if a commie dictator only made it so in 1953? Why are borders set by Stalin s… 03:26:25
- RT @EuromaidanPR: #Ukraine:the air space over the #Crimea is now open.2planes(Singapore&AustrianAirline)passing at 36,000 ft http://t.co/xV… 03:27:21
- RT @AkiPeritz: #Ukraine and #Russia both have @McDonalds, right? Well, there goes that theory. 03:27:38
- RT @BYUfan: Reminder: If #Ukrane had joined NATO, as many have wanted, we would be officially at war with #Russia right now. 03:28:29
- RT @imbou: @BYUfan at the same time it may well be Russia wouldn’t have dared invade a NATO member… 03:28:35
- RT @dmdebruijn: @NickKristof The mistake here is that Russia still recognizes Yanukovich. So Y gives permission for Russian troop movement … 04:30:48
- Reading – Explainer: The Budapest Memorandum And Its Relevance To Crimea (Ron Synovitz) http://t.co/uyKJeRAB6K 04:33:41
- RT @squarelyrooted: I was contemplating exactly what my “We are all Ukrainians” wisecrack would be and then McCain just went and said it. #… 04:35:42
- Reading – That Time Reddit Helped Identify a 14-Million-Year-Old Whale Fossil (Megan Garber) http://t.co/KQMFurg67S 04:43:25
- RT @ML_Hipster: A machine learning researcher, a crypto-currency expert, and an Erlang programmer walk into a bar. Facebook buys the bar fo… 04:59:53
- To be clear, was watching McCain, not Obama. MT @abulsme: Don’t like Obama now but watching him I am remind how glad I am McCain isn’t pres. 15:56:54
- Reading – Putin Asks Russia’s Senate to Use Military Force in Ukraine (Smale/Herszenhorn) http://t.co/CVTcJt2tTy 16:00:46
- I was clarifying a tweet from yesterday that I realized was ambiguous. RT @imbou: @abulsme huh? 16:01:27
- Tweet could be read I was impressed by Obama on TV. Actually was NOT impressed by McCain on TV. RT @imbou: @abulsme clear on what? 16:02:36
- Reading – Google+ YouTube Integration : Kind of Like Twilight (Vi Hart) http://t.co/YB5ChCxpAC 16:10:38
- Reading – Hillary Clinton: What 4,000 pages of Clinton library docs say about her (Thomas/Elliott) http://t.co/VhlY2c7D5y 16:14:49
- I was NOT particularly impressed by Obama on TV. But at least he wasn’t as aggressive as McCain. RT @imbou: @abulsme got it! 16:24:45
- RT @imbou: @abulsme are we going to bomb the Russians? Being a child of the Cold War i must admit I always wanted to but we didn’t get a chance! :-) 16:25:34
- No. MT @imbou: @abulsme are we going 2 bomb Russians? Being a child of the Cold War i admit I always wanted 2 but we didn’t get a chance! :-) 16:26
- Reading – The Miraculous Muscleheads Of Hollywood (Andrew Sullivan) http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2014/02/28/the-miraculous-muscleheads-of-hollywood/ … 16:52
- Reading – Letter From Las Vegas Machiavelli With Malaprops A quarter-century of covering Harry Reid. (Jon Ralston) http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/12/harry-reid-ralston-machiavelli-with-malaprops-101168.html#.UxInVJIgGK0 … 18:31
- Reading – Russia and Crimea (Daniel Larison) http://feedly.com/e/X-BDx9-a 18:35
- RT @imbou: @abulsme damn! 18:36
- Reading – In Which Glenn Greenwald Is Invited to the Alex Jones Show (At Last) [Charles Johnson] http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/43126_In_Which_Glenn_Greenwald_Is_Invited_to_the_Alex_Jones_Show_(At_Last) … 18:38
- GG better on this than CJ -> Reading – On the Meaning of Journalistic Independence (Glenn Greenwald) https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/03/01/journalistic-independence/ … 19:05
- Reading – 9 Classic Movies That You’d Never Be Able To Explain To Kids Today (Amanda Scherker) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/28/movies-hard-to-explain-kids_n_4849274.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063 … 19:23
- RT @TitanSaturnMoon: 3 days ago Cassini snapped this view of Saturn within its rings (processed by @astroguitarist) http://on.fb.me/NgYurn pic.twitter.com/cJZ2EJw6oJ
20:01 - Reading – Putin’s War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine (Julia Ioffe) http://www.newrepublic.com/article/116810/putin-declares-war-ukraine-why-and-what-next … 20:09
- Reading – Telephone conversation with US President Barack Obama (Kremlin) http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/6752 20:11
- Reading – How Putin surprised the world after losing the war in Ukraine (@stevelevine) http://qz.com/182964/how-putin-surprised-the-world-in-ukraine-after-losing-the-war/ … 20:16
- RT @ZekeJMiller: BREAKING: full WH readout of Obama call with Putin pic.twitter.com/DeHhVcWdrb 20:15
- RT @fierce_mountain: Shirtless RT @HayesBrown President John McCain would already be personally flying B-52 bombing raids against Russian positions in Crimea. 20:??
- RT @UnlearningEcon: ‘Alpha male’ talk has to be one of the saddest things flying around. I truly feel sorry for people caught up in that kind of mentality. 20:??
- Reading – Of Neo-Fascists and Smiley-Face Neoliberals (@emptywheel) http://www.emptywheel.net/2014/03/01/of-neo-fascists-and-smiley-face-neoliberals/ … 20:48
- Reading – 8 Steps Obama Must Take to Punish Russia (Marco Rubio) http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/03/8-things-obama-must-do-about-ukraine-104128.html#.UxJkU54gGK0 … 20:53
- Note that all of Rubio’s points were symbolic. Nothing with real teeth. Not that I mind that. 20:54
- To be clear, I’m not saying that those symbolic actions are wise or should be done, just that symb stuff better than more concrete things. 20:16
- IE: Haven’t heard yet anyone seriously suggesting moving NATO forces to aggressive postures. That would be BAD. 21:17
- Everything at this point should be about deescalation and avoiding bloodshed. Other concerns should be secondary or tertiary. 21:19
- So aggressive US responses not useful, probably counterproductive. Well… Mostly. There is a balance. I am clearly on the side of restraint. 21:24
- Obviously calculus changes the further Putin goes, but unclear what actions really would make a positive difference at this stage. 21:28
Edit 2014-03-02 06:38 UTC to manually add tweets missed by my automated system. (Everything past 16:25 UTC.)
Edit 2014-03-02 06:48 UTC to fix links and a couple retweets on the stuff I added manually.